looking for company to repair my C-Band

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Original poster
Jul 13, 2014
Could anyone please assist in referring a person or company to get my c-band up and running. I reside in Stafford CT
Welcome to SatelliteGuys iron15!!
There are plenty of members on here they would come right to your house to help if they are in the Stafford Area. In fact the owner of this site lives south of you in Newington.
Details of what all you need done will help.
Titanium & ke4est, my system is already installed. It needs to be updated with current parts and technology, digital etc. We have not used it in several years. We had the system installed in 1992 or 1993. Dish needs repair to screen. Parts and pole rusty. The receiver inside is a general instrument innovation 550i. Also, may possibly need to move the dish to another location for better reception. Here are some photos of the dish in the attachment below. Thank you both.


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Contact SatelliteGuys Member Gary Diamond, he may be able to help you out or know someone in your area that can. :D
Scott, Would you be able to provide member Gary Diamonds contact information. Thank you.
I contacted Gary earlier...guess he has been busy today.

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Titanium & ke4est, my system is already installed. It needs to be updated with current parts and technology, digital etc. We have not used it in several years. We had the system installed in 1992 or 1993. Dish needs repair to screen. Parts and pole rusty. The receiver inside is a general instrument innovation 550i. Also, may possibly need to move the dish to another location for better reception. Here are some photos of the dish in the attachment below. Thank you both.

Saw your pictures, YIKES WAY TO HIGH UP IN THE AIR FOR ANYONE I KNOW TODAY years ago I used to do high ones don't even do low ones, ask Scott, was going to send you to someone in West Harford, but I know he hates high ones too, there's a guy who likes high dangerous work in Orange, Rich is his name his company is called Arc satellite, he don't mine travel either, but I can easily see that everything is frozen up. I would go with a small Ku for RTPI today and scrap the BUD, (YOUR OLD DISH) EVEN THE JUNK man would bitch, it's too high, I have my own to high and I have to many joint issues to take it down. Or you can Joe COELHO
Here's both their phone numbers Joe 860 655 3633 West Hartford CT.
Rich 203 799 3456 Orange, CT.

Or maybe for KU only,
Norberto 203 228 2049

Joe and Norberto are Portuguese

Go with G19,on Ku for RTPI your repair is going to be 10 times more than a new KU system

I do have new KU dishes here about 6 or 7 of them, they were given to me by my Arab buddy when he moved back to Egypt, that was just before the sh*t hit the fan there, and he lived down the street from you almost.
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Only thing with switching from I805 C-band to G19 Ku-Band as opposed to buying a new DVB-S2 receiver for RTPI is that it will end up costing more once RTPI on G19 upgrades to MPEG4 which will still force you to purchase a new receiver.

As this will happen sooner rather than later from what i'm hearing, it would be unwise to spend any money on an MPEG2 only receiver nowadays!

Another thing to keep in mind is that the RTPi picture quality on C-band is much better than Ku-band and the signal is more reliable, especially when it rains.
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Are there certain channels that you are interested in receiving? Not seeing where you are wanting to watch the RTPi America channel, but seems that is the direction other posts are taking your request for assistance. There are many more channels on C-band as compared to KU, so if you are looking for many different sources of programming, C-band is the way to go! KU is interesting for watching event back-hauls and breaking news, but thin on 24/7 English programming.

If the dish panels are missing or badly damaged, it is probably best to discard the dish and find a new or Craigslist rather than spend money trying to rehab.

I have many contacts with commercial level technicians and would be happy to introduce you to a company that could arrange a visit. Let us know if you have trouble finding a technician to assist.
Besides the high up dish, there seems to be a lot of growth (trees etc). Might have to find a better spot for satellite reception, the current site is likely very limited for Clarke belt visibility. Then there is always a chain saw option...

Can't imaging that pole not being bent from years of holding up that heavy dish. Maybe the pole is guyed to take the stress off? I often work on towers etc, but that looks downright scary. Whoever planted that dish for you is a lot braver than I! Not sure how one would even get it down without damaging it further. Maybe a bucket truck with a good heavy duty boom! Thinking you would have to start from scratch with this project, new (or good used) dish, LNB(F), and receiver (DVB-S2).
Besides the high up dish, there seems to be a lot of growth (trees etc). Might have to find a better spot for satellite reception, the current site is likely very limited for Clarke belt visibility. Then there is always a chain saw option...

Can't imaging that pole not being bent from years of holding up that heavy dish. Maybe the pole is guyed to take the stress off? I often work on towers etc, but that looks downright scary. Whoever planted that dish for you is a lot braver than I! Not sure how one would even get it down without damaging it further. Maybe a bucket truck with a good heavy duty boom! Thinking you would have to start from scratch with this project, new (or good used) dish, LNB(F), and receiver (DVB-S2).
What I have found is using either a real fiberglass one, or a one meter dish or a very big primestar dish they came in many sizes theres also plenty of 4 foot dishes cheap, or free, just try to look on top of any large shoppingcenters roof, they're up there to grab 4 footers no rain fade, no panels to blow out could last for just about ever unless lightning hits it

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Videocipher question

I think I want this dish!! No longer in use by current owner...

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