Less Ads! (Please Read)

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I am proud to announce that SatelliteGuys has been working together with Google and today we have transitioned all of our ads to Google DFP ad serving system.

Up until now we have been serving ads using iframes via local html files.

Because we work with 5 different ad agencies this required us to put individual ads up for each agency, with DFP now we are setup so that ad agencies bid against each other to display the highest paying ads. This means the elimination of a number of ad spaces for you our members! It also means no more auto refreshing ads. And because the ad agencies are competing with each other it means better quality ads as well! To help prevent lower quality ads we have also initiated the amount of ads you see from each provider each day.

Because of these changes many users on slower connections will notice the site is much faster as well!

We even got rid of the annoying redirect page, which was a page you would be taken to if you clicked on a link that was not on SatelliteGuys servers!

All of this (we hope) will enable SatelliteGuys to earn higher revenues which will help us pay our bills and also do special things for our members like extensive CES coverage and popular events such as our annual Holiday Party where we give back to our members!

Because of these changes we urge... ok... we beg you not to use an ad blocker here and give the new ad setup a chance as we rely on this ad revenue to keep the site going. SatelliteGuys is not a sight that is run in someones basement, or a site which rents space on a server. SatelliteGuys owns and operates a cluster of servers which keep the site screaming, plus we are the only satellite site to pay for cloud (CDN) servers so all of our static content (such as the graphics, and css files) get to you faster from a server that is local to your area!

We understand that some folks don't like ads and honestly we admit we are not fans of them ourselves, but they are a necessary evil so that we can pay the bills. Give the ads a chance as we have worked hard to bring you high quality ads. But if you try it and don't like the ads, then I ask you to please consider becoming a supporting Pub Member. For only 6 cents a day you can get rid of the ads without the need of an ad blocker (meaning no more big empty spaces on your screen) plus you get the good feeling that you helped America's Largest and Most Popular Satellite Discussion Forum keep the lights on for all! (Not to mention you get to feel the real speed of our servers!) If you are interested in becoming a supporting Pub Member please CLICK HERE for more details!

Thank you for your support in this matter!

P.S. We are aware that for some members using Internet Explorer 10 that they might at times see Chinese characters instead of ads in some spaces. This is a known bug in the DFP ad server software that they are working on fixing, there is NOTHING wrong with your computer. Again this only happens to some users using the IE 10 browser. SatelliteGuys recommends that for best performance and security that our members use Google Chrome or Firefox as their default browser.
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Nah not about putting food on the table, we are just coming up to our expensive time of the year. In November traffic pics up a lot normally. Many of our licenses expire and need to be renewed in November, plus domain names, ssl certificates etc need to be renewed. :)
I disabled adblock and saw no changes. I checked NoScripts, allowed googleadservices.com, and... one tiny, non-obtrusive ad. So much better than ads on other sites (when I actually see them). Of course, I'll be renewing my pub membership. This place is a fantastic resource for satellite and OTA info and I'm glad to help support it.

Mostly, we come here to complain.
I noticed the missing Redirect page, and appreciate it. :up
As for other adverts, I don't see a significant change.
I use a Kindle Fire HD tablet, or an iPhone to browse the site.
No add blockers employed.
Actually, I was going to compliment the general layout change.
I think you've done a good job, both in promoting this department to the top oh the page, and demoting the cell phone department to lower status.
I visit the cellular section second right after FTA, so it's not a matter of disliking it. :).
Thanks for all your fine work. Especially for mentioning the chinese characters. Was becoming concerned...
Thanks for all your fine work. Especially for mentioning the chinese characters. Was becoming concerned...
It concerned me when I first saw it too.

They say its an IE10 bug (it only happens on IE 10) and Microsoft says its a problem with their (Google's) ad server.
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