I've done everything I can with Dish Net, and they just don’t understand. What now?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 21, 2007
Ok, here it goes, here is the problem:

Approximately a month ago I wanted to sign up for Dish Network. I called Dish Networks new customer phone center to find out the current rates and promotions. I was ready to sign up for Dish Network any day now, but I wanted to wait and see if the new “ViP 722" would ever come out. (Keep in mind, this was a month before it came out, and back then, it will still unknown if it ever would)

Fast forward a few weeks when I receive word that the 722 IS coming out soon.

After calling the New Sales department to clarify a few more questions, they said that I could order today and that I would receive a ViP 622 HD DVR receiver temporarily until the new 722 comes out in the next month. Then upon calling, I would be able to swap out my 622 for the 722 for FREE once the 722 is released. I ended up singing up that night. I even got an install the next day!

Now that the 722 has come out on the 15th of August I decided to call to upgrade the receiver. Upon talking to three different people (once, they disconnected me) they said that there would be a $250 charge!!! That price was for installation. I told them I didn't need installation as I could do it myself. The only thing that needs to be done is to unplug the cables from the 622 and reconnect them to the 722. The "non-installation shipment price" would be $199. I would then send back the 622 receiver. I explained that I was told this upgrade would be FREE as that was the deal they told me when I signed up. It's pretty bad that a one-month old receiver is already out of date and they won't let me exchange for the new one.

This is why I'm unhappy with my 622 and need to upgrade to the 722.
(I then go on and saw how i'd like the black color better, the larger HD, and the HD VOD.)

So that is basically it. I have sent a similar version of the above to the Dish Network’s “e-Care” and to the ceo@echostar.com

I have not gotten any responses back, and when I call them, they just push me around to other people, and sometimes put me on “silence-hold” and usually after 20 mins of that I hear the “click-click”, and yes, that means that they have hung up on me! They have pulled that trick TWICE! Apparently, someone in the New Sales department told me I could upgrade my temporary equipment to the new 722 and lied. Now, no one is taking the blame for it, and I a the one having to put up with it.

And don’t get me started, they still haven’t applied my $10 rebate (times 10 months)+another $10x10 rebate for the HD that I sent in both months ago.

Not only that, but I had a Club Dish Referral, and when I tried to activate it over the automated phone system, it said there was a problem and I had to talk to an operator, when I did so, (2 months ago) the CSR said he would take care of it for me manually, and I would receive my (and the other persons) credits on the next bill. I have paid two bill since then and STILL have not received such credit.

PLEASE HELP! I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to cancel as I love my new HD! So far I love Dish Network, it’s just that there Customer Service sucks, and no one will take the blame for their mistake.

Thanks for letting me vent, and hopefully someone can help!

Thanks in advance!

Ask to talk to retentions (I think they call themselves an account specialist or something like that). Once you get to them, it's like talking someone down at a garage sale. I talked my way out of an 18 month commitment, $199 "upgrade" fee, and got the 6 months of free HD when I called to upgrade from a 625 to a 622. The only thing is... you have a lot less bargaining power if you have a contract, because you cannot cancel easily -- and they know this. When I had the 625 and dish 1000.2 installed, I paid the $49.95 install fee just so I could stay out of a contract. My buddy that was installed about a year before me cannot seem to get any kind of deals because every time he threatens to cancel, they just throw the cancellation fees in his face...
The person you ordered from lied to you because they wanted to make the sale so they can collect their commission. If the sales person didn't close your sale that same day, then when you called back after the 15th you might have not gotten that same rep.

There is no way you can upgrade a 622 to a 722 without paying $250.

There is no real difference between the 2 receivers anyways, I would call up Dish and see if they will waive the $40 activation fee for the external storage and just go out and buy a larger hard drive
Gotta agree with Claude. Unless you would want Vdieo On Demand, the 722 isn't going to give you much more recording time.
The person you ordered from lied to you because they wanted to make the sale so they can collect their commission. If the sales person didn't close your sale that same day, then when you called back after the 15th you might have not gotten that same rep.

There is no way you can upgrade a 622 to a 722 without paying $250.

There is no real difference between the 2 receivers anyways, I would call up Dish and see if they will waive the $40 activation fee for the external storage and just go out and buy a larger hard drive

Thank you!

That is the point I have been trying to make. Someone lied (or didn't know better) and no one will take the blame.

Also, I asked the same question to the people in the Dish network Chat. I will try and scan my transcript for you all, showing in text that I could do this.
Thank you!

That is the point I have been trying to make. Someone lied (or didn't know better) and no one will take the blame.

Also, I asked the same question to the people in the Dish network Chat. I will try and scan my transcript for you all, showing in text that I could do this.
Grin and bear it your stuck with an 18mo. contract you accepted the installation. In 6mo to a year you can upgrade to their newest product. How many car salesmen,siding salesmen or roofing salesmen have lied to you? You are still the person that signed the contract they don't have to admit to lying they have you as the customer with a signed contract. Have you ever heard of P.T. Barnum and his famous saying? Hello sucker.:):):)
There is no such thing as temporary equipment. It seems to me that you may have contacted a sales partner and they will tell you anything you want to hear to close the sale, I've done seen it more times then I could count.

