Is Dish Network's card swap working?

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Supporting Founder
Sep 28, 2004
I have not shopped for an FTA box for a while, but it seems the prices are dropping. A lot of sellers have a their boxes on sale. Under $300 bucks for an HD box? Under $80 for and SD box? Hmm. The demand must be dwindling. Here's to you Mr. Dish Network guy! Make it secure this time!

Happy legal FTAing eveyone.
From what I read and hear, they are approaching completion of the card swap and HW/SW upgrades needed to lock out the eye patch crowd - hopefully for good this time.

I imagine that when this actually happens there will be tons of new/used/gently used boxes for sale, and would expect the price to fall a bunch.

I'd expect that you will need to restore software to factory default - but that isn't so bad on many of the boxes today.

I'm holding off getting an HD box until the equipment flood hits - can't wait!
I know we've been down this road before, but the last time (Nag 2 card swap), I never noticed prices dropping. The only thing that happened was manufacturers stopped making a Pansat 1500 and Fortec Ultra clone because the support was gone. My guess is that the sellers believe that this time it's for real and are trying to dump inventory before the curtain goes down.
Im not going to go into any details, but sites say things are working.

really?? maybe because Dish hasnt switched completely yet to the new encryption. Bell did and rendered most of them useless :D

I'll be happy when Dish turns off the old...maybe there will be some good prices out there ;)
Dish hasnt switched at all to the new security, but Bell has. :)

Dish is switching shortly but first they are finishing sending out the smart cards and in some cases switching out older receivers which can not handle the new technology.
I heard that when dish does switch over there will be NO good deals on ebay and everyone should refrain from looking to buy a good used pansat HD for at least6 months.:hungry::D:D

Just joking, As I had said in an earlier thread I wish the hackers had a 4:2:2 box because it sure would be nice to get one of those cheap.
Also I am not expecting a "flood" of equipment. I think most peeps will try to wait it out and units will start to trickle into the market after some time passes.
If they are not going to work why would
you want to get a cheap box. It would be
useless. Unless you are looking for actual
FTA channels. Are there any FTA HD channels?
Jowee, there's plenty of good FTA channels, plenty of good HD channels/feeds. The boxes would not be useless for legal purposes.
I hope this happens soon, was walking to the store the other day and a guy was at his van, I see another guy on the roof, I talked to him a bit he said they are very busy pointing all the Bell dishes to Dish net. I do hope Dish has something up there sleeves for the iks systems that Bell is having issues with right now?
I hope this happens soon, was walking to the store the other day and a guy was at his van, I see another guy on the roof, I talked to him a bit he said they are very busy pointing all the Bell dishes to Dish net. I do hope Dish has something up there sleeves for the iks systems that Bell is having issues with right now?

Well I think that after Dishnetwork switches to the new card and pirate boxes go dark then IKS type of boxes will flourish for awhile.

Until Bell and Dish kill the subscribed card used for IKS.
They you will the the subscriber deal with a legal fight.

That will scare off future hackers.

DirecTV used a legal $hitstorm of hackers the last time they were hacked.

No people will not even attempt to hack DirecTV. Not because it can't be done...but because of the legal $hitstorm that would come down on the hacker.
I done some reading up in some other message boards after reading the last post and from what I gather, they are not using the true Nagra 3 stream yet that they intend on using, so many that think that it has been figured out will get a nice surprise.
No people will not even attempt to hack DirecTV. Not because it can't be done...but because of the legal $hitstorm that would come down on the hacker.

I heard rumors that Direct tv is hacked on a very small scale. But there also was rumors the VC2+ was hacked but never was sold. From the movie Wargames (1983) "I don't believe any system is secure"

Im sure someone has or is messing with this and had some progress of some fix but I don't think it will ever go public like in the past.

I think piracy for the most part and all this card swap etc BS could go away for good if the programmers charged fair prices for programming instead of being so GREEDY. That was the big argument with the Videocipher and C band. I think the only reason DC-2 wasn't hacked was it was more profitable for the pirates to hack the small dish systems because the potential for more takers were there vs C band systems.
I have a feeling Dish has wasted their money on this. It has probably already been cracked. I myself thinks it would be funny if they were on a DCII system since it seems not to be hackable as easy as Nagra whatever.
I don't think N3 has been hacked and it may take some time for them to crack it, if it ever goes get cracked. I think this will be done differently than it has been done in the past once N3 stream is in full force or since Directv's newest cards have been out for a while maybe they have been waiting until Dish's card was locked before bringing the Directv crack onto the market so that they would not both be locked at the same time. It would be like taking turns. By the time Directv's system is locked once again they will have Dish Network figured out again.
Basicly the people who made dgII and powervu will a little smarter and made it so it will never be hacked
There wasnt enough installation base for DCII and Powervu for people to hack them.

Nagra3 seems to be working fine. How many hackers are watching Eastern Arc?
This is how they should encrypt things. You call dish (or directv) and say you want a programming package, you then punch a code in the receiver they give you. Your receiver then dials directv with that code, to confirm that is your receiver. Then they send a code back to your receiver, that is speicfic to your receiver, allowing you to watch tv.
Instead of the encyption being at the headend, allowing everyone to crack stuff, its at directv.
Try that one on for size
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