Need advice, RE non-delivery by merchant

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
Wanted everyone's opinion on this.

I ordered something on the 14th of July, paying close to $400. I was told when I did so that part of the shipment (~$60 worth) should arrive by the 19th or 20th. The larger part would take slightly longer. I was also told told that the tracking information for both would be emailed to me. I was happy with this arrangement.

By the 19th, I had recieved no tracking information, so I emailed their support and asked for it. They answered promptly... and said neither item had been shipped yet. They said that both parts should be mailed out that day.

On the 20th, I get an email containing the tracker number for the smaller part, with a notation that the tracking will function after 6pm. I am told the larger part's tracking info will be relayed to me in a day or two. So the items actually got shipped on this day.

Now July 23rd. The smaller part (drop-shipped to me from a location nearby) has arrived, so I email and inquire once again about the larger part of the order, which I have heard nothing about. I get a prompt reply stating that the large part of the order is shipped via some untrackable method, so no information is available to me, though this is contrary to previous communication. They do say they will call the shipping company and check on its' progress, however.

The 25th, having heard nothing, I write another email; no response.

The 27th, still no word, no package, I email again... no response.

The 29th I both email and call the order/service number and request some sort of update or vague idea on when I can expect my package. I get no email reply and my message on their voicemail is also ignored.

Now it's Monday, August 1st. I have no package, I have no tracking, I have no idea if the company has even sent it, but I sit here waiting for it to arrive anyhow. It's been 18 days now since I ordered; over half a month. Am I right to be a bit upset? Maybe it'll show up tommorrow, but what kind of service is this where somone couldn't contact me even with an "I'm sorry," regardless if they had shipment info or not?

Just had to vent ;) I welcome your opinions/advice.

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Call them up and tell them if you dont have the part by the end of the week you are disputing the charges with your credit card company. :)

That one always works. :D


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
Got an email from them yesterday. They say they are waiting for the shipping/tracking number as well, the drop-ship location was supposed to call them back with it, but as of yet hasn't... shortstaffed or something. They "extend their apologies" and "hope that we can get you a solid number within 24 hours or we intend to make restitution."

The email was set 3:05pm local time yesterday, so I guess I should know something within 7 hours.


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
May 11, 2005
Orlando, FL
I would still do as Scott advised. That may light a fire under them and protect you as well.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
The company wrote me.

They say the product was sent last week, but it got damaged. This apparently explains the huge delay and lack of communication.

Now I get to have a tracking number. It tells me that my product has been mailed out tonight, and is supposed to arrive on the 5th. Wheee, 23 day turnaround time from order to delivery. If this one doesn't get damaged and dissapear as well.

Oh, and they said Thanks. Yeah, I'd thank me too, gullible sap.


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
May 11, 2005
Orlando, FL
Is there anyone you can call about this. I would be requesting at least the shipping fees to be refunded to you. Really they should have to give a little for you being such a patient customer.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
I'm honestly not sure who I can call about this. I'm usually not the guy who goes up to the fast food counter and complains that they gave me a cheeseburger instead of a double cheeseburger. Unless it's got mushrooms on it, it's good enough :rolleyes:

Their toll-free line seems to only ring to a machine these days, so I'd either be leaving a complaining message, or writing a complaining email. I do sincerely feel I'm due SOMEthing. Obviously, by looking at the ~3 day shipping of the latest product, they should have figured out something went wrong well before they started ignoring me for a week. The wife is convinced they never sent one previously, and the "damaged in shipping" story is a ruse to cover up them dropping the ball. I don't know what to think, except that I'm getting my item 23 days after ordering, when it takes 3 days to ship to me, plus I've been treated like garbage. Yes, having the shipping refunded sounds fair. At this point any lame offer of restitution would be my first thought, if I worked there. Give me SOME reason to come back and order, or encourage my friends to do so....

Sorry for the sarcasm in the last post, but getting an email half an hour past their self-imposed 'deadline' saying they consider it solved; the solution is for me to be patient and wait some more- and, "Thanks!" ... just got under my skin.


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
May 11, 2005
Orlando, FL
If you don't stand up for yourself nobody else well. Plus, you are in the right here which gives you all the justification you need!!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
Oh, joy. Tracking said I will get the product on the 5th.

It's the 5th, 5pm. No product and the shipping information hasn't been updated in over 24 hours. Last word is it's still on the other side of the country. Its Destination Terminal is SLC, 40 miles north of me, so one would think the tracking info would report it arriving there before I recieve it. If not, well, perhaps they deliver past 5pm........


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
No product. No updating of the tracking info. Maybe this one got damaged and dissapeared too.