Unless there is a note on your account then basically your out of luck.

The only way 622 users could get a 722 is by one paying for the upgrade, two if the tech shows up on a service call and needs to replace your 622 and the office is out of 622's they could then swap it with a 722.

I wouldn't sweat having a 722, I had my chances to cheat the system for a 722 but am happy with my 622. Now it done got under my skin that I could of had 6 months of HD free if I had waited 1 week later to do my DIU promotion....... but hey I can't predict the future.
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm just slightly confused about the timeframe in which all this happened.

1) First we start off with "Approximately a month ago I wanted to sign up for Dish Network." That would have been August 13, going by the date of the original message.

2) Then we "Fast forward a few weeks" when it's found out that the 722 is definitely coming out, "in the next month." Fast forwarding a few weeks should put us into September, no?

3) Up next: "Now that the 722 has come out on the 15th of August..." I thought we were in September because we had fast forwarded a few weeks?

4) Next comes the rebates that haven't started yet, but were submitted "months ago." If all this started a month ago but service wasn't started until fast forwarding a few weeks, how did the rebates get submitted "months ago?"
yeah, he tried to explain over on the other forum that he might have "exaggerated just a bit" on the time frame. Either way, things really don't match up.
There is no way you can upgrade a 622 to a 722 without paying $250.

On the contrary, from a recent e-mail to ceo@echostar.com...

Me: "I have been a Dish Network Customer for almost a month now, currently using the ViP 622 HD-DVR and ViP 211 HD receivers. When I called to activate my account, I politely asked if there was a black version of the 622 receiver because all of my other home theater equipment was black. I was OK with my 211 not being black because that is used on a TV with all silver equipment. I was told that the only color offered for the 622 was silver and that there were no plans to release a black HD-DVR. Well, today I was lurking around the Dish Network website along with satelliteguys.us only to discover that the ViP 722 HD-DVR was released in black on August 15th. I don't mean to sound like a whiney baby but to be completely honest with you, this just downright pissed me off. I was referred to you by some members at satelliteguy.us and was told you would make right on this situation. I was already disappointed during my install when the guy showed up at 9:30 PM for an appointment scheduled between 12-5 PM, but I kept my mouth shut. This time I am speaking up and hoping that you will do the right thing by replacing my 622 with the new black 722 at no charge so I can finally have what I originally requested. Thank you for your time."

Matt @ ceo: "I can make the exception and exchange your 622 for a 722. Would you like me to have it shipped or installed? We are on back order for the 722's so it is taking about seven business days."
On the contrary, from a recent e-mail to ceo@echostar.com...

Me: "I have been a Dish Network Customer for almost a month now, currently using the ViP 622 HD-DVR and ViP 211 HD receivers. When I called to activate my account, I politely asked if there was a black version of the 622 receiver because all of my other home theater equipment was black. I was OK with my 211 not being black because that is used on a TV with all silver equipment. I was told that the only color offered for the 622 was silver and that there were no plans to release a black HD-DVR. Well, today I was lurking around the Dish Network website along with satelliteguys.us only to discover that the ViP 722 HD-DVR was released in black on August 15th. I don't mean to sound like a whiney baby but to be completely honest with you, this just downright pissed me off. I was referred to you by some members at satelliteguy.us and was told you would make right on this situation. I was already disappointed during my install when the guy showed up at 9:30 PM for an appointment scheduled between 12-5 PM, but I kept my mouth shut. This time I am speaking up and hoping that you will do the right thing by replacing my 622 with the new black 722 at no charge so I can finally have what I originally requested. Thank you for your time."

Matt @ ceo: "I can make the exception and exchange your 622 for a 722. Would you like me to have it shipped or installed? We are on back order for the 722's so it is taking about seven business days."

Cool, glad you got somewhere! How long ago was this?
On the contrary, from a recent e-mail to ceo@echostar.com...

Me: "I have been a Dish Network Customer for almost a month now, currently using the ViP 622 HD-DVR and ViP 211 HD receivers. When I called to activate my account, I politely asked if there was a black version of the 622 receiver because all of my other home theater equipment was black. I was OK with my 211 not being black because that is used on a TV with all silver equipment. I was told that the only color offered for the 622 was silver and that there were no plans to release a black HD-DVR. Well, today I was lurking around the Dish Network website along with satelliteguys.us only to discover that the ViP 722 HD-DVR was released in black on August 15th. I don't mean to sound like a whiney baby but to be completely honest with you, this just downright pissed me off. I was referred to you by some members at satelliteguy.us and was told you would make right on this situation. I was already disappointed during my install when the guy showed up at 9:30 PM for an appointment scheduled between 12-5 PM, but I kept my mouth shut. This time I am speaking up and hoping that you will do the right thing by replacing my 622 with the new black 722 at no charge so I can finally have what I originally requested. Thank you for your time."

Matt @ ceo: "I can make the exception and exchange your 622 for a 722. Would you like me to have it shipped or installed? We are on back order for the 722's so it is taking about seven business days."

I think I'm going to be sick.

DVR510 recordings disappear.