
I really like this show also, but I think they are about out of episodes. Most of the shows are down to just 1 or 2 episodes left that have been filmed. I almost didn't put myself though the trouble of starting a new show, as these serialized shows are the ones I like best, but are usually the first to be canceled. You actually have to watch and try and figure out where things are going as the show leads you along to that big reveal.
I really dont want to see this show go. Ive been watching it from day 1 and I think it has a pretty good storyline. And it looks like things are finally going to start to come together. THis week it looks like Dan's brother will finally be told what is happenieng to his brother, and that should be interesting.
I really dont want to see this show go. Ive been watching it from day 1 and I think it has a pretty good storyline. And it looks like things are finally going to start to come together. THis week it looks like Dan's brother will finally be told what is happenieng to his brother, and that should be interesting.

I agree. My wife doesn't get into scifi shows, but likes it. She thinks this is the best new show of the fall.

And if you really want to get depressed. Look at this: the futon critic - the web's best primetime television resource

Looks like I will be watching a lot of movies off of the premium channels . Maybe I will get around to watching all the recordings of movies I have on my external hard drive. I will watch American Idol and maybe the Nanny, but I will pass on the rest of the reality shows. This has got to be the shortest new season I can remember in the last 25 years . Two months and then blam you are through with the season. Even Heroes is wrapping up the season in the next two weeks.
Looks like I will be watching a lot of movies off of the premium channels . Maybe I will get around to watching all the recordings of movies I have on my external hard drive. I will watch American Idol and maybe the Nanny, but I will pass on the rest of the reality shows. This has got to be the shortest new season I can remember in the last 25 years . Two months and then blam you are through with the season. Even Heroes is wrapping up the season in the next two weeks.

I haven't given up hope yet. I think the networks know they can't afford to not have a spring season - and there are some rumors that backdoor negotiations are going on. Tomorrow the official talks resume.

Heroes has filmed two endings for the episode on the 3rd; one as a mid-season ending; one as a season ending.
I also like the second episode better than the first. The thing is that if that ever really happen to me and I get to travel back to the 80's often, I would just take a big chunk of cash with me all the time. Do some research on the stock market and then buy which ever stock has the most gain in 20 years in my name. ;)

make sure you bring old bills with you.
Journeyman is probably history. :(

Journeyman will probably end in December or January - TV Squad

This news is sure to upset fans of the NBC show Journeyman: the show will probably end with the 12th episode.

And just so you know this isn't a guess, this word comes straight from Kevin Falls, creator of the show. He says that because of the show's so-so ratings, and the fact that it doesn't look like the writers strike is going to end anytime soon, that episode will probably be the last one for the series. If it's any consolation for fans, Falls says that the episode does work as sort of a series finale and does answer a lot of questions.


From another source

Due to some unusual scheduling conflicts, the twelfth (and, for this season at least, the final) episode of JOURNEYMAN may not actually air. According to series creator Kevin Falls, in his exclusive interview with iF Magazine, "I've been told we will air episodes 10 and 11 after a December 3rd preemption of LIFE [but that] episode 12...doesn't have a home right now except for DVD or if we get a back nine [meaning that the series is picked up for a full season run]. But the strike will determine that."
I watched Journeyman yesterday and they showed the coming promo for two weeks out for a all new Journeyman. I hope that they are right and we get to see it. Nothing else will be on. Good news that Jericho will start back up in January for its 7 week run. My bet is that this show will not see another year because of the writers strike either. I hope that they tie up all the lose ends about the reasons for the attacks, etc and bring a true ending to the show with some vision of the future for the country .
Another favorite of mine cancelled. Sorry America, it meant you had to think a bit to watch the show. I am getting ready to stop watching any new shows at all in this genre since they never make it on network tv. Why oh why can't this kind of show find a new home on Sci -Fi network? This is better, thought provoking, material than the usual drivel you can watch on Sci-Fi network.
The problem is the mindset of the American viewing public and the suits that run the networks.

The Brits did a show about a guy traveling through time fixing stuff and it only ran for say... 44 years (with a short hiatus a few years ago).
The problem now is that TV cycle times are down to 9-12 episodes. If you cannot produce numbers by then you are cancelled. Used to be at least 24-26 episodes for a full season up front, you could do a story line that arced over the whole season and build an audience. Now the first few episodes try to do too much to try to get the viewer up to speed quickly.

Hawaii Five-O 2.0 set up at CBS

Confirmed all NFL on CBS in HD (thru Week 3…)

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