Loss of BEV HD Channels

clayface1000 said:
Pro96, thanks again for PM'ing me with the info for buying a 90 cm dish in Los Angeles. I never heard from the first guy you recommended, but I had a nice chat with one of your folks in Glendale, and I'll be swinging on by this weekend to pick one up.

Question -- can I just mount the dish on a wall like I would a normal Dish500 (20 inch)? I'm concerned about the weight. I thought about mounting the dish to a piece of 2'x3' pressboard and weighing it down with cement blocks on my flat condo roof. Do you think that would work? This is not the ideal situation for me, as anybody who feels like it could conceivably muck with my installation (nothat they couldn't even with a wall-mounted install).

Do you have any general opinions as to the best/easiest way to do this without possibly destroying common property?

Lastly, are you still receiving a decent signal on CTVHD-E & W and SN-HD? I just wanted to make sure that this effort is still worth my while...


Yes it can be wall mountable as long as you use the right hardware, like anchors.

As fas as viewing the low power channels, still working fine except when it rains like it has the last couple of days.. then it looses the signal.

90cm dish is great, but if you have the option for a larger one like 100cm or even 120cm (1.2m) then I would go that route. Im sure you have heard that "the bigger the better"

I like what I get with the 90cm, but if Bell does not add more power to those few transponders that I bearly get a viewing signal then 90cm will just not be enough year round.

I have both 100cm and 120cm available but just have not found the time and weather to test em yet. Plus im searching for proper mount for my 100cm dish as we speak.

So, go bigger if you can. Especially if you are a home owner.
Thanks, I'm excited about my new project. I seriously thought about switching to Starchoice, but there are too many downsides, not the least of which is that I love my 9200 and its ability to record three programs at once. Getting SN-HD is a deal-breaker for me -- I'd also like TSN-HD, but if I can at least rescue this one channel, it'll be worth my sticking with Expressvu. At least until they mess with us people down south again!

Due to the FCC law, the maximum I dare go with is the legal limit -- 1 meter dish. As it is, it's being mounted on common property so I'm already bringing unwanted attention to myself. As I mentioned before, I've got more hardware on the roof and more holes drilled into the exterior wall than the rest of my neighbors combined!
Ok, here is what I'm missing from 82 in Fort Myers Florida, zip 33901. This is with a Dish 500 setup.

On TP's 6,7,10,11,22,27 and 31, I am getting 0% Some of these from what I can gather are dead anyway, but 7, 11, and 27 have caused me to lose channels 850 TSN-HD, 820 NBCHD West, 803 CITYTV HD, and 823 FOXHD West.

On TP's 5 and 9, it shows locked at 38-43%, but I can't tune channels 800 CTVE HD, 806 CTVW HD, and 851 SN HD.

Losing TSN and Sportsnet are my biggest bummers, especially TSN. I'm guessing on the lower signal strength tp's a bigger dish will help, but am I out of luck with the tp's that are reading big goose eggs?
angiodan said:
Ok, here is what I'm missing from 82 in Fort Myers Florida, zip 33901. This is with a Dish 500 setup.

On TP's 6,7,10,11,22,27 and 31, I am getting 0% Some of these from what I can gather are dead anyway, but 7, 11, and 27 have caused me to lose channels 850 TSN-HD, 820 NBCHD West, 803 CITYTV HD, and 823 FOXHD West.

On TP's 5 and 9, it shows locked at 38-43%, but I can't tune channels 800 CTVE HD, 806 CTVW HD, and 851 SN HD.

Losing TSN and Sportsnet are my biggest bummers, especially TSN. I'm guessing on the lower signal strength tp's a bigger dish will help, but am I out of luck with the tp's that are reading big goose eggs?

Here's what I'm getting with a 90cm: http://www.satelliteguys.us/showpost.php?p=517736&postcount=10
digiblur said:

I'm assuming you are in the NO area. What is weird with looking at your numbers is that you are getting lower strengths with your 90cm on tp's I'm not having issues with, yet on my zero tp's, you are getting 70-90's.

It looks to me like I may be too south to pick up those tp's, just like N3 was before. So now I get everything I was missing on 91 before, but lost the important HD stuff. It really sucks.
Hi, I just bought a spacestar receiver, no problem getting dish network but bev will not come in, shows 80% signal, it shows the channel at the bottom of screen and then goes to a black screen, any ideas what i'm doing wrong here thank you
patioangel said:
Hi, I just bought a spacestar receiver, no problem getting dish network but bev will not come in, shows 80% signal, it shows the channel at the bottom of screen and then goes to a black screen, any ideas what i'm doing wrong here thank you

Iceberg, you want to handle this one. :D
Scott Greczkowski said:
Patio is no angel. :)


Another one bites the dust, just please don't close this thread for the legit Bell subscribers
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Pro96, yesterday I went to the retailer you recommended to me in Glendale (Calif) and picked up a 90 cm dish and a great $10 signal meter!

I did a temporary installation today, but took it down because it was so big and I got cold feet about my homeowners association. I was able to get a signal of around 49-51 on the transponders where CTVHD-E and W reside, along with SN-HD -- and reception of these channels. I'm undecided about doing a permanent installation, but in the meantime I had a question for you.

I was sold a 11250 LNB that was designed to fit on the new dish, and was told it was compatible with Expressvu. (Which was verified by my googling the subject.) However, I was unable to get my receiver to "see" the signal, which was run through an SW-21 switch along with a standard dual LNB, which was situated at 92 degrees. It's clear that the new LNB worked, as I was getting a very strong signal with my signal meter.

I slipped the 11250 LNB out of its holder and duct-taped in a genuine Expressvu LNB in its place. This configuration worked fine and my signal findings above, were based on this.

What's wrong with my configuration? Is the 11250 LNB incompatible with an SW-21? What are my options if I decide to do the permanent installation? Are there other switches I can use, or perhaps an adapter for the LNB? I did an extensive web search but couldn't really come up with the answer.

Thanks again for your help!
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Did you have any luck with transponder 7 and TSN HD with this size dish?

Watching the Leaf game last night in SD was just awful. I really think I'm going to have to switch to Starchoice.
clayface1000 said:
Sorry to say, TSN-HD is still dead as a doornail...

That is what I was afraid of. I think I have a one year commitment up in August, I'm pretty sure I'll switch then.

And I'm sure I'll be asking for Icebergs help in pointing the dish then too. :)
philhu said:
It is amazing how strong the signals are now in the cold Northeast since they did the conversion. :)

Boston to be exact!

Agreed. In New Jersey all it took was a little rain to kill TSN HD before. Now it's on TP7 with a 100 on the signal meter.
It still mystifies me as to the rationale Expressvu used to make these transponder changes. For instance, the HD PPVs are on transponders that can still be received down here, yet, there's no way a southern subscriber could actually purchase an event. So why didn't they move these channels to the new transponders? Same thing with SRC-HD and the preview channel. Proportionately, there can't be THAT many people in the US who are clamoring for these channels compared to SN-HD and TSN-HD, which surely must be the two most popular overall. So why did they kill those two channels, and in the process, probably lose a lot of revenue from subscribers who will be forced to quit their service?

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