Hi so basically I moved in my current house 9 years ago the guy I bought the house from had a satellite dish and viewsat pro and told me if I wanted to have all these reqlly good channels he will leave the satellite dish I just had to buy my own viewsat pro box so yea I told him I'd keep it and .. and he told me I had to update the bin everytime it blacks out I use to get my bins at satnow website but as you may know thats been closed for the longest now. Basically as you may know Viewsat Pro bins stopped working like 4 or 5 years ago so I am now finally trying to get a understanding of what I can use this satellite dish for if Viewsat Pro doesn't work I basically had this satellite dish sitting outside doing nothing for past 5 years now I need to know should I just trash it or can I benefit in some way from it? Please help.