LNBF is supposed to be where?

Please reply by conversation.
Houston said:
I found the url to the Tracksat G-3C if you don’t mind, please check it out, and comment on the reason why it’s different than Lyngsat, thanks.
http://www.tracksat.com/My Webs/Galaxy3C.htm
something's whacked. It says G3 is at 76.5W but its actually at 95.0W. You don't aim your motor at that elevation. Thats where it is in the sky (and that tracksat has it wrong) :)

Got that pic from Sadoun, NICE, clear, but:

Wow, that Motor really looks small !, given the bad storms in my area, is something that little strong enough, to take some strong wind, with a 75mm dish on it?
we have had some pretty strong winds here in MN (40mph+ sustained) and my mototr holds up perfect. I woudln't recommend moving the motor across the arc when its that windy. But it does work

NOW I see how it mounts, simple, but my notion is that it’s important to position the Dish on the Motor Shaft correctly, if I didn’t, then wouldn’t the “arc” be off at the ends of travel?
correct. If the motor/dish aren't aimed right, you'll be off

What if I need to move my dish lower, do any/all the Motor Mfgrs. have longer Shafts?

And, it looks like the Motor to Post/Pipe, can’t be much over about 2”, surely they’ll tell you how much pipe it will clamp up to, before I buy one! Have some experience in buying the wrong thing. L

But I can see the advantage of slipping that bolt through the Motor Shaft, probably would keep it right where you put it! But are those shafts pre-drilled, or would that be my job?
the motor shafts have a hole that is pre-drilled so you just slip the dish up and bolt it in.

I had thought to use standard Schedule 40 Iron Pipe for the Motor Post, the biggest that the Motor will mount on. The winds around here have been getting up to about 50+MPH, those Hurricanes are getting stronger and more frequent.

I have read some blurbs from the Vendors on Motors, and I’m thinking that the bigger the better. Sadoun or someone has a large heavy duty Motor, I think I was a HH120?, if I remember that right. I think I’d opt out for one of those, given it said something about the “Wind Rating” being pretty high. But I’d consider anything else with even a higher rating, I’d really like to keep that thing in my back yard, not someone else’s.
There are some sturdier motors but I think the difference is they can work a bigger dish (like a 1.2m dish)

I admit I bought my system on a “shoe string”, but, using solid equipment IS a good investment, and I don’t mind spending a little more, on something I trust will last. I had thought at some point, to get a larger dish (1.2M) or larger, I understand that Fortec makes them up to 240CM. I’m not sure that it would be necessary, but what do I know, I think that BUDs are pretty!
[would that then be BPDs or PUDs ;-) ].
I did the same thing originally. A Pansat 1500, Hotdish and a used LNB and I "ghetto moved" my dish to the different satellites. Added a motor and it snowballed form there :D

I’m still getting used to navigating this web site, and I think I saw some link to “Equipment Reviews”, I’ll try to find that, given the inference, or possibly there’s a Thread on that topic? I remember Iceberg posting that he had trouble with one brand, I’ll see if I can find his comment again. Want to know what’s best (Stab-Fortec-whoever), where I can make an informed decision. And like I said, given the Weather conditions, the bigger, the stronger, the better.
I didnt review any motors but I have had issues with some receivers. IMO the Viewsat and Captiveworks are NOT beginner friendly.

I apologize for my sinicism, but I’ve had some bad experiences with Manufactures NOT telling what can or can not be done, and am very suspicious about that. Seems like the only straight forward answers and information I’ve received recently, is right here on this website. You just don’t know how much I appreciate the time and experience of you guys that have been at this a while, sharing that. I could start listing names of the ones that have helped, but, this Post is getting too long as it is, I’m kinda gabby anyway.

Again, THANK YOU, and ALL,
No problem Houston. There's a few gabbers here :D

Believe me, I've reviewed enough receivers that "claim" they do something, only to find out it got lost in the translation form Korea, China or whereever it was. Captiveworks and the Original Viewsat "claimed" blind scan. Neither do (the newer Viewsat does I guess). Some units are just junk and do not "play friendly" with a motor. When I bought my Pansat 6000, I thought this was the king of recievers. 2 tuners and a PVR and everything I wanted a box to do. This woudl end my search for a top receiver. A month or so later I sold it due to too many bugs.

