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Well...ALL this talk about what MRS. Salsadancer7 looks like and I HAVE promised a here it is:

Be nice boys...I have lost 15 pounds so I am lighter than the picture shows.

I found that 15 lbs. you lost, it's on your ass. How much did your hair weigh before you lost it?:D Your wife is gorgeous, what does she see in you?:D

Seriously, nice picture.
I found that 15 lbs. you lost, it's on your ass. How much did your hair weigh before you lost it?:D Your wife is gorgeous, what does she see in you?:D

Seriously, nice picture.

hay now!!! you put a long wig on him and some lipstick and you got yourself a looker :D
They serve food?
LOL! That reminds me of the time my brother's wife found a Hooters receipt in his pocket after he and I were out getting toasted one night - he tried to tell her we were there because of their great chicken wings. She was pissed.

I was still single luckily. :)
That reminds me of the time my brother's wife found a Hooters receipt in his pocket after he and I were out getting toasted one night - he tried to tell her we were there because of their great chicken wings. She was pissed.

I was still single luckily.

I've been to Hooters a few times- First time was the day after Thanksgiving in 2006 (that was when LSU beat Arkansas to seal up what I thought was un undeserving Sugar Bowl bid, BTW).

Here are some pictures:


As you can tell, my name is Denis. That's the French spelling because my mother was born to French-Canadian parents and spoke French before she spoke English. I think I am the second-oldest on this thread---born in 1946.

I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area and still live there. I am not as big a sports fan as most of the people here, but I enjoy MLB and college football and basketball. I really enjoy the "minor" sports like volleyball and college wrestling more.

I am married with three daughters, all in their twenties. I am a software engineer who also does science data analysis and spacecraft/instrument operations.

Favorite teams:

MLB---Dodgers and (close second) Angels. But having been raised on Vin Scully I still have trouble listening to Angel announcers. My wife is from Chicago, so I root for the Cubs when they aren't playing the Dodgers.

NCAA Basketball---I was a graduate student at UCLA during the Lew Alcindor (now Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton eras. GO BRUINS!!!!

NCAA Football---USC. Don't be shocked that it wasn't UCLA. As a graduate student you don't develop the rabid adulation for your school that you do as an undergraduate. I admire watching something done well, especially something done well consistently. GO TROJANS!!!

I don't enjoy hockey, so no favorite in the NHL.

It is true that the water off the California beaches is a lot colder than the waters off Florida. But I am not much of a beach-goer so that doesn't matter much to me. I prefer to hike in the mountains or wander in the desert (as long as it's not summer). My favorite place in the world is Death Valley. My wife and I even honeymooned there. All our kids know it like the backs of their hands.

As for the natural disaster debate, I have no fear of mudslides or wildfires, because I don't live in the mountains or foothills. I firmly believe that insurance companies should not insure people who live in those areas. They are the reason our insurance rates are so high. I don't like subsidizing people who have been burned out two, three, or even four times. As for earthquakes, they are a lot like tornadoes in that their damage is extremely localized, unless you are talking about a really HUGE quake. Such a quake will happen someday, but I don't lose sleep over it. It is possible, but not likely, that one will happen in my lifetime. I have lived through dozens of quakes including the Northridge quake in 1970. I have never been injured or suffered any significant property damage in any of them, because I wasn't one of the few people who lived close to the epicenters.

And as for Hooters, I have only been inside a Hooters once and I was horribly disappointed. The girls in Sabresrule's pictures were cute. The girls I saw in the Las Vegas Hooters had ugly faces and were super skinny. I think their measurements were probably 22-22-22.

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