If fuel Prices Keep rising

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 14, 2007
Ideas on combatting higher fuel costs.


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If fuel prices keep rising, it will cause other products to go up, but at the same time, more fuel effecient cars will come into the market with new technologies to save fuel mileage. They are shooting themselves in the foot because this will eventually cost them a lot of business if other technologies replace oil as energy for transportation.
If fuel prices keep rising, it will cause other products to go up, but at the same time, more fuel effecient cars will come into the market with new technologies to save fuel mileage. They are shooting themselves in the foot because this will eventually cost them a lot of business if other technologies replace oil as energy for transportation.

I don't know where you've been lately, but other products are already going up as the high fuel prices have a ripple effect on the economy.

As a side effect, flour prices are going up as many of the areas that were growing wheat have switched over to corn for fuel.

my conspiracy theory.

the mid east kings of oil havent increased production intentially.......

they want us out of iraq, and once we leave prices will fall to more normal levels......

mid east doesnt want a democracy there, as it can cost the kings their jobs and perhaps their life
I know that prices are going up already, but was meaning that they will go up even more. I have already seen a bit of a difference in the price of food.
If fuel prices keep rising? LOL Well, what you think? Oil companies make hundreds of millions in profits, yet we keep hearing they aren't up to capacity, production is down, etc... Oil prices will continue to rise, while we have the mind set we have in washigton... I've heard 10 years (or more) before we are independent of foreign oil. What? This is supposed to be the greatest country in the world, you mean to tell me we can't move quicker? Why is it, car advertisements talk about 30 MPG cars, when I swear it was just a few years ago 40MPG cars were around? What ever happened to the electric car? Or Hybirds? Or H2O fuel cells? (when is the last advertisement you saw on those cars?) The higher the prices, the lower the fuel economy, because oil companies can't make money if everyone is driving 100MPG cars around can they?

Stop buying gas! If everyone did that for say a week, I bet gas prices would be below $1.00! Two weeks and we would be talking about the Oil crash! Three weeks and OPEC would issue a statement that they'll give a gallon for every gallon purchased at $.50 a gallon... Get the picture? But everyone would have to do it, not just 20,000, 20,000,000, or even 100,000,000. It would require everyone!
dont say IF

porices up is guaranteed...........

till they find the sweet spot for maximum profit.

every product has that...........

maximum sales where price crosses consumption.

my guess 5 bucks per gallon:(
I just cut down my daily commute from 116 miles to around 22...and I am now driving my F-150, which hasw largely been sitting in the driveway the past 3-years. In any case, our next vehicle will most likely be a hybrid getting at least 40 MPG. Other than that, we all gotta drive to work.

This was sent by a retired Coca Cola executive. It came from one of his engineer buddies who retired from Halliburton. If you are tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this summer, take time to read this please.

Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea.
This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day" campaign that was going around last April or May!
It's worth your consideration. Join the resistance!!!!

I hear we are going to hit close to $ 4.00 a gallon by next summer and it might go higher!! Want gasoline prices to come down?

We need to take some intelligent, united action. The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourse lves by refusing to buy gas.

It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them.
BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can Really work. Please read on and join with us!

By now you're probabl y thinking gasoline priced at about $2.00 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently $2.98 for regular unleaded in my town.

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50 - $1.75, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace...not sellers.

With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action.

The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas.

But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL.

If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) .. and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)...and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers.
If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted!

If it goes one level further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!!

Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all!

(If you don't understand how we can reach 300 million and all you have to do is send this to 10 people.... Well, let's face it, you just aren't a mathematician. But I am . so trust me on this one.

How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!!

I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you!
Acting together we can make a difference.

If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on. I suggest that we not buy from EXXON/MOBIL UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO THE $2.00 RANGE AND KEEP THEM DOWN. THIS CAN REALLY WORK.

Keep it going
fuel prices

Some of our problems are:

1. America has plenty of oil - environmental groups and policies don't allow us
to extract it. This is particularly true in the Colorado Rockies. Tons of oil
and gas. We would rather fight the opposing culture of the middle east
for theirs.

2. Oil companies run the country NOT the governement anymore. They know
our entire infrastructure depends on them and they have grown so large
with all the mergers that we are reaping the benfits of "Big Oil". Mom and
Pap oil companies all but exist anymore.

3. Electric cars/ Hydrogen/ alternative will ONLY and ONLY be mainstream
when there are NO other "alternatives" (Oil) left worth fighting for.

4. The world is NOT even close to running out of cheap oil. The only
thing the oil business has ran out of is BUSINESS ETHICS!

5. Government needs to put regulations on oil companies instead of
letting them charge what they want or feel like that hour. They don't let the Power companies or phone companies do it.

6. Fuel sales are tracked in real time down to the second. Modern
filling station data services send real time reports through the channels
on sales. This gives oil companies countless heaps of data to
manipulate prices by the hour. I am sure you have noticed this when
You drive past the same filling station and the price changes twice a day

In the past their was a latency period for price increases that smoothed
out the spikes. We no longer have that option with modern logistics.

