L2.90 for 522/625

I just got L291 yesterday. Had some problems with the EPG, but after a few trys, it downloaded and all is good. I like the edit ability for 'My Recordings' and clear history for DVR and caller ID...Now if they can just fix the Locals' compression issue...I'd be good to go!
On mine, as stated earlier is the edit recording name function. Also the skip forward and back does seem faster
phat_bastard said:
I noticed a difference using the RF remote - seems much more responsive. I haven't tried with tv1/ir yet.

Both of my remotes are RF (dvr is down in the basement). You could be right. Watching a show tonight, when I was skpping commercials, I consistantly found myself a minute back into a show, and had to repeatadly hit the back button to get to the end of the commercial break.
mine is screwed, missed some olymic recording my wife wanted. guide appears messed up, jen reports her favorite list is mostly gone.

my 522 had been stable till the messed with it

verizon fios is coming, E may be going. really tired of this
My DVR522 is acting really weird tonight. At first I thought "oh great, they've screwed up the software again" and though that is always a strong possibility I think it's something else. (warning: the rest of this rant is slightly off topic, i.e. not necessarily related to the L290/L291 software release)

Our DVR doesn't usually get quite as intense usage as it has gotten tonight. Recording olympics on local NBC in addition to Sci Fi Friday stuff, plus playback of olympics about 2 hours delayed. And no telling how fragmented the drive is, I have about 12 hours available.

About two hours ago I pressed "play" on the currently recording olympics DVR event, every few minutes the picture would just freeze till I hit any of the DVR directional or skip buttons. Also lots of pixelating and audio drops like in the older softwares.

I finally figured out after about 20 minutes, I think the new entertainment cabinet we got for Christmas is the culprit, this combined with the heavy drive activity is causing the thing to overheat and malfunction. The sound of the cooling fan coming on periodically confirmed it for me. Before it went in this cabinet, I had never heard the cooling fan, EVER, except the spin up during reboots.

So for the past hour and forty-odd minutes I've got all the doors and panels open on the cabinet and the DVR decided to start back behaving normally. It hasn't malfunctioned and I haven't heard the fan at all for about an hour now.

I think I need to: (1) cut some big holes in the top of the entertainment cabinet, maybe put in some fans to blow the air out the top, and (2) pull the top cover off the DVR so the heat can escape.

The hard drive is already outside of the case in a removable tray with its own fan (from the mad scientist 522 drive swap thread you might remember some months back), I think its the actual electronics inside the box that are overheating, not necessarily the hard drive though the harder it works, (thrashing due to fragmentation and multiple tasks) the more heat it generates.

I personally think that 95% of all the complaints ever since the 522 came out are malfunctions caused by heat (the other 5% are actual software problems). What do you all think?
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Pepper said:
I personally think that 95% of all the complaints ever since the 522 came out are malfunctions caused by heat (the other 5% are actual software problems). What do you all think?

I was prepared to disagree with you when something I noticed last weekend came back to me.

I have a second 522 that I picked up on the cheap at a flea market about a year ago. Last weekend I disassembled it to cut a hole in the case back for a removable drive tray. I chickened out of cutting up the case, but when I took out the mainboard it immediately struck me how discolored (i.e. burnt) the board was underneath the sat demodulators. I wonder if temperature is affecting the demodulators to the point that we're seeing it's effects in increased error rates? That would explain why we're seeing freezing and pixel tears being written to disk (though admittedly that hasn't been a major problem for me lately).

The areas I speak of are the shielded areas of the board where the sat feeds connect. Wishing I had taken some pictures of this now... I wonder if putting a small cooling fan or even a simple vent hole in the top of the case wouldn't greatly decrease the temperature in this area. For the life of me I can't figure out why the top of the 522 case doesn't have some ventilation holes to start with because last I checked convected air is lighter than cool air, and thus will rise. Instead they decided to vent the end nearest the power supply. :confused:
True, but the RF shields are on there for a reason, and punching more / bigger holes in them would alter their electromagnetic characteristics - possibly with drastic consequences.

I'll try to take a shot of the board tonight for what it's worth.
That would be a useful theory, but those box type shields are generally used to protect what's inside of them from EMI.
andrews777 said:
When are they going to allow a recording to "force" a record, even if the system thinks it is already recorded? I have several things I have to use manual recordings for because the program info isn't correctly updated to indicate the show really is different. :(

Well, it looks like I now have at least part of it. I accidently found out that "restoring" an "X"ed out event now sometimes displays a dialog that asks if you want to just restore this event or if you want to restore all duplicate events. This is good for taping weekly or daily things that you want all shows of. The previous system would only restore 1 at a time.

I have no replaced all of my manual timers! I did notice that sometimes that dialog doesn't come up, and I am not sure how to change the status of an event to that state. I have a few I want to make sure they are fixed.

It should probably be an option in the "Options" dialog for the event.

625/522 Usb Is *real* Pocketdish For All!!!


...guess my $550 bet on pocketdish will pay off afterall...no need to buy that 942!

From Tech Talk Last night:

Record link will link PocketDISH with a standard receiver such as a 311 or a 301 it will become a pvr device!
Hooks to RCA (composite) jacks… Settop box will control the PocketDISH…
PocketDISH currently works with the 642 or 622 Receivers via 2.0 USB (takes about 5 minutes to transfer an hour program)
Now it will work with the DISH Player-DVR522 and 625 via 1.0 USB :)30 minutes to transfer an hour program)software will rollout to these receivers the first week of March…

Online ordering glitch for multiple premium channels?

Will all installers call before coming?

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