LNB2 IN is not receiving signals from DiSEqC#2 in Humax iCORD HD

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 6, 2005
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
Hi , Guys I attached for you a diagram shows my connection to my satellite receiver Humax iCORD HD

four satellites connected to DiSEqC#1 which is connecte to LNB1 IN . And four satellites connected to

DiSEqC#2 which is connected to LNB2 IN as shown in the diagramme , I programme all four satellies connected to DiSEqC#1 through LNB1 IN and I got all the channels of the four satellites .

But when I tried to programme the other four satellite connected to DiSEqC #2 through LNB2 IN There were no signals at all from the four satellites which means that LNB2 IN is not functioning or needs some other settings which I do not know Can anybody tell me the reason why LNB2 IN is not working ???

Best Regards


To test, bypass Diseqc #2 and going direct to the LNB.

Another test connect Diseqc #2 to LNB1 In.
To test, bypass Diseqc #2 and going direct to the LNB.

Another test connect Diseqc #2 to LNB1 In.
Thanks trinidex for reply and help

Your First Test I did not understand could you please elaporate futher what does it meams ???

Your Second Test I did understand it which means I have to swap connection of the Two DiSEqCs as shown below

Best Regards

i think the first test trindex mentioned was just to remove the DiSeqC altogether from lnb in #2 and run one of the lnb coax directly to check to see if LNB #2 IN is working

second test was to swap them this would verify if diseqc switch #2 would now work on lnb#1 IN if not the switch could be bad .

as always when dealing with switches power off the STB when connecting & disconnecting :)
Test 1 is to take an LNB feed straight to the receiver - if you get something it indicates there may be a problem with the switch.

What we're doing is testing each part of your setup.

LNB 1 works
LNB 2 does not work

Possible reasons include:

No power on LNB2
Incorrect Switching
Faulty switch
Faulty cables
Faulty LNB

By swapping LNB1 & LNB2 we test several things.

If LNB2 input starts working it means LNB2 port on rcvr is okay which points problem to cabling, switch, LNB.
If LNB2 input does not work it indicates a fault with LNB2 port - could be no power switchable through config menu or something more serious.
Test 1 is to take an LNB feed straight to the receiver - if you get something it indicates there may be a problem with the switch.

What we're doing is testing each part of your setup.

LNB 1 works
LNB 2 does not work

Possible reasons include:

No power on LNB2
Incorrect Switching
Faulty switch
Faulty cables
Faulty LNB

By swapping LNB1 & LNB2 we test several things.

If LNB2 input starts working it means LNB2 port on rcvr is okay which points problem to cabling, switch, LNB.
If LNB2 input does not work it indicates a fault with LNB2 port - could be no power switchable through config menu or something more serious.
Thanks trinidex again for help

Now you are talking technical that is what I want

Before discussing your technical respond , I have tested DiSEqC #2 on other receiver and it works fine no problem with it

and I swapped the DISEqC#1 and DiSEqC#2 connection and I found that DiSEqC #1 not working on LNB2 port that indicates the LNB2 port is not working . But We do not jump to conclution that the LNB2 port is faulty may be it is OK
because The receiver Humax iCRD has a built-in hard disk for recording - and it has tability to watch a channel while recording another channel or two channels at the same time and for thia feature they designed the receiver with two tuners one for watching and the other for recording - the two coaxial cables coming from the wall actually coming from one LNB with two outputs for the two cable and this LNB is aimed at one satellite nad not two satellites or more I attached for you a copy from the receiver user's manual for connection antennas - Read it and tell me your respond

Test number 3

Plug a short RG6 cable into the LNB2 input. Without shorting the shield to the center lead, measure the DC voltage on LNB2 input between the center lead and the outside sheath. Compare that voltage to the reading on the LNB1 input. I suspect that you will have a reading between 12 VDC and 19 VDC on the LNB1 input and less than 4 VDC on the LNB2 input. If this is the case, maybe you have to activate a switch to turn on LNB2 input, or the power output on LNB2 input is shot. If the later is the case, one solution is to steal power from an STB and loop it out to your lnb2 input (tested solution). Adding a switch that has an optional external power input could also solve the problem (untested solution).
i'm not so failure with this receiver and i suspect you are using universal lnbf's
does the receiver actually support two diesqc switches ? it would have to say diesqc #1 diesqc #2 ect in the software setup for the receiver.
I figured using the loop out to the lnb#2 in would work since its still looking at the first diesqc switch.

i suspect there is a software limitation to using two diesqc switches one for each lnb input , while watching something on diesqc switch # 1 how does the receiver know to switch diesqc switch #2 for recording / watching

maybe if you have a 8 X 1 Diesqc switch on lnb#1 input and run all lnb's to it and connect the loop out to lnb#2 it would work properly
that way both tuners see the same diesqc switch

sorry for question instead of answers
I looked at an online manual. If you did not correctly select your connection type in the set-up, you will have this problem. Check Section 3.3 on page GB23 in your manual. Be sure that your LNB power is on for the LNB2 in section 3.5 on page GB24
Test number 3