We try to be honest here with recievers. If there are issues, we'll say them.
PLEASE excuse me for replying so slowly, unavoidably I have to respond to your post and replies, the day after I get them from the Site. Bare with me! Also, given the date (22nd), I may be approaching my (10hr) limit of usage for the Month, so, if that happens, I’ll get back on line after the 1st of next month. When you have to use a Free Internet Service, you get what you pay for. Oh well.

Sorry, I didn’t make myself clear. I posted the Link to the Tracksat G3c/76.5W yesterday, and I was referring to it’s location in Geo Orbit, and ask that you comment on why they have it in two places. Stuff like that, doesn’t make me trust them all that much. IF you hadn’t said something about it being at 95.0W, I’d been looking for it forever! Between Lyngsat, Tracksat and SatcoDx and others, I’ve found several Sats, where they differ, in where they say they are. This does NOT promote a great deal of confidence in believing what any of them say.

I did a download of the LyngSat G3c/95.0 Channel Info, and found the Freq/Tp/SR that you posted a few days back. Tell me if I’m wrong, but I see 3 Free Channels there, CCTV 4, 9 & E/F. Now, if I’m headed the right direction here, a little farther on I see at Frequency: 12050, Pol: H, S/R: 20000, for Tp 18, the free ATV Home Channel. Have I done this right, in “finding” a channel? If so, should I expect it to show up on it’s own, or will I have to enter the numbers for it separately?

AHH HA!, you cheated!, your Dish starts at a +10° Ele, and mine droops down to about a –15° at the lowest point it will go. And the bracket is not damaged. If the lowest Ele I could get it was 0° (vertical), I bet I could get it up to where yours is. That’d be about 65° or so. This is just one more nail in the Coffin for the place I bought it at. Told ya, ya had the DeLuxe version! :)

But, if what I hear is correct, when I add a motor, it will give me some Ele on it’s own, but, I don’t know just how much, to get the right arc. If you know “about” how much one would tilt/elevate the motor for 29.6°N, please say, or if you have a Link where I could go look it up, would greatly be appreciated. ( Motor Ele° + Dish Ele° = 55.4° at True South, is this right? )

Again, I thank you and all, for your most informative replies.
I did a download of the LyngSat G3c/95.0 Channel Info, and found the Freq/Tp/SR that you posted a few days back. Tell me if I’m wrong, but I see 3 Free Channels there, CCTV 4, 9 & E/F. Now, if I’m headed the right direction here, a little farther on I see at Frequency: 12050, Pol: H, S/R: 20000, for Tp 18, the free ATV Home Channel. Have I done this right, in “finding” a channel? If so, should I expect it to show up on it’s own, or will I have to enter the numbers for it separately?
Yes, there are 3 Chinese channels on G3. They are at 11780 freq, H polarity, 207600 symbol rate. Yes the other channel is at what you posted above. Once you get setup, what I do is bring up that transponder (the Chinese one) and aim. Once you get signal quality, scan it in. Then you can fine tune from there. Believe me, once you get signal quality, you get very happy (I know I do) :D

AHH HA!, you cheated!, your Dish starts at a +10° Ele, and mine droops down to about a –15° at the lowest point it will go. And the bracket is not damaged. If the lowest Ele I could get it was 0° (vertical), I bet I could get it up to where yours is. That’d be about 65° or so. This is just one more nail in the Coffin for the place I bought it at. Told ya, ya had the DeLuxe version! :)
Something is weird. Why would you have -15 when 0 is vertical? I think mine does go down to 0 too (but it doesn’t show)

But, if what I hear is correct, when I add a motor, it will give me some Ele on it’s own, but, I don’t know just how much, to get the right arc. If you know “about” how much one would tilt/elevate the motor for 29.6°N, please say, or if you have a Link where I could go look it up, would greatly be appreciated. ( Motor Ele° + Dish Ele° = 55.4° at True South, is this right? )
It depends on the motor. As an example, my SG2100 has a latitude scale, so you just match it up with your latitude (my latitude is 45 so I match it up with 45). The dish elevation I don’t remember how to get that….I know ours in MN is 23.

Our TS on a fixed is about 38.5 and I have no clue how we get to 23. hopefully someone can chime in on that.
Iceberg said:
It depends on the motor. As an example, my SG2100 has a latitude scale, so you just match it up with your latitude (my latitude is 45 so I match it up with 45). The dish elevation I don’t remember how to get that….I know ours in MN is 23.

