Is this site a "commercial" site??

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That's hilarious, that THEY would call THIS a "commercial site".

Pot, meet Kettle.

I posted over there. Wonder how long it will last.

I'm attaching a screenshot because it will get deleted. The post I replied to already is gone.


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I am embarrassed to say I have gotten so much information and assistance from this site over the past year (since Jan. 2006) and just today realized I could donate/join. Thanks for all the work you have done here Scott! $19.99/year was a small amount compared to what I have gotten in return.

Thanks for supporting us and :welcome to the world of pub membership. Peek inside and have a pint on me!
Its funny that they complaign we are a commercial site, yet they are SPONSORED by DirecTV (who appears to be there ONLY real sponsor).

Why are you picking on saying DirecTV appears to be their only real sponsor? In the same banner add that the DirecTV ad shows up in rotates with ads for other satellite dealers, most of which sell Dish systems.
Pepper, I just went to the link and got the following:

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I guess it is gone or moved. Not sure.
The only way I would consider SatelliteGuys.US to be a "Commercial" site would be in the same way I consider PBS to be "Commercial": It steals eyeballs away from the ads on the Real "Commercial" sites. Sure, like PBS, Scott runs some ads. But the majority of operating costs come from "Viewers Like You" and from Scott, playing the part of Uncle Sam.

I'm sure the banner ads pay some of Scott's bills, but not like some sites I hear about where the owner/originator is pulling in over $200K a year in advertising revenue. Although I'm sure Scott's lawyer(s) have advised him that SatelliteGuys Inc. has to show a profit 2 out of 5 years or else the IRS will consider it a hobby. Maybe SG, Inc is considered a non-profit?
I just don't understand them over there, I really don't. Well actually, I do....they wanna be a fanboy site, I found out real quick that if you don't tow the line they'll pop the whip on ya....

That being said I get some good D* info over there, I even got picked to test a prototype one wire multiswitch for them. If not for them I am not sure I'd still be with D*, after getting the HR20.

But damn, they sure keep things tight over there. Too tight for me. Just for kicks, go over there and question D*'s HD plans. There are a LOT of folks that think that when the new sats go up we're all gonna see full bandwidth MPEG4 HD. I don't ever think that'll happen. They'll ALWAYS bitstarve the HD. they ALWAYS have, why would they not do it now? I mentioned that in a chat and you would think I called them a nasty name or something....

I was intending on becoming a paying member there and here. I think after what I've read in this thread it'll just be here, when I get around to it.

Thanks Scott for keeping this site the BEST for Satellite Guys! :hatsoff:
No we are not registered as non profit.

Someday I hope to make a profit, but until then I will do what I can to continue helping people learn about this amazing technology. :D
BINGO we have a winner.

This is my hobby, its not a job for me. Sure it costs me money but its my only real hobby, I don't drink, smoke, gamble, go bowling or play darts. So I guess if I did those things I would spending about the same amount of money. :)

I just enjoy helping others learn more about this amazing and constantly changing technology.

We both have everything in common Scott ;)
Well if you want to get technical the ads on dbstalk apear to be all googleads. Which anyone can aquire by going to and signing up. It doenst so much mean they have an offcial "sponsors" like satuys has with its "Gold Sponsors"
The only ones that are not google ads are the DirecTV ads which are served by

The rest are Google Ads.

We actually had a SatelliteGuys ad running on DBSTalk for awhile. :)
"...SatelliteGuys Inc. has to show a profit 2 out of 5 years or else the IRS will consider it a hobby..."

Maybe he is running it as a hobby. And if so, he can later incorporate as a business- subchapter S or otherwise.

But there are exceptions to the above 2 out of 5 profit requirement, and it can be argued. Not all companies turn profits that often, especially startups. Discussions on that matter are best done with an accountant or CPA, not a lawyer.
I do not think Scott needs any defense because actions speak louder than words. I was a DBSTALK member when I first decided to switch to Satellite. I benefited from lots of the information that Scott posted and basically followed what he was posting. I did not post too much and I liked to read rather than post back then. When Scott created Satelliteguys I followed here and haven't looked back. I have met Scott a couple of occassions but seems like I have known him for a long time.

