I got jipped!


Original poster
Apr 12, 2008
I purchased Dish DVR 501 from Amazon.com, The seller said the reciever was clear of a balance, so I called Dish to transfer my programming to the new reciever and they said that the reciever has a past due balance with the past accoutn holder in the tune of $800 so they wouldn't allow mer to use the reciever which I paid $100 for and can't get a refund because it's upto the account holder wiether i get a refund or not according to amazon but the account holder said no. So now I am out $100 and am pissed at the seller. Is there any way Dish can let me use the reciever on my account? My accont is in good standing. Any advice or suggestions? Thank you very much in advance :confused:
You will never be able to use that receiver. Complain to amazon and show them the communication you had with the seller stating that it was clear of any fees. Have Amazon do the investigation and demand your money back from Amazon. What was done is fraud and you shouldn't have to accept it.
You will never be able to use that receiver. Complain to amazon and show them the communication you had with the seller stating that it was clear of any fees. Have Amazon do the investigation and demand your money back from Amazon. What was done is fraud and you shouldn't have to accept it.

This is one very good reason to always ask for the receiver and smartcard number before buying a receiver, so you can call and verify if there is a balance or not. If the seller won't give it, say "no deal".
I personally have not heard of E* ever easing up on this rule. I think your only action is against the Amazon seller.
If you paid with a credit card sometimes you can get your money back from the credit card company if you claim fraud. It's worth a try...
If you paid with a credit card sometimes you can get your money back from the credit card company if you claim fraud. It's worth a try...

Exactly what I was going to say. If you paid with a credit card then you need to call them and dispute the charge under the preface that you did not receive the product that was represented.
Yes I understand but I don't see why I have to be punishned basically jsut b/c a previous user had a balance on the reciever. I don't think it's fair. I would think that dish would want me to have the reciever on my account knowing that I do pay my bill each month and I am not the account holder who ran up the bill, plus my accoutn is always in good standing. I jsut see know point in telling a customer that they can't activate a reciever on their account just because a previous account holder ( Who lied and swore up and down the reciever was clear) had a previous bill. Does anyone thing that this should be my fault, it's not me that ran up the $800 bill. All I did was pay for the reciever on amazon.com and was hoping to get it on my account, I guess that is jsut how dish is which sucks!
I agree with you, I remember a time when some cell phone companies did this with locked cell phones. Heck I got a 501 sitting in the closet, aint been used since I upgraded to HD
Yes I understand but I don't see why I have to be punishned basically jsut b/c a previous user had a balance on the reciever. I don't think it's fair. I would think that dish would want me to have the reciever on my account knowing that I do pay my bill each month and I am not the account holder who ran up the bill, plus my accoutn is always in good standing. I jsut see know point in telling a customer that they can't activate a reciever on their account just because a previous account holder ( Who lied and swore up and down the reciever was clear) had a previous bill. Does anyone thing that this should be my fault, it's not me that ran up the $800 bill. All I did was pay for the reciever on amazon.com and was hoping to get it on my account, I guess that is jsut how dish is which sucks!
And people could just swap or sell receivers knowing Dish will feel sorry for them and just forget the balance owed. I feel sorry for you but Dish can't and won't. Amazon is who you should be annoyed with.
edit- Also 501 is mpeg 2, I believe, which will be obsolete in the near future
I will ask the wife about it, we dont use it because we have a 625 in the bedroom and a 622 in the living room. If she okays it, I will let it go for like $80, and I will give you my paypal info so you can have a little peace of mind...I can send you the smart card info and reciever number. you can send me a PM
You just learnrd a valuable lesson about buying used equipment. Hope it was worth a $100 to you. You might see if DISH has any 501 or 508s they will sell you, you know theirs won't have balances.
Also 501 is mpeg 2, I believe, which will be obsolete in the near future

And how do you figure that? Every Dish receiver except the 622, 722, 612, 211/411, and 222 are MPEG 2. All standard def receivers are MPEG 2. Dish has no current plans to discontinue MPEG 2,(definently not anytime in the near future) as that would turn off most of their customers.
It's like buying something from someone and finding out later it was stolen. If the police find you and the item and the original owner, you have to give it up to the police. You are owed nothing from the police or the original owner, even though you paid for the stolen item. You have to pursue the middleman/thief to get reimbursed. In your case, Dish is the original owner, the middleman/thief on Amazon sold it to you, and now you're stuck. If you bought a car, later found out it was stolen, would you expect the original owner to let you keep the car or pay you to get it back?

You're right, it doesn't seem fair that you lost money. It is never fair when someone steals from you. But you can only be angry at the thief, or at yourself if you did something unwise. I'm not saying you did something wrong. You don't appear to have. But you always take a chance when you buy from some unknown person on the other end of an internet connection, and you were taken advantage of in this case. It is not Dish's fault.

First, contact your credit card company if you paid by CC (that is always the wisest way to pay). If the receiver was delivered to you by the US Post Office, contact them and complain of mail fraud. They take that pretty seriously and may well go after the guy.
Yes I understand but I don't see why I have to be punishned basically jsut b/c a previous user had a balance on the reciever. I don't think it's fair. I would think that dish would want me to have the reciever on my account knowing that I do pay my bill each month and I am not the account holder who ran up the bill, plus my accoutn is always in good standing. I jsut see know point in telling a customer that they can't activate a reciever on their account just because a previous account holder ( Who lied and swore up and down the reciever was clear) had a previous bill. Does anyone thing that this should be my fault, it's not me that ran up the $800 bill. All I did was pay for the reciever on amazon.com and was hoping to get it on my account, I guess that is jsut how dish is which sucks!

do you also think the police should let you keep a car that you bought that turns out to be stolen because you chose not to check the vin numbers? i also guess the dmv should fee sorry for you and title it in your name and let you register it since you have been a long time customer of theirs too.
Yes I understand but I don't see why I have to be punishned basically jsut b/c a previous user had a balance on the reciever. I don't think it's fair.

Essentially it is the only way to prevent a subscriber from running up a huge bill ($800) on a receiver then "selling" it to themselves under a different name and running up a huge bill ($800/$1600) then doing it again, and again and again. :)

I know you are honest. You know you are honest. But there is absolutely no way for Dish to absolutely, positively know the sale is on the up and up. So they lock the receiver (not the person) until the debt gets paid or until hell freezes over.

I had to explain this many-a-time when people "bought" phones with over $1000 due on them from their "friends" and wanted a new account. New account for the new person, yes. Old phone...nope!

See ya

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