Lifetime offers $200 to Dump Dish

mdonnelly said:
Looks like Lifetime has called Charlie and raised him back with this ad campaign. :)

The $200 to leave Dish (or DirecTV) is nothing new. Lifetime has just put a new spin on it.

When my wife asked why Lifetime was off, I said that Lifetime wanted a 76% rate increase over the next few years and Dish said they felt that increase was a little steep. My wife agreed and stopped asking about it :D

Using a calculator and both numbers of 4 cents and 76% raise. Looks like the want to go from 5.5 to 9.5 cents /sub. At least those numbers work out for with what we know.
Who knows if they're right or not.
I just don't see Charlie giving in on this one.
Scott Greczkowski said:
My question is what is Lifetime hiding?

Last night I spent all night sending letters to the DISH Network CEO from the Lifetime Website THANKING him for dropping lifetime. :D
I'm guessing too many letters were on DISH's side because I can not find the "Dish on DISH" message board on lifetime's site anymore. All the links I've been using are now suddenly gone.
This reminds me of the employee discount on automobiles last year. From what I read the consumers were not saving any additional money compared to the rebate programs offered before. Now GM says that they are deciding to just lower the retail price of their vehicles. Competition is good. We finally get cheaper pricing.

so did the new rate hike included LIFETIME anyway,

and since we are talking charges per sub, what is the rate increase per channel?

or are we looking only at LIFETIME?

maybe its the same CHARLIE from the 80's c band days

your sub rates will still go up, no matter what ,every year .
As more time goes by people are going to miss lifetime less and less and eventually you're going to end up with a situation like OLN where there was outrage that went down to a small roar whenever Hockey or OLN is mentioned. I also contend that if Charlie wanted to be spiteful he'd add Oxygen since it would then satisfy the masses to a point.
psycaz said:
Using a calculator and both numbers of 4 cents and 76% raise. Looks like the want to go from 5.5 to 9.5 cents /sub. At least those numbers work out for with what we know.
Who knows if they're right or not.
I just don't see Charlie giving in on this one.

Based on numbers give by both sides, a more likely ballpark scenario is:

Lifetime - $0.42
LMC - $0.32

First Year: 6% increase ($0.044)
Second Year: 8%
Third Year: 9%

Both channels go from $0.74 current to $0.923 by the end of the third year (25% increase - "not even close to 76%")

Additionally, "Lifetime Real Women" is thrown into the mix with the same annual percentages so the first year looks like:

Lifetime - $0.445
LMC - $0.339
LRW - $0.323

and by the third year:

Lifetime - $0.524
LMC - $0.399
LRW - $0.381

Total: $1.304 (76% increase over the current $0.74)
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Scott Greczkowski said:
My question is what is Lifetime hiding?

Last night I spent all night sending letters to the DISH Network CEO from the Lifetime Website THANKING him for dropping lifetime. :D

I modified their statement as follows:
I am ENCOURAGED about your decision to pull Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network off the air. You are denying millions of viewers like me the programming I can't stand anyway. There is no substitute for Lifetime except possibly the garbage can. Lifetime not only offers terrible entertainment but mostly useless information that's essential to women and their families. Lifetime connects us to nothing useful, especially the hotlines and websites featured after the networks' movies and programs.

Your drastic actions suggest that you do not care about what the corporate executives at Lifetime want and what's in their best interest. Please put Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network back on the air somewhewre else! We want and deserve better programming rhan this. You are robbing women of junk channels. We will continue to speak out until you dump them permanently. I am going to encourage everyone I know who is a Lifetime subscriber to ask for a rebate and switch services.
jpezz said:
I modified their statement as follows:
I am ENCOURAGED about your decision to pull Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network off the air. You are denying millions of viewers like me the programming I can't stand anyway. There is no substitute for Lifetime except possibly the garbage can. Lifetime not only offers terrible entertainment but mostly useless information that's essential to women and their families. Lifetime connects us to nothing useful, especially the hotlines and websites featured after the networks' movies and programs.
Your drastic actions suggest that you do not care about what the corporate executives at Lifetime want and what's in their best interest. Please put Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network back on the air somewhewre else! We want and deserve better programming rhan this. You are robbing women of junk channels. We will continue to speak out until you dump them permanently. I am going to encourage everyone I know who is a Lifetime subscriber to ask for a rebate and switch services.

That's a pretty silly post...any viewer can make those same arguments about any channel they don't like.

You may not enjoy the programming, but millions do.
ksload said:
You may not enjoy the programming, but millions do.

While 89.5 million households subscribe and pay for Lifetime (before losing 12 million E* subs) - they average only 1.8 million prime time viewers. They should be thanking E* for carrying their channel, not trying to cram another channel down their throats.
With Lifetimes %75 rate increase im sure they can afford it!

Sounds like the same old anual tactics from your typical cable players.
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If only 1.8 million of 89.5 million subscribers view Lifetime then that equates to around 2%. Not everyone that views Lifetime is going to switch providers. Lets say that 3 out of 4 switch providers as a result. This is 1.5%. This would equate to 1 in 67 subscribers. If Dish Network makes an average of $30 per sub then Dish would be losing an average of 50 cents per subscriber if you count all of their subscriber base. Charlie is probably using these type of figures to see if it is worth keeping Lifetime or not to see if they are really losing any money dropping their service.
Stargazer said:
If only 1.8 million of 89.5 million subscribers view Lifetime then that equates to around 2%. Not everyone that views Lifetime is going to switch providers. Lets say that 3 out of 4 switch providers as a result. This is 1.5%. This would equate to 1 in 67 subscribers. If Dish Network makes an average of $30 per sub then Dish would be losing an average of 50 cents per subscriber if you count all of their subscriber base. Charlie is probably using these type of figures to see if it is worth keeping Lifetime or not to see if they are really losing any money dropping their service.
Back to the $200 question ......................How does one get their $200 !!!!!!!!!!!! Which is just what is needed to get the current offer that D* is asking for a new HD set-up ??? That would really get Charlie chapped would`nt it :D

Is Echostar breaking any laws with MPEG-4 transition?

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