I will never do business with directv again.

Please reply by conversation.
obviously, we are going to disagree here. obviously, directv is notorious for promising customers deals they cannot give. obviously, (my opinion here) a well informed sub should be able to tell the difference. obviously, i would have done things differently.

i'm looking at one of my order confirmation letters....it says this: if you cancel your order prior to installation, we will issue a full refund.

i have done this before without incident. if there was a problem with the order, it should have been cancelled before the dish went up and the box was open. prior to any installation, i was given suffcient warning that once the box is opened, there is no refund.

my problem here is (and i've already said this several times) is a longtime sub as yourself should have checked and made sure there were no problems before the installer knocked on your door. good business sense dictates this.

so that i why i put part of the blame on you. as for the contract, it should be a given once the equipment is installed, you agreed to the contract. every installer/tech tells you that when they do a job. i am not disputing that some directv csr's are worse than useless.
He should have called the CSR and asked if the CSR lied to him? Or performed some online investigation? Thats just a load of crap. This all happened because the CSR committed fraud, lied to him about what the costs would be. I seriously believe that some people here would defend OJ hemself if he had a blue D* swoosh logo on.:rolleyes:
All you have to do is call or write and get the info sent to you GrydLok, but then you would claim those people accidentally or mistakenly listed install issues. or something of the sorts.
How about this hypothetical situation, a customer “moves” as he puts it to avoid charges, thus committing fraud. The customer openly brags about doing this and says “let people pay for their own consequences” Then this customer moves again, maybe this time for real. D* has monitored this previous “moving pattern” and becomes suspicious of said customer and perhaps would choose not to believe the claims of said customer.

08-24-2006, 10:19 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 129

"moving" question
I dont want to turn this into a moving is great moving is the devil argument so please dont go there. about two weeks ago I "moved" down the road a ways so that I could get a preseason football game, I told them I was camping. well i was going to leave the same address until preseason was over. I check today and now they have put my original locals back on and took the others off. I did plug my phone line back in after a few days so that I would escape the charges for that. and quit getting the message. just wondering if you think they will let me go "camping" again this weekend? Obviously they must have someone that looks at this stuff pretty closely.

02-14-2007, 10:40 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 129

Originally Posted by Zero327
*throws stone*

I'm ready for my judgment now.

Keep twisting facts to justify your actions, it's still wrong, and that you write a page long justification just makes it that much more apparent. Satellite companies don't MAKE you do anything. (Didn't your mother ever tell you that no person controls the actions of another? Except for Sigfried and Roy, but that's different, they share custody of the tiger.) I'm not saying I agree with the NAB's stance, and I definately don't agree with the sat companies stuck in the middle.

I think the sentence above sums up the issue nicely. People generally don't care so long as the liability usually lies with another. But then the same people get upset if it comes back on them at a later time. (Whoops. Forgot that DISH lost distant distribution privilages eh? Sure they could have requalified everyone, but a few honest subs might have helped. Oh wow, we never thought about that. But people liked what they were getting, legal or not and now most everyone loses out. Feel better?) Makes no sense to me but ok then. How can you expect a company to do honest business with you when you don't do honest business with them? Is the legal and ethical good conduct requirement only one way to you?

My partnership with DISH is a business arrangement. Quid pro quo, I give them something, they give me something. If I give them less than I'm obligated (good information, product, legal cooperation, etc) should I be surprised if their reaction isn't the one I prefer? Everyone who chooses to do this needs to understand one thing: It's about as serious as smoking a joint in your backyard, but since its illegal if you get caught you're on your own. Suddenly all that moral support people get from current "movers" will disappear in the blink of an eye, and the consequences they'll face alone, be it fine or time. And in America...even if the satellite companies get nailed, it will be the CUSTOMERS that pay for it. Oops, another oversight?

ive never seen so many girly men in one thread. the best thing to do is let people pay for their own consequences and worry about their own actions. i dont have to try and justify why I moved. I made the decision and I stand by my decision.
so I am basically stuck with having to call and ask for my credit everyday for the next 2 years until I can cancel my service. That is what it boils down to.

Jeez I hope this doesn't mean WE have to listen to you piss and moan for the next two years, the last two days have been enough.

HD I did the same thing earlier today,

And I'm still not convinced you weren't part of the problem. After working so many moving deals and scamming for free or cheaper gear I would have gotten my stories mixed up too!
Hmmm? Are we getting some of the missing parts to the story? I am not sure, but why was none of this mentioned before? Open & honest, right?
So directv monitored my situation while I "moved" with Dish? The difference between these two situations are fairly obvious, but I will say this, had Dish network caught me "moving" I would have owned up to what I did.
Jeez I hope this doesn't mean WE have to listen to you piss and moan for the next two years, the last two days have been enough.