I'm writing a complaint email. 24+ days now.... I could have ordered it from China and had it shipped by boat and get it faster than this. During the time I've waited for this, I ordered an lnb from ebay from the UK; won it, paid for it, waited for shipping, recieved it today... still ahead of the product coming from within the USA. :mad:


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
Bad to worse

I finally wrote them an email outlining the above timeline, the fact it's been 24+ days, and I still don't have my product. I did point out the inconsistancies in their information and the week+ I was ignored. What I got back must have the worst example of customer service I have yet to endure. Two emails explaining basically how I was lucky to even have an order, how none of this was their fault, and how their reputation will no doubt suffer by my slandering them to my "pen-pal" internet buddies. :eek:

The first email:
Says I should try calling the shipping company. Says they already made a delivery attempt. Only within the past few hours has the tracking information been updated to show my product was recieved in SLC. I was left no notice of a deliver attempt, and somone has been at home all this past week; I personally have sat here the past 48 hours, in vain hopes of finally aquiring my product.

They say flat out they will not compensate me in any way for wating. Their shipping company is the very cheapest they can find. The blame the product manufacturer, where this was drop-shipped from, for "botching" this deal, and becuase they get no compensation, I am certainly not due any. Can we say "passing the buck?" Doesn't anyone take responsibility anymore?

They leave me in this email with the options of refusing the package (should it ever show up), calling the Better Business Bureau if I feel mistreated, and cancelling my order. They sent "twenty emails" to the manufacturer and made "ten phone calls." They feel that covers their end.

The second email, sent 40 minutes later, gets worse.

He begins by listing off a string of points I should "consider."
1. When I ordered, the freight computer did not charge enough for shipping.
I honestly fail to see how this is my fault or even my concern, if it occurred on their computer. When the final order was placed, it was done over the phone speaking to the very individual now emailing me!

2. He says though I spent almost $400, it should have been $500. Even with a sale going on, I should still have paid more than $400.
Again, am I to blame for this? Why is this being mentioned, so I should feel lucky I got something for so supposedly cheap? I am right now looking at their website, and the product is the same price it was when I ordered, as it was a month before I ordered. I have no clue what he's getting at here, maybe describing "shipping total errors" again.

3. He goes on about how when I first tried placing my order two weeks before finalizing it over the phone, there was some sort of sale going on. No, there wasn't. When I checked prices on the 4th, there was an Independence Day sale that would save me $12. I didn't try purchasing on that date though, and actually regretted that I missed the sale when I placed it a day or two later and got no discount. He states he honored the supposed sale, though the order actually went through two weeks later.

4. He says shipping prices were "rediculous" through FedEx and BAS, so he went with the "slightly less rediculous" shipping price from their shipping company. Is it just me, or again, does this have nothing to do with me? I'm the customer, right? I ordered from the company and gave them my money, I shouldn't consider and evaluate my level of service based on how high their shipping costs are, or who that forces them to use?

5. "I am sure you have told all of your pen-pals online how bad your
experience was, so that is an amount of damage we can ill afford to take,
when we did the best we could."
In a pretty professional manner, I have only mentioned this issue to one close friend on the internet, other than here, where I respectfully even now will not mention the company(s) names in question. If I report the facts and they term it damage, then perhaps my experience wasn't as justifiable as he paints it out to be..

6. He reiterates again that if I want to cancel, I can refuse shipment, then let him know so I can be refunded.

I'm pretty shocked at this, personally. I've worked in customer service for years and if half of this got said to a customer, I'd have been sacked on the spot. If the basic message of this email was I'm not due for compensation, it could have been stated politely and apologetically in about two lines. Not two emails of this sort. Still trying to be fair to this company, these emails are from a single representative from the company I ordered from. The other individual was always pleasant and helpful. But still, representative is the key word here. Even if nothing is directly their fault, honestly, who would choose to deal with a company that treats customers like this?

Below I've included my email to them, so you can fairly judge if they wrote the above in some sort of retaliation. I think I was firm but very fair. Again, all names have been removed.

"REP1 and/or REP2,
On July 14th I ordered a ITEM1 and ITEM2 from you in good faith, after having weeks of credit card issues, trying to get my money refunded from your online autgorization company. REP2 took my order and stated ITEM2 will most likely get to me first, on or about Wed. the 20th. ITEM1 might take a day or two longer.

When I called on the 19th seeking tracking information, neither item had been shipped yet.

I recieved ITEM2 on Saturday the 23rd. At this point I again request tracking information for ITEM1. REP2 responds and contrary to what REP1 said, claims there is no tracking available when shipped via BLANK Freight. He says he will call and check on the package's progress, however.

