I think L446 Broke my OTA Audio

I don't have 446 yet, but in case this happens when I get it.... it's only affecting your OTA? And if that's the case, then if I split the antenna cable at the 622 and send the antenna cable also to the TV directly (gee... might need a 3 or 4 foot coax) then I could at least watch LIVE broadcast stuff OTA with sound... right? Seems obvious to me to be a "yes" but just checking :)
I don't have 446 yet, but in case this happens when I get it.... it's only affecting your OTA? And if that's the case, then if I split the antenna cable at the 622 and send the antenna cable also to the TV directly (gee... might need a 3 or 4 foot coax) then I could at least watch LIVE broadcast stuff OTA with sound... right? Seems obvious to me to be a "yes" but just checking :)

Yes :)

Not to jinx myself, but I had no issues with OTA sound last night or this morning after getting 446 night before last.

I don't have 446 yet, but in case this happens when I get it.... it's only affecting your OTA? And if that's the case, then if I split the antenna cable at the 622 and send the antenna cable also to the TV directly (gee... might need a 3 or 4 foot coax) then I could at least watch LIVE broadcast stuff OTA with sound... right? Seems obvious to me to be a "yes" but just checking :)

Unless you're like me and have a slightly older set that doesn't have an ATSC tuner...big reason I went with Dish in the first place. TW didn't have FOX (OTA only) and dish was basically giving me a free ATSC tuner (like $150-200)
Ok now this may sound goofy, but bear me out a second....

Before I got my 622 I had OTA direct to the TV. When flipping through local channels on OTA I would occasionally get one with no sound. I was like, "buh?".

There is a sound setting and I can not for the life of me remember what it's called... I'm at work and can't check... but something like SMS.... no! SAP I think that's it.... anyways, I toggled the SAP on my TV and the sound would come on for that channel. Seems like the local channels were not always broadcasting sound the same way. I don't know the technical details, but I know that toggling SAP fixed it. I even programmed a button on my remote that just said "Sound?" so my family could easily fix this themselves.

So what's the point of me telling you all of this? Well... since I got the 622 and hooked my OTA through it, I've never had to toggle the SAP ever again. So like the 622 was "finding" the sound no matter where it was and I didn't have to mess with it. Either that or my local stations miraculously started broadcasting consistently at EXACTLY the same time I got my 622.

Is it possible that 446 broke this "I-can-find-the-sound-no-matter-where-it-is" feature? Does toggling SAP on your TV get the sound back? Is there a place to mess with that on the 622/722?

Just a thought... I don't have 446 yet but those that have it and are seeing this problem with sound might be able to have a look.

My TV model is in my sig... it has a nice ATSC tuner.
this sucks, no audio last night on local FOX OTA for the WORLD SERIES party at my place. ridiculous.

OTA antenna is outside with line of sight and has an amp - no spliters, goes right to 622 w/ new 446 software. problem only occured after new software.

I have HDMI to the plasma

the plasma has it's own HD tuner, and i have an indoor antenna on that input.

Audio works fine on plasma, using indoor antenna (is really just a wire, the kind that comes free in the box with a new audio receiver), using OTA HD tuner inside plasma.

when tune to same station (the FOX station is the only one with missing audio on my 622) on 622 using outdoor antenna, no audio.

i realized it wasn't the stations problem but my 622.

I took off the indoor antenna from the plasma and unplugged the outdoor antenna from back of 622, plugging in the indoor antenna now to the 622.

audio works fine now

so maybe try a different antenna on the 622 / 722 audio problems w/ OTA stations
I reported the issue to Dish advanced tech support

I noticed last night that my OTA audio is gone though PBS seems to be working. I also tried everything, soft and hard resets, rescanning locals etc. The audio might come back for a minute but start flipping through channels and it's gone again. So I called Dish and another 722 is on the way. In the meantime, I googled the issue and found this thread.

I just got off the phone with Dish advanced support. They couldn't find any reports on this issue but I gave them information on this thread and a report is being submitted to Dish engineers.

446 was uploaded to receivers on Oct. 15. According to Dish, adverse effects from updates only occur on a percentage of receivers. Dish suggested replacing the receiver (no cost involved) and see if the issue is resolved on the new unit.

That's all the information I have at this time.
"446 was uploaded to receivers on Oct. 15."

But only to people in Colorado and Georgia. Last night it went out to more receivers so they will be getting more calls in the next few days.
i thought this was just me!! i thought it was just with the spanish local channels because i got sound in all the other channels except univision, telemundo, telefutura and azteca america. i was testing the dish online and right after i tested that i had no sound on ANY channel on the 2nd tuner. i switched to the first tuner and i had sound (not on OTA) and i switched back to the 2nd and no sound so i reset the receiver. that only fixed the audio problem on the 2nd tuner but i still have no sound on OTA! :( i really want to have it because i cant miss an episode of my novela tonight!! its going to be so good tonight! lol i hope there is something that will fix it before 9pm pacific time!
"446 was uploaded to receivers on Oct. 15."

But only to people in Colorado and Georgia. Last night it went out to more receivers so they will be getting more calls in the next few days.

That makes sense. The Dish advanced support person with whom I spoke lives in Colorado.
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I called!

You can add me to the list that have called Tech Support about problems caused by L4.46. I too have lost most OTA audio, and, the System Info test now tells me satellite 129 is dead as well as multiple instance of signal loss on both receiver 1 & 2.

Tech support was a farce!

First I was told that their software updates don't break anything.

Then I was asked if the amplifier for my OTA antenna was plugged in - I don't have an antenna amplifier.

Then I was asked about the weather - it's currently sunny with scattered light clouds.

Then I was asked who installed the OTA antenna and if they knew how to install it - I installed a Square shooter about a year ago and managed to connect the single cable with out any technical assistance.

Finally I was informed that there was in fact an information bulletin advising Tech Support that, guess what, A problem with OTA signal loss after the L4.46 update and that it will be corrected NEXT WEEK!
:mad:Lost mine too, but only on my CBS local main channel 002.1. If I go to 002.2 the weather sub channel the sound is fine. Also my fox OTA 008.1 is fine. Ain't this grand :eek:

L446 problems with audio

I had the same problem starting last night with my 722 on OTA broadcasts CBS and NBC. Recorded Criminal Minds OTA with no audio except for some commercials. Then KNBC 11:00PM news OTA was all in Spanish. A tech is coming out tomorrow , but I bet he is not going to be able to fix the problem.
No audio on the CW, smallville on the 622,my back up record on the 942 has good audio.
Add me to the list. Only one channel has no audio. Luckily my 622 upstairs still has 4.45. That is the one I use to record Reaper and Supernatural. I did better than call it in. As far as I'll go w/ that one.


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