HR34 / HR44 CE Release 4/5


Proud Staff Member
Original poster
Staff member
Apr 3, 2005
Central Michigan
Window of opportunity to download:
Friday April 5, 2013 11:00PM - 2:30AM ET
Saturday April 6, 2013 11:00PM - 2:30AM ET

Risk Level for this Download: Moderate Risk

Warning: You will lose your series links and recordings if you download this CE and revert to the national release!

New features

Under the hood

You may lose your guide cache
Please allow up to 24 hrs to restore your full 14 day guide
Your STB may restart during idle time within the first 24-48 hours of CE download
Please do not report sluggishness or missing search results within the first 12 hours
Please send logs along with all reports, including MRV issues. When possible please use REPORT ALL.
Has been high risk for several weeks, now considered "moderate" risk. Still will lose recordings and/or series links if you revert back to the previous national release (don't expect this to change).
Good day
Any profound changes?
Any improvement in performance?
Thank you for your time!
I'm working all weekend, I'll probably get to watch some TV and try it out come Tuesday...

H2x / HR2x CE Release 4/5

HR34 / HR44 CE Release 4/12