I'm not moving to DTV

I am not moving to DirecTV...very happy that I was able to jump over to FiOS TV. The HD PQ can't be beat!:)

this here is a perfect example. i'm happy for this member. hope it goes well for you and continue to post here why your service is better. no one should take your comments personal. :)
what i don't understand is why some members here get all worked up when a E member decides to switch to D. what's wrong with that? i have E and i'm installing D tomorrow and already i'm being treated badly. what the hell? i will continue to read and post here in the dish forums because i still have E and now i also have D. be happy for those that do leave and hope it goes well for them. stop all the hatred!

Your not being treated badly. You just can't seem to grasp the idea that we really don't care what you do. You are the one who wants to insert something into everything.
what i don't understand is why some members here get all worked up when a E member decides to switch to D. what's wrong with that? i have E and i'm installing D tomorrow and already i'm being treated badly. what the hell? i will continue to read and post here in the dish forums because i still have E and now i also have D. be happy for those that do leave and hope it goes well for them. stop all the hatred!

Please show where anyone in this thread is "hating" on anyone for leaving? There might be in other threads, but up to this point in this thread there isn't. So why would you post this in this thread?
Seems to me there are some (and I won't mention any names, but it is very apparent) people in this forum that have more of a problem with those of us who are actually happy and want to stay than those who want to leave.
Your not being treated badly. You just can't seem to grasp the idea that we really don't care what you do. You are the one who wants to insert something into everything.

i'm not the one who started a thread on this. i couldn't care less what you do either but i don't go around telling people that. that's kind of rude don't you think?
and i certainly don't look for arguments either so i'm not saying anything else on this childish subject. to old for this nonsense.
Please show where anyone in this thread is "hating" on anyone for leaving? There might be in other threads, but up to this point in this thread there isn't. So why would you post this in this thread?
Seems to me there are some (and I won't mention any names, but it is very apparent) people in this forum that have more of a problem with those of us who are actually happy and want to stay than those who want to leave.

agreed. in this specific thread none. and on your second point i totally agree. no one here should have a problem with a member wanting to stay or go. and i know for sure that you don't behave like that. in other threads a few have taken my addition of D a little personal which is dumb. but that is only a few. most of the dish forum members are mature individuals and i respect that.
Just wanted to share with everyone that I have decided that I am not leaving for Direct TV no matter what and that I am happy with Dish Network and the channels I have. My install went off without a problem a few years back. My upgrade went off without a hitch. My phone calls to the CSR's have been answered promptly and handled with professionalism and accurately, and I have had very few problems with the system that is installed, and the price is just about right.
Since some seem to have the need to start threads stating they are leaving, I only thought it be far that I start a thread about how I am staying.
Please NO reconsider you will be so much happier! Please you are making one huge MISTAKE!:D
Different Strokes for Different Folks. Since different people have different priorities it is nice to know if/why someone decides to stay as well as why they wish to leave. It doesn't have to become a debate.
Just the same as you with someone who's not happy with E*. You started this post ,not me.

If someone wants to leave, I will be more than happy to hold the door open so it doesn't hit them in the ass on the way out.
But you don't see me hijacking the "I'm leaving" thread belittling them now like you seem to want to do here...
The difference is that I started a thread to support Dish Network, to show that there are still people that like Dish and what they have to offer, while you have tried to take it over because that pissed you off and put down those who don't want to leave.
The difference is that I started a thread to support Dish Network, to show that there are still people that like Dish and what they have to offer, while you have tried to take it over because that pissed you off and put down those who don't want to leave.
Who did I put down? I said why don't you post this in the War Zone. "chicken my guess" I'm also not quite sure why you would think I'm Pissed off. Maybe you are! Your happy with your service Great,Nothing wrong with that, But the fact that you said Since everyone says their leaving E*, I'm going to post I'm not .Which is fine , But you make it out like there 50 threads in the E* forum saying E* members are going to D* Most of these E* dropping thread are in the War Zone.


Im Switching to directv

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