We have had disagreements in the open here at satelliteguys over different issues but yet we have remained very respectful of each other. When I was first made into a staff member, I did not know what responsibilities came with it. I soon found out that lots of the field work was basically up to me to decide whether I was willing to spend the money or not. In a nutshell, the site does not recovers the necessary money to pay for all the trips. So it is up to each individual to decide whether to do this or not out of his own pocket.

Scott has been more than generous with this site. He has provided his time and money to the site and has created an atmosphere that is very difficult to replace. This is not trying to put Scott on pedestal or anything but to say that I appreciate whenever he goes on these trips to bring news to the site. I know that I do not have to go anywhere else to know what is going on in the industry. I have learned so much here and I wish I had more money to donate to the site but as we know we are all in a tigh budget with kids and family. I tried to give login many times during the day so that I can help around.

Some are jealous but there's nothing we can do about those. We just need to continue working towards bringing the best information to the site for our members. We try to provide an atmosphere of freedom and no intimidation as long as we can respect each other and not go beyond protocols.
Face it. Scott put "his money where his mouth was" and when things got bad at the other place, HE got SatGuys established and going while many members (like myself) thought "Why?". Why would anyone start another satellite forum?

Not only has this place gone from a basic vB board to one of the best laid out boards on the net, he has taken this site to the TOP in this field, eclipsed the original board, and established industry and user connections that make SayGuys the definative place on the net for information on the topics.

As far as what he has done behind the scenes, I can say this as a totally impartial observer: I don't know Scott, I don't have any connections here (other than being a member), and I have no inside knowledge on how this place works, but I can tell you this.

I run a vB board of my own (on a totally different subject), and the amount of work that Scott has done to the standard vBulletin to make this place the way it is is tremendous. Scott has put TONS of time and effort into this place.

If at any time SayGuys turned a profit, he would deserve it - believe me.

This place is a total reflection of Scott's work. And we appreciate it!

Thanks Scott!
Thanks for the kind words guys, it is true SatelliteGuys is a labor of love for me. If I didn't love what I was doing, I wouldn't do it.

I am now working on the next generation of SatelliteGuys, and have started screwing with vBulletin 3.67, because of the changes in it I got to much of the look over again to work with the new software, so that is going to take some work. :)

Always busy with something, yet still always have my ear to the ground. :)
I think Scott's labor of love captures it nicely. I know that in the time that I have been involved, and particularly since I have had the PRIVILEGE of becoming a staff member (and the title PROUD STAFF MEMBER really captures it nicely) this places has become a very important part of my life. I could not imagine not spending time here on a daily basis.

I do wish more people would pony up the $20 to become supporting members, and I hope we are able to find ways to not operate in the red. I could think of nothing better than Scott being able to make a living from this.

But I also know that there is a lot of good things to come. This site -- and community -- continually evolves. Always for the better!
I've only got one thing to say! DBStalk talking about heavy advertising, is like a cat talking about hair balls!

I don't know scott, I visit here from 3 or 4 different computers, so sometimes I browse without signing in, and really there isn't that many ads up, IMHO. Not compared to DBStalk/AVSforum at least. Not to mention, last time I checked your site don't have Directv or Dish proudly displayed. Just informative forums, from what you can dig up on the latest. Not there, they have behind the scene look at stuff that isn't even out yet! (I smell sponsorship from Directv and honestly, in the past I think Dish Network went too far over there too) Everything they get we should have access too. We all know that you (Scott) dig up what info you bring us, it isn't generally handed to you on a silver platter!

Anyways KUDOS to you for all of your hard work, because lets face it, if you didn't do the work the site would be down. Yes, Mods and staff deserve thanks too, but even they couldn't keep satguys going without you!

I am now working on the next generation of SatelliteGuys, and have started screwing with vBulletin 3.67, because of the changes in it I got to much of the look over again to work with the new software, so that is going to take some work. :)

Good luck with that. The skin bits and the total replacement of the Java Frame work are the biggest issues. My gaming forum is still running 3.6.5 because there is next to nothing that works in 3.6.7PL plugin/mod/skin wise.

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