Our TS on a fixed is about 38.5 and I have no clue how we get to 23. hopefully someone can chime in on that.

Explanation of satellite antenna polar mount.........

Houston, in New Orleans (90.1w, 30.0n) the SG-2100 LATITUDE setting is 30 (same as the geographic latitude, but be sure to use the scale on the LEFT side of the bracket looking from behind the motor). The dish elevation is 25 (30 minus a declination of ~5 here). It will be slightly different from Houston, but not much...
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I’M BACK !!!
Iceberg, PSB, Tron, thank all of you for your replies !

During my little (unavoidable) respite, I had a chance to look at some info.
I may be up the creek, in trying to use a heavier motor. I took a look at the HH120 Motor specs, which are pretty much the same, as most, that have the “120” (1.2M) number listed with the equipment. All of them say that the “Antenna Support Diameter” is 54mm, and my Dish post is 40mm! Those numbers DON’T match, BUT, neither does the HH90 (the smaller one), which lists it’s Antenna Post diameter to accommodate 42mm Dish Post clamps. It’s getting to look like I’m ‘stuff out of luck”, unless there’s some sort of Motor Post that’s tapered down to 40mm where I can slide my dish up on it. Anyone know of such a “add on”, or a Motor with a 40mm Dish Post Tube? IF I have to do that, it’s going to blow my HD (hi wind resistant) Mounting off the drawing board, unless someone has an idea about an adaptor?

WOW, thank you for such a elaborate Post, it’s going to take me a while, to absorb all that information, thanks!

You wrote:
“I think mine does go down to 0 too (but it doesn’t show)”,
Could your shorts be too tight? ;-}

I took a look at the url you posted, and get back to you on that, wow LOTS of info there!

GREAT, glad to hear from someone who’s in the general area I am (Lat° anyway), getting your numbers, helps me sorta orientate things here a little better. Not that I don’t appreciate ALL the info I’ve received. (Thank you ALL again!)

By the way, I got a spare set of Goulashes and some dry towels I’ll send ya, I hear “they” are on their way again! J Herd we’re going to have about 20, Category 1’s or greater, and at least 4 or 5 of them, are going to Category 4
:-( OUCH!
Better stock up with some fresh Batteries NOW, me too for that matter! Those “In-Landers” don’t know how lucky they are! :)

In looking at the specs on some of the larger Motors, they quote the wind rating at a BIG 90 kp/H!!! Sounds great, until you do the math, and find out that’s only 56 mp/H! Gees, I don’t even put up the Lawn Furniture, until it goes to a Category 1 :)

On a more serious note, I may kid about, who lives where, and other stuff like that, but, my heart and prayers go out to all of our friends in jeopardy, every time one of those big guys steps in the Gulf. This past one, but only for the grace of God, that the rubble I saw, wasn’t mine or yours.
Stay prepared.
Still looking !

Subsequent to my original Post in this thread, I still have not been able to verify that my LNB is in the correct location, as described in the attachment (Houston1.jpg) on Pg1 of this thread. I appreciate Global10’s offering of the information located at http://www.vhfcomm.co.uk/otypka.htm. But, that’s WAY over my head, and I’d appreciate it if someone who has had Algebra a bit more recently than me, would read it and see if the measurements can be verified.

In the course of attempting to understand the formulas and apply them, I encountered a written description of calculating the Focal Distance of a STANDARD (round) Parabolic Antenna see (Houston6.jpg).

I appreciate Mike Schurman’s contribution, and I hope he will appreciate me giving him credit for it, but he has NO idea that I’ve used it! It was on the Internet, so surely he won’t mind. ;-) I tried to Email him, but it bounced back.

I have made a “simple” Form (Houston6a.jpg), which is my understanding of the application of math that Mr. Schurman used in his description. Please feel free to copy/use the form, it may be of some value to you or others.
Hay, I’m retired, what else do I do with my time :)

I unfortunately, have not run across any “simple” explanation, OR form, to help me out. :(