7. As stated above the mideast kings do not want democracy or our way of
life. The hate us for the most part and when our money is not worth
the green paper it's made of- They will be done with us. That's a fact.

8. Most oil producers can produce much more oil faster. They choose not
to "until the price is right" which means "all time high".

9. Prices will keep going up as long as we can buy the stuff. Prices will
drop when everyone is flat-a$$ broke, homeless and hungry. They
will give it away at that point.

Over the past few decades we have grown so dependant on oil for everything. I have a small business and I learned quick to deversify my accounts. Instead of having a handful of big accounts go for three handfulls of small time accounts.
Remember what your grandmother always told you "Don't put all your eggs in one backet". Unfortunately we have done this with
oil. Past generations benefited from the seamless cheap and dependable source. Now that the bean counters have factored this in we are in trouble.

The world as time goe on will get to be a much more greedy and self- centered place. The above is a result of those mental attitudes. As a small business owner I figure out what to charge for my services that is a fair price for what I am doing for the
customer. NOT- the most that I can get out of them. If they are millionaires or poor as poppers, I charge what I think is fair. Some times I throw in a freebie every now and then just to show them I care about them and appreciate their business.

This is the attitude that the oil companies need to adopt.

Every dollar they raise a barrel of oil:

Someone loses their job
Someone goes hungry
Someone loses their home they have worked so hard to have and pay for.
The rich benefit from the Poor's losses. Look at the cheap property prices right now. Buy foreclosed homes for next to nothing.
Who is the Rich? It's Big oil and those involved either directly or indirectly with busineses that service big oil.
Some of our governement leaders are even in big oil. That should be forbidden or they could not have a politcal seat in government.

Just a quick summary of my theory.:eureka
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I wonder what the supply in the middle east really is. I know from watching the construction shows in Dubai that it is going to run out soon there.
If fuel prices keep rising? LOL Well, what you think? Oil companies make hundreds of millions in profits, yet we keep hearing they aren't up to capacity, production is down, etc... Oil prices will continue to rise, while we have the mind set we have in washigton... I've heard 10 years (or more) before we are independent of foreign oil. What? This is supposed to be the greatest country in the world, you mean to tell me we can't move quicker? Why is it, car advertisements talk about 30 MPG cars, when I swear it was just a few years ago 40MPG cars were around? What ever happened to the electric car? Or Hybirds? Or H2O fuel cells? (when is the last advertisement you saw on those cars?) The higher the prices, the lower the fuel economy, because oil companies can't make money if everyone is driving 100MPG cars around can they?

Stop buying gas! If everyone did that for say a week, I bet gas prices would be below $1.00! Two weeks and we would be talking about the Oil crash! Three weeks and OPEC would issue a statement that they'll give a gallon for every gallon purchased at $.50 a gallon... Get the picture? But everyone would have to do it, not just 20,000, 20,000,000, or even 100,000,000. It would require everyone!
I wonder what the supply in the middle east really is. I know from watching the construction shows in Dubai that it is going to run out soon there.

I believe that Dubai is basically out now. Which is why they are trying to turn into a place that tourists want to visit and vacation.
Maybe there is something else going on that we are not thinking about. If we have plenty of oil right here in the USA then maybe they are waiting on purpose for the prices to go up like they have before we tap into the oil that we have here. This way we are not using up our oil and running out then have them gouge us without no backup. Another thing could be is that they could be waiting to allow it to be tapped into because they know that they can drop the price from where it is now and the longer they wait the better off they will be because they can get more out of it even if. When it reaches $5 per gallon then $3 per gallon might seem cheap by then to some which could then make them want to drop the price of their oil to below the $3 mark, which in today's terms is still too high. Before the prices began to spike $1.79 seemed like a nightmare.
I just hate to sit back and watch people's dreams go out the window. Imagine being an owner/operator truck driver right now. These guys who dreamed of that big new freightliner rolling down the highway and can't make a penny because the fuel is so high.

Just a small example
the us doesnt have enough oil in the ground to make much of a long term difference..........

what oil remains must be from very deep wells, or off shore , both cost a fortune............

which makes their oiil cost more
Instead of finding ways to get more oil out of the ground, we should come up with alternatives and move on.
I was a bit surprised to pay $3.59 a gallon this last week during a family trip. However, given the current affects that I see with $3+ a gallon fuel, I can't see any big impact on most of our economy until fuel reaches the $10 a gallon range. Maybe I'm the problem with gas prices, but $3.59 a gallon gas didn't bother me a bit. We still took the large van for the 3 of us instead of taking one of our more fuel efficient cars, we still drove around and viewed the sites a lot - didn't bother taking public transportation through the big cities, etc. If anything, the higher cost of fuel ended up giving us a sense of how comparatively cheap food, lodging, and other activities were - thusly causing us to spend more money and time doing more activities on our small trip than we normally would.

In all, we drove easily over 3000 miles last week, and fuel costs didn't affect us negatively at all. I don't think it has a huge impact on most of the middle class Americans either, given my observations.
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