HD I did the same thing earlier today,

And I'm still not convinced you weren't part of the problem. After working so many moving deals and scamming for free or cheaper gear I would have gotten my stories mixed up too!

You can easily skip over this thread if you dont want to listen to any pissing an moaning. You choose to read it so you must be enjoying it.
Hmmm? Are we getting some of the missing parts to the story? I am not sure, but why was none of this mentioned before? Open & honest, right?

I am not quite sure what is missing? I am not quite sure where dish network fits into what is going on with directv.
an attitude similiar to this is the exact reason why I wont be a directv sub 2 years from now after 10 years as a subscriber. If bad service is directv's new business plan that is fine, I just wont be a part of it and have no problem living with that.

Sounds like you're the one with the attitude. As much as you've tried without success, get over it.

BTW; exactly what do you mean by "moved"?
So directv monitored my situation while I "moved" with Dish? The difference between these two situations are fairly obvious, but I will say this, had Dish network caught me "moving" I would have owned up to what I did.


You can easily skip over this thread if you dont want to listen to any pissing an moaning. You choose to read it so you must be enjoying it.

It's like listening to my kids when they were in their teens, They knew everything, everybody else was wrong, nobody could tell them anything different,

The difference is, they grew up. and realized they do make mistakes.

I am not quite sure what is missing? I am not quite sure where dish network fits into what is going on with directv.

Like I said, so many stories to keep straight
Sounds like you're the one with the attitude. As much as you've tried without success, get over it.

BTW; exactly what do you mean by "moved"?

"moving" is a common thing among dish network subs to receive the big 4 networks in hd and also to sort of get around the ability to only be able to record 1 ota station at a time.

It's like listening to my kids when they were in their teens, They knew everything, everybody else was wrong, nobody could tell them anything different,

The difference is, they grew up. and realized they do make mistakes.

Like I said, so many stories to keep straight

so you are enjoying it. I figured that. Of course I should receive the blame for someone elses mistake because I changed my service address while being a dish network subscriber. Again, I have had no problem keeping my story straight because it is the truth. although someone tried to cloud the situation with facts that have nothing to do with the situation at hand.
"moving" is a common thing among dish network subs to receive the big 4 networks in hd and also to sort of get around the ability to only be able to record 1 ota station at a time.

Yeah its common alright...among thieves. Face it, its cheating! Just one step above pirating. And you came here for sympathy? I've NEVER heard of Directv taking as hard a stand as in your case. Makes me wonder. :rolleyes:
Ok, it really is like my kids when they were teens.

I'm going the same thing now that I did then....

ah, I figured it wouldnt be long before a directv installer came around. - It's not the first time I posted in this thread, nor the first time you responded to me either.

those 11,600 complaints were in the last 36 months, so in essence, over 300 people a month get pissed off enough to actually go thru the trouble of reporting directv to the BBB. how many times have you reported a company to the BBB? Even a blind man can see thru your BS:cool: - 7 times, and what BS are you talking about? The fact that I don't agree with you or even sympathize with you makes you want to convince people I'm the one trying to mislead them?

How would you react if a rental car dealership told you that the extra couple of hundred dollars on the bill were for mandatory insurance, that just so happened to not be mandatory, especially since my auto insurance and credit card offered more coverage for free? I guess you are the type of person to fall for something like that. figures. I actually feel bad for not standing outside of that rental car company and telling everyone about the scam that was going on to this day. No telling how many millions of dollars have been scammed out of unsuspecting tourists visiting Los Angeles. But judging by your comments I expect you to side with a crooked operation. - No I'm not. I actually review what I'm signing before I sign it. And I don't threaten the retailer by telling them I'm going to stand outside and drive their customers away. The only crooked operation I see here is what you've told us, both with your experiences with D* and E*[/quote]

Jeez I hope this doesn't mean WE have to listen to you piss and moan for the next two years, the last two days have been enough.

And I'm still not convinced you weren't part of the problem. After working so many moving deals and scamming for free or cheaper gear I would have gotten my stories mixed up too!
My thoughts exactly
J.D. Power and Associates Reports:
DIRECTV and WOW! Lead the Regional Cable and Satellite Customer Satisfaction Rankings

Popularity of Bundling Drives Importance of Reliable Service

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.: 15 August 2007 — DIRECTV ranks highest in customer satisfaction in three regions and WOW! ranks highest in one region among cable and satellite providers, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2007 Residential Cable/Satellite Satisfaction StudySM released today.