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I may be up the creek, in trying to use a heavier motor. I took a look at the HH120 Motor specs, which are pretty much the same, as most, that have the “120” (1.2M) number listed with the equipment. All of them say that the “Antenna Support Diameter” is 54mm, and my Dish post is 40mm! Those numbers DON’T match, BUT, neither does the HH90 (the smaller one), which lists it’s Antenna Post diameter to accommodate 42mm Dish Post clamps. It’s getting to look like I’m ‘stuff out of luck”, unless there’s some sort of Motor Post that’s tapered down to 40mm where I can slide my dish up on it. Anyone know of such a “add on”, or a Motor with a 40mm Dish Post Tube? IF I have to do that, it’s going to blow my HD (hi wind resistant) Mounting off the drawing board, unless someone has an idea about an adaptor?
I think it means it will take UP to a 54mm shaft. I have a motor with a 50mm shaft on it and my 40mm dishes work fine on it.
Houston said:
On a more serious note, I may kid about, who lives where, and other stuff like that, but, my heart and prayers go out to all of our friends in jeopardy, every time one of those big guys steps in the Gulf. This past one, but only for the grace of God, that the rubble I saw, wasn’t mine or yours.
Stay prepared.
Thanks Houston... It is certainly a BIG concern here, as you can probably imagine. People are running around like there's one out there already. I don't think there will be any problem with people taking this season for granted. It had been so long since a major one hit New Orleans, Betsy being the last in 1965. I wasn't even born yet! Many people here thought "hurricane" meant a little Cat 1 80mph storm, and didn't take the warnings seriously because they'd never seen a real BIG one. And Katrina didn't even hit us directly! I shudder to think what would have happened if it had. I was afraid that Rita was going to strike Houston, and looking at the news, the freeways were entirely gridlocked. By the way, the people of New Orleans appreciate beyond words what Houston and the rest of Texas did to help us in our time of need. The two cities will be very close from now on!

About your motor (and on the subject of hurricanes), I (of course) removed the reflector from my 1 meter Channel Master and the entire motor/dish assembly on my motorized setup before Katrina hit. But both of those dishes (and the motor) stayed up there for a Category 1 we had earlier in the season (Cindy), which hit New Orleans directly. We had sustained 70-80 mph winds, and occasional gusts near 100. I was picking up NASA-TV from my motorized dish WHILE THE STORM WAS HITTING US and had only a brief period of signal interruption due to heavy rain. The motor wasn't harmed by Category 1 winds. I didn't try to move the motor to another satellite while the storm was in progress, that might have harmed it. I have the SG-2100....
Thanks for the reply, but, since my Dish would slide up on the Motor Shaft (then bolt through it) I just can’t imagine how that works! I reviewed the pictures you posted on Pg 2 of this thread, but, they didn’t actually show the Dish Clamp connection, to the Motor Shaft. Once I see it, I’m probably going to be embarrassed, seeing how simple it is, but, until I do, I’m still in the dark about that. Am attaching a picture of a (PM-900.jpg) motor (courtesy of www.JustFTA.com), and I see where the Dish Clamp slips up on the (typical) Motor Shaft. So, how do you slip a 40mm Clamp, on a larger (by a lot) Motor Shaft? Please look at (HotDish75b.jpg) which is my Dish. I just don’t see how I can use it with those type Motors!?

Given what I just wrote to Iceberg, the site you referenced, led me to see the installation diagram for the HH100 Stab polar mount alignment and set up. They’ve turned the Motor over! Your Avatar and every other example I’ve seen of an installation, shows the Motor Shaft pointing downward! Seems like that may “mess” with the DiSEqC, or does the Receiver care just what position to remember for a certain sat? And, wouldn’t the Arc be reversed? However, given the cramped assembly of my Dish (HotDish75b.jpg), this approach may be the only way I can get it on a Motor!

I checked out the url you posted, and I have seen that before, much appreciated though. Sure wish it had as many free channels as the numbers list, and I have downloaded several of the individual pages, where I can see just what I can get, Thanks.

I’m very fortunate to have (accidentally) bought a home, in just about the highest place in Houston. Am at about 75ft, which is above the 500yr line. I hosted (a friends family) when Katrina hit, understanding how they felt, having to leave everything behind. As materialistic as I am, I think I would have died, or died trying to stay, I don’t know which. The problem here is getting to and from my house, I’m on an Island almost, when the water gets real high. I really put the emphasis on lots of drinking water containers and fuel for cooking outside (IF that’s possible)! Main problem here, is Electrical Power. Learned my Cooler (Ice Chest) lesson back in 1983 with Carla (I think it was). I didn’t know I could get that much stuff on the Grill, it was thawing out faster than I could cook it! :)

But, being pretty high like that, is why I wanted to really have a “beefy” system, experience the stronger winds because of that (height). I understand not to rotate it when the wind is really whipping, Iceberg mentioned this too, I just don’t want to give up the “viewing”, or, get up on the ladder and mess with it, while they’re updating to a higher Category. Got a 2 story house, very seasoned tall trees and can’t put the Dish on the ground, got to get it up on the roof. Have designed a really sturdy roof/eve mount, which is adjustable for Level/Plumb, and just wanted to get the toughest motor available.