From this point until August 1st I am ignored. I get no answers to my emails, no response to my phone calls/messages; just nearly a week and a half of silence.

Finally on the 2nd, I receive an email from REP1 stating you finally called to ask them (BLANK freight) for the tracking number, and that you're awaiting a call back. I'm told that hopefully I will have a "solid number" within 24 hours, or you "intend to make restitution."

Slightly over 24 hours later, REP1 again writes and gives a tracking number. Apparently ITEM1 was sent out, but got damaged, which somehow explains the lack of tracking number and week+ period of silence from you. Now that I have a new shipment and a working tracking number, apparently this situation is considered solved.

Using the tracking number, I am able to use the "Basic Tracking" on It states my package is projected to arrive on August 5th... yesterday. The tracking information hasn't been updated in over 48 hours. I'm still waiting on my product.

It has now been 24 days and counting since I ordered. We are fast approaching a full month, which is simply rediculous. Whilst waiting for the dish to arrive, I've purchased a product from the UK and had it shipped GROUND to me, overseas. I've already recieved that product and am still waiting for ITEM1 to get to me from within the USA. I feel this deserves some sort of compensation, unless this is the standard way your customers are treated. I would also like you to look into where this new ITEM1 is; was this one, too, damaged in shipping and dissapeared? Should I simply not believe the tracking information, and if so, what good is tracking? If I knew it would take a month to actual aquire ITEM1, I would never have ordered. There are overseas companies who sell very inexpensive ITEMS, what detered me from them was the 3-4 week deliver estimates.

I expect your reply promptly. I've been advised to notify the Better Business Bureau and file a fraud chargeback with my credit card company. I'm hoping that will not be necessary."


Supporting Founder
Jun 1, 2004
37.134004N 76.561779W
Just plain shoddy.

Whether the shipping company is at fault or whether the vendor is at fault you should not have to chase the shipping company - you didn't order from the shipping company, you ordered from the vendor, it's their responsibility to sort out the screw-up.
If you'd arranged your own shipping then you're responsible.
Another point, they accepted the order the second they charged your card and shipped the item, why are they complaining about undercharging you at this late stage?

You have a lot more patience than I do, as soon as it hit the 3 week mark I'd have filed a chargeback.


Supporter / Pub Member / Server Weenie
Sep 28, 2003
Round Rock, TX US
Cascade said:
You have a lot more patience than I do, as soon as it hit the 3 week mark I'd have filed a chargeback.
agree 100% with Cascade here. You've spent FAR more time on this than it is worth. I'd hit the CC Chargeback.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
At this point the tracking claims the product is a scant 40 miles from me, sitting at SLC. All I ever wanted out of this was what I paid for, that's all. Doing a chargeback now wouldn't get me the product any quicker than waiting until tommorrow and seing if they'll deliver it. I know I've been very patient. I guess that's what really bothers me about getting a response like this. I'm STILL going to wait another 24 hours and try to just get what I've been waiting a MONTH for.....


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
May 8, 2004
Northeast Michigan
My standard operating procedures are as follows with a product. If i do not have it available at the time of order I email the customer with expected ship date and Also try to call the customer and explain the situation to them. As for the product being 24 days late... Well I have had to ship that late in my case myself, but within 24 hrs of ordering the product the customer was email and called, given an opportunity for cancellation over the phone and given an expected ship date.

Now about disputing the charges, well I am not going go into it to much but basically it would be a 70-30 chance in your favor on this case as of the lack of communication.

If your product was shipped Fed-ex they are not real reliable scanning the packages in my area. I have received products before any actual information on the package location was shown. Other times they where right on the ball.
UPS is usually more reliable scanning the packages but it seems to take 24 hrs after the package has been picked up/delivered to UPS before it shows anything other than Billing information has been submitted.

I feel for ya man hopefully it all works out for you.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
I recieved the product today, 8/8/05. Twenty-six days after I ordered it.

Despite the rude emails that suggested I'm slandering them, I'm choosing to still not give out the company's name. I'm sure certain people here can put 2 and 2 together and figure it out, but the average passerby won't read any negativity from here. I really hope to heck I am the only customer who ever gets treated in this way. The amount of doubletalk, disrespect, and no one owning up to responsibilities is just plain scary coming from a fairly large public business. The product itself, when I finally got it, is superb quality. Which only makes it that much more of a shame that I can't boast about or advertise the company that sold it. Poor handling + lack of respect + good product = not worth it, in my book.

As I accepted the package and completed the transaction, I expect to hear no more from them. I of course won't be ordering from there again.
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