The study measures customer satisfaction with cable and satellite TV providers in four regional segments: North Central, East, West and South. Within each segment, six factors are measured to determine overall customer satisfaction: performance and reliability; customer service; cost of service; image; billing; and offerings and promotions. Customer satisfaction with cable/satellite provider performance is reported as an index score based on a 1,000-point scale.

DIRECTV—represented in all four regional segments—ranks highest in the East (with an index score of 690), West (675), and South (682) regions. Although the provider ranked highest in the 2003 and 2004 studies, 2007 marks the first year that DIRECTV leads in the West and South regions, and the second consecutive year it ranks highest in the East since the study was changed to a regional study. Additionally, DIRECTV makes considerable improvement in the performance and reliability factor in 2007.

In the North Central region, WOW! ranks highest for a second consecutive year with an index score of 729 points, the highest satisfaction score in the study and 21 points higher than the provider’s 2006 score. WOW! performs particularly well in the North Central region in all six factors driving overall satisfaction.

The study finds that as service options become more complex and multiple products are bundled into one bill with greater frequency, the importance of performance and reliability has increased considerably among cable/satellite customers—from 19 percent in 2006 to 24 percent in 2007. In addition, service reliability is the most frequently cited reason to switch carriers, with more than 80 percent of customers reporting they would switch for this reason.

“The cable/satellite market has shifted to a service model based on the voice, video and data triple play,” said Frank Perazzini, director of telecommunications at J.D. Power and Associates. “As providers focus on putting this new model into practice, service reliability—which includes reception clarity and minimizing the number of outages—is critical in maintaining a satisfied customer base.”

Currently, 24 percent of cable subscribers are bundling voice, video and data services with their provider on a single bill. Future intention to bundle is also strong among cable customers, with 34 percent indicating they “definitely/probably” would combine all their services—an increase from 33 percent in 2006. Satellite providers that offer voice, video and data bundles though strategic alliances with telephone companies also experience increased demand from customers, as 41 percent of satellite subscribers indicate they will “definitely/probably” would combine all their services, compared with 39 percent in 2006.

“We’ve reached a point where the economics of bundling can’t be ignored, and customers are evaluating features and prices and making informed decisions based on their needs and usage patterns,” said Perazzini. “While satellite providers in particular face challenges with offering bundled service options—as they are typically not equipped with the same level of technology as cable providers—their strength lies in the reliability of their service. This is most evident in the regional performance of DIRECTV.”

The study also finds that 60 percent of satellite and 52 percent of cable customers visit their providers’ Web site—up from 53 percent and 41 percent, respectively, in 2006. Nearly one-half of customers use the Internet to pay their bill—47 percent of satellite customers and 48 percent of cable customers.

The 2007 Residential Cable/Satellite Satisfaction Study is based on responses from 17,033 U.S. households that evaluated their satellite or cable TV provider. Fielding for the study was conducted in April 2007.

To view cable and satellite TV provider ratings visit JDPower.com.

About J.D. Power and Associates
Headquartered in Westlake Village, Calif., J.D. Power and Associates is an ISO 9001-registered global marketing information services firm operating in key business sectors including market research, forecasting, performance improvement, training and customer satisfaction. The firm’s quality and satisfaction measurements are based on responses from millions of consumers annually. For more information on car reviews and ratings, car insurance, health insurance, cell phone ratings, and more, please visit JDPower.com. J.D. Power and Associates is a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies.

About The McGraw-Hill Companies
Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor’s, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at Home - The McGraw-Hill Companies.

Won it this year, last year.......
Dude just take this sh*t to court.

Say that you were tricked into a contract.

I dont know if you could actually take them to court, but anything to stop your anger in these boards.

WTF we care if cant do nothing about it? You wanted to informed us about your situation, you did, now dont get mad if some people speculate as to the possibilities as why it happened to you.
Dude just take this sh*t to court.

Say that you were tricked into a contract.

I dont know if you could actually take them to court, but anything to stop your anger in these boards.

WTF we care if cant do nothing about it? You wanted to informed us about your situation, you did, now dont get mad if some people speculate as to the possibilities as why it happened to you.

He cant, the Dtv agreement states you agree to arbitration.
All you have to do is call or write and get the info sent to you GrydLok, but then you would claim those people accidentally or mistakenly listed install issues. or something of the sorts.

You said all those claims where majority installer issues. I don't have to prove a thing you do.You made the remark, you committed libel, Back up your claim or retract your statement.
Please reply by conversation.

H20-600: 0x2042 Staggered Rollout 11/01/07

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