The way my Dish is made, IF I had to disassemble it, it wouldn’t be all that complicated. Just has four (4) ¼” bolts, holding it (reflector) and the LNBF beam has two (2) to the Ele Pivot. Remove those and the RG6, and leave the Motor and Pivot up for the duration. But, the basic design is intended for a Cat 3. Have some drawings of the mount (Roof & Eve) applications, which I’ll post at some point, when I’ve reviewed them again.

Concerning hospitality: I recall reading,
“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love”. Romans 12:10.
Written long ago, but, still a good idea, since ya never know when you’ll need a payback! :D
That concept however, seems to be an Axiom, at this website.


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Unless the shaft is HUGE, you should be able to loosen the back bolts on the dish (the ones to clamp it to the mast) to slide it up the shaft of the motor.

I was able to get a 1 5/8” mount on a 2” mast…it was a bugger but I got it to work :D
Tried to make the url show, where you could have a link to the site, but it just won’t work. HH100 Stab polar mount alignment and set up
I saw the specs at Sadoun and it does have a bigger than normal shaft to mount the dish on...hmmmm

I am still under the assumption it would work
Houston said:
... HH100 Stab polar mount alignment and set up. They’ve turned the Motor over! ...
The Stab HH90s install shaft down, I think the SG2100s all install shaft down too. The HH100 and HH120 install shaft up. You have to install them the way they were designed otherwise they'd be turning in the wrong direction. :)

The Fortec 90cm dish can be ordered with two different mounts, one similar to yours made to clamp on a smaller pipe and one that fits on the larger 54mm shaft of the HH120 motors. Maybe they make an alternate clamp for your dish. I have an HH120 and the shaft is huge, I don't think you could get a 40mm mount over it without major bending.

The SaTracer 3M3D22 motor Sadoun is now selling has a 40mm shaft and should fit your dish. They spec it for 85mph winds (if my metric conversion is right) with an 80cm dish. They also carry replacement parts for it in case it breaks. http://www.sadoun.com/Sat/Products/SATCONTROL/SaTracer-3SW-SM3D22-Satcontrol-HH-diseqc-MOTOR.htm
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I’ll try this again, Link to HH100 setup diagram is
www.satsig.net/polar-mount-6.htm[/u...ave a 54mm clamp I can get for it!?:confused:
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THANK YOU !, i was begining to wonder if there was anyting out there to help!
I downloaded the page, but didn't see any info on what wind rating it had, not thet it matters if it's the only motor that has a 40mm "Bent Motor Pole"!
Finally know what to call it!
I tryed to save the Owners Manual, but usually have trouble trying to download anything that's ".pdf". Guess i oughta try to get a later version of Adobe, got the 5.0, and it's rather limited.
Will check the infor out as much as i can, and get back to you

WOW!, I just noticed I lost my "Jr." status, is that a promotion? :-D
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UOOPS!, spoke to soon! I’m usually in such a hurry to get things done because of my limited online time, that I over looked the specs on the Wind Rating.

Seems like the Model: SM3D22 aka SaTracer 3 SW SATCONTROL HH MOTOR is rated at, 140kph/87mph.
Umm, that’s a little lower rating than I hoped for, wanted to see it up in the upper Cat 2 area, which would be around 100+mph. Maybe I’m just wanting something that’s not possible. I’d still like to look around, or will check out any url that might be rated higher. But I DID like what it said about the “Metal Gearing”!!

I was really hoping that one of those larger 120’s, would have a 40mm “Bent Motor Pole” (add on) that would fit, and be beefy enough to deal with the higher winds. So I’ll keep on looking, and will appreciate ANY help you or someone can provide.

Really did like the FAQ that Sadoun had added to the info, but that’s typical of them, I’ve saved several pages of their Newbie help, learned a LOT from them, and here from guys like you, Ice and PSB.

