"I got Owned"

Basically, 'You got made a fool of.'

There are slight variations based on the context it was used in.

i.e. Someone puts a trojan on your PC, 'you got owned' would mean your system is his (the attackers).

i.e. you been cheating on your girlfriend, and she finds out, then it might mean, 'she was smarter than you" and or 'you got busted'.

You get the idea.
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you must have read one of the posts that someone is trying to steal Dish :)

Bob used that (he edited the title of someones hacker thread)
It's collage talk LOL.. its the same thing as PaW3d = pawned..

For a Urban Dictionary definition :)


1. OWNED! 1 up, 1 down
When someone inacts n00bish behaviour, incurring them to be bettered by something else...Therefore positioning them in an owned state (aka state of ownage)
little girl A hits big boy A in face with bat, big boy A cries, big boy A's friends heckle "OWNED" at him
by Paul Foster Uckfield, East Sussex, England, TN22 1QU Jul 28, 2005 email it

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2. OWNED! 2 thumbs down
when someone has a really good come back and beats u in the arguement!
"kelly i such a slag she slept with kevin"
" well why not i mean it's not like u and him r doing nething...OWNED!"

tags beaten lost better
by sophiee belguim Dec 10, 2005 email it

3. OWNED! 1 up, 3 down
When someone owns you.
I owned that biatch. That chick owns me.
by Stizzle May 2, 2004 email it
Pawned 16 up, 24 down
Many people attack "pawned" as a misspelling of "pwned", but it has, in fact, become an acceptable spelling. The original origin of the word "pwn" was a typo, probably from a high-speed chat, of the word "own". Think how "the" is now "teh" in traditional l337 internet slang. In any case, looking at the origins of the word "own," one could deduce that it implies some dominance over something or someone. When "own" and "owned" became "pwn", "pwned" and "pwnage", the words came to mean the same thing; dominance and superiority. The new word "pawn" is very simmilar in the sense; its plain definition is to belittle or reduce someone or something to pawn status, essentially, "owning" them.
1. I pawned you! All your bases now belong to us!
2. Drake pawned Dopple in Warcraft III. You cannot stop the Orcish Hordes!

by Drake Christopher Dragon Apr 13, 2005 email it
In sports the term goes way back ... several decades.

As in the Giants beating the Dodgers 14 out of 18 in a season, i.e, they "owned" the Dodgers.

So if someone dominates you, as the way that GoalieBob tossed the hacker around, then you are owned by them.
Tom Bombadil said:
In sports the term goes way back ... several decades.

As in the Giants beating the Dodgers 14 out of 18 in a season, i.e, they "owned" the Dodgers.

So if someone dominates you, as the way that GoalieBob tossed the hacker around, then you are owned by them.

Well now this makes sense. I can relate to this.
It's like "I owned (sic) $40,000 in mutual funds in my 401k......before this week!!!"

Then I got BONED!!!!!!!:eek:
I've been wanting to say something for a while but all the hack topics get locked...I LOVE the new titles those threads get, they're funny. Maybe it's just the a$$hole in me but they're funny...

Though I wonder why hack talk is removed so quickly, yet topics that have absolutely nothing to do with the forum they're in (cough, cough...) aren't moved in a more prompt fashion to somewhere that they fit...
Purogamer said:
I've been wanting to say something for a while but all the hack topics get locked...I LOVE the new titles those threads get, they're funny. Maybe it's just the a$$hole in me but they're funny...

Though I wonder why hack talk is removed so quickly, yet topics that have absolutely nothing to do with the forum they're in (cough, cough...) aren't moved in a more prompt fashion to somewhere that they fit...

Well the main reason why Off topic disscusions arent moved as quickley or are allowed to go on in areas where they shouldnt be is because we like to encourage open discussion among you all and to be able to share you viewes openly. As long as the off topic threads dont get out of hand I dont see a problem with it.

Hack talk is diffrent. It's Illegal and unmoral for one. The biggest reason why there deleted and changed so quickly is because they can cauze dish or direct to shut down this site if we allowed it to happen. Scott has worked so hard to get this site to where it is today. I'm and all the other staffers are here to make sure that nothing happens to it to jeperdise that position of the site. We want to make sure that this site is open and accessable to anyone who wants to discuss the legal aspect of this industry and hobbie. :)
Picture a newlywed husband waking up in a cold sweat and realizing that his bachelorhood (aka freedom) is gone forever. :( :(

You get the idea.
downriver said:
What does that mean? I don't think I've heard the expression before!:confused: :confused:
The driver of this car would, I think, be consider as Owned.


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I'm not sure if the driver would be so much owned as they would be physically harmed.:D
It reminded me when I hitted a certain age recently. Someone at the bus lot I work at put my age (as a route #) and my KimmiKat handle on a bus headsign on my birthday and a few co-workers said I got owned. :D

Nevada_MO_Guy said:
The driver of this car would, I think, be consider as Owned.
That biker pic isn't a good example, but this is the only one I have saved...

Now, this little kid gets owned by his cat...


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