Plug a short RG6 cable into the LNB2 input. Without shorting the shield to the center lead, measure the DC voltage on LNB2 input between the center lead and the outside sheath. Compare that voltage to the reading on the LNB1 input. I suspect that you will have a reading between 12 VDC and 19 VDC on the LNB1 input and less than 4 VDC on the LNB2 input. If this is the case, maybe you have to activate a switch to turn on LNB2 input, or the power output on LNB2 input is shot. If the later is the case, one solution is to steal power from an STB and loop it out to your lnb2 input (tested solution). Adding a switch that has an optional external power input could also solve the problem (untested solution).
Thanks guacharaca for reply and help

Regarding Test # 3

The receiver is a brand new only two months used and it is under gaurantee for two years and it is seald with a special sticker if the receiver opend cover the sealed sitcker is cut the dealer maintenace workshop will not accept the gaurantee only I am allowed use the remote control to solve any problems other than the remote control I loose my gaurantee touching the harware they consider it is a tampering with the receiver which leads to shorting the equipments electrically and make damage to the receiver accidentally therefore I can not use Test # 3

Best Regards

Test 3 (Is DC Voltage being supplied to LNB 2?) does not require opening the receiver so will not void any warranty. Shut off receiver. Disconnect all coax cables to the receiver. Insert a short wire* into the LNB 2 connector (center conductor only ). Turn on receiver. With a voltmeter, measure the DC voltage on the wire. Positive lead of meter to wire, Neg. lead to the chassis of the receiver.
* an inch or so of coax center conductor will work. Use the center conductor ONLY.
I looked at an online manual. If you did not correctly select your connection type in the set-up, you will have this problem. Check Section 3.3 on page GB23 in your manual. Be sure that your LNB power is on for the LNB2 in section 3.5 on page GB24


Thanks to all trinidex , gabshere and guacharaca for trying to help me to solve my problem

I would like to tell you all that all DiSEqC switches are all work perfect with the other satellite receiver Technosat T-786

I tested votage on DiSEqC #2 IN it has a power 18 VDC and in Addition to that connected a direct cable without DiSeqC to LNB#2 IN and I received satellite signals no problem with it - The problem is only when I connect two DiSEqc switches to LNB#1 IN and LNB#2 IN one only not two
Test 3 (Is DC Voltage being supplied to LNB 2?) does not require opening the receiver so will not void any warranty. Shut off receiver. Disconnect all coax cables to the receiver. Insert a short wire* into the LNB 2 connector (center conductor only ). Turn on receiver. With a voltmeter, measure the DC voltage on the wire. Positive lead of meter to wire, Neg. lead to the chassis of the receiver.
* an inch or so of coax center conductor will work. Use the center conductor ONLY.
As You said This is does not require any opening the receiver , I did meaured the voltage of LNB#2 IN and I found the voltage on the LNB#2 IN is 18 VDC which means
This is all good such that nothing is broken...yet. You can control a diseqc using "LNB1 In" and you can receive at least one signal on "LNB2 in" but without a diseqc. The only problem is that "LNB2 in" can not control a diseqc. It appears that you may be reaching the limitations of your receiver. I did read something about four sats in the manual. Perhaps having both 4X1 diseqc going to "LNB1 in" via an ecoda 22 hz switch may be your solution. Then connect a short RG6 cable from "LNB1 loop out" to "LNB2 in". Then change your setup menu to reflect your change in cable connection. Unfortunately this new setup is not as flexible when recording a program that you are not watching, but gives you access to more birds.
It appears that you may be reaching the limitations of your receiver
I have to agree. In the manual, the maximum shown is four satellites, using dual output lnbf's. Both outputs from each LNBF to switch 1 and another to switch 2
Seems to me it's a multiswitch built in the receiver. And whatever diseqc is selected on LNB1 is also selected on LNB2.(??)
Think I'd try contact the manufacturer and ask if 8 satellites is possible in your a configuration.
I agree with guacharaca. Should work if using a 22Khz sw to select which diseqc is selected.
LNB 1 in--22Khz switch --Diseqc switches -- LNBF's
Jumper from tuner 1 loop out to tuner 2 LNB in.
On the 2nd tuner you'll be limited to the same polarity/same satellite as is selected by tuner 1.
If the LNBF's are Bandstacked*, you'd not limited to same polarity(if capable), just same satellite.
*think they refer to Bandstacked as SCD or Unicable.
i didn't see anything in the manual to help - what options do you have for tuner #2 under the diseqc switch ? if more that one option is available maybe trying one of those.
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