Again, thank ALL of you for your continuing support! And again, I apologize for what seems like I’m not paying attention to what you write. I’m having to copy the Page, go offline, read it, construct a reply, then post that; the next day, which by that time, you or someone has said pretty much the same thing I posted! AaaaaaH!! :-[]

I finally downloaded the .pdf of the Installation Manual from Sadoun! Took me about twenty minutes, and I blew a whole day’s surfing on it. BUT, it was worth it (thanks hwh)! Though I don’t think that it is the type motor that will work for me because of the way the clamp mounts on my Dish (HotDish75b.jpg). There’s just not enough room to slip the Clamp up on the Bent Post.

I’ve either got to find another Clamp that moves that Dish out away from the Bent Post, or, use it as a Planter and get myself another Dish that really works.

But seeing the install procedure really promotes my confidence, though I do have a question.

On Page 3, Feature 3, of the Manual, it refers to the use of multiple LNB’s. The statement includes Ku, C, H/V and R/L. That is confusing. I understand the C, H/V and R/L types of LNB, and thought those were all that were available. Is there another type LNB that’s just referred to as a Ku, and how is that different from the other three? Why would they differentiate the Ku, from H/V Linear and R/L Circular, since Ku IS either, and in the case of the Invacom QPF-031, both? They again refer to this difference on Page 12, Paragraph “L”.

The Manual is generally understandable, a LOT different (better) than the one for my Traxis DBS 1500. No doubt that it’s easier to translate one written in Slovenian, than it is Klingon. :)
I can't find any specs on wind capacity for the HH120 motor. I haven't taken mine apart but I think I read somewhere that is has plastic gears in it. They might strip before the ones in the SM3D22. Plus Sadoun lists the replacement parts for the SM3D22.

Here in the southern Nevada area we often have winds in the 45 - 50 mph range. That's about as high as I'd want to leave the dish set up. If I got a forcast for winds in excess of or near the 87 mph limit on the motor I'd remove the dish. Better to err on the side of safety.
I’ve looked at several of the Motor specs from several vendors, and yes, they are definitely stingy with the info on the wind ratings. However, my guess is the bigger the better, and the sound of “metal gears” greatly outweighs that of plastic. I really don’t care how much one weighs. The (total assembly) post/mast I’m building, is XX-strong.

I hate to admit this, but here in Houston, I haven’t been able to find any “Company”, that has any FTA stuff on display in their store! IF I could get an eye on those things just once, I just might try Iceberg’s approach, by “fabricating” something that would work for me. Have been known to “rig” things from time to time, but, truly value the “matching” parts, they DO work better.

My Dish originally was shipped from DMS International, and I suppose that maybe I’ll try contacting them, to see if they can put me in touch with the Mfgr of the HotDish75, or they may have a “extended” clamp, where I can get it mounted on a Motor. PS: Emailed them yesterday, and got a telephone call from them this morning. NICE! But I wasn’t available to take the call, so I’m Emailing them back. Some people just know the right way to run a business! DMS + + + !

I downloaded a copy of the HH120 Manual, and see that the Motor Shaft on it, points UP, just like I need. But it’s a 54mm shaft! I’ll contact Stab directly, and see if they have a “swaged” shaft (54mm down to 40mm), or they may have a Motor that will work. Really would like to use a Stab unit, have herd good things about them.

This may be a silly question but, I noted in your signature, that you’ve mounted your Dishes on “movable” tripods. If you don’t mind, just what advantage is that, who knows, that may be an option for me? I hadn’t thought to just bring the stuff inside!

But I do see that several of the guys have multiple dishes and receivers, and except for “different room” applications, different viewing preferences, that sounds very complicated. But given that I’m sorta setting up for integration into an existing Entertainment Center (my viewing only) that one Dish/Receiver would do nicely?

I AM rather perplexed, that I haven’t seen “one” LNB that does it all. Seems to me like you’d need at least two, the first to catch the full spectrum of linear (10.7/12.2) and the other to get circular (12.2/12.7), am I right there? Also, I wonder if I’ll really want to view the upper band, I’m not too sure how much FTA is in that area. WOW, there’s SO much I need to do/learn yet!

PS: Am attaching a drawing (Houston8.jpg) of the Clamp I need, not that it exists!


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Please reply by conversation.

Testing the ExtemeView Magnum?


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