Netflix instantly on 360


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Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
Microsoft brings Netflix streaming to the Xbox 360 for Live Gold members - Engadget

Wonder how long before the PS3 gets this setup going. Seems like MS took forever to get this done. I think it's kind of shady to require Live Gold membership, so I'm sure the PS3 will require some fee since MS is going to (in addition to the netflix membership)and will thus my Roku box will continue to be even more of a deal. I'd love to have my PS3 have netflix for the other room, but I won't pay an extra monthly fee for it to Sony (nor MS)
Everything I am seeing is saying that it is exclusive to the Xbox 360. I suppose the exclusivity can end anytime.

Also, I believe most Xbox owners pay for Xbox Live Gold, so for most it is a free added feature.

It is a great deal for me. Don't need to add any additional clutter to the TV area. The content is getting better. I also like having access to all the old TV shows they have like the A-team and The Hulk.
I guess I am out of the loop on the Live stuff. I never could see the value in the Live membership when I had my 360.

Either way, I'm liking it (since I have a Roku) since more and more people having easier access is bound to accelerate Netflix's expansion of the movie selection.

I don't know on the exclusivity. I read it as it's exclusive on the 360 (cause no other game machine can do it yet)
This is awesome. Friend has been using the MCE plugin to watch Netflix on his 360 already, and while buggy has said it's worth it. Really looking forward to the fall update.

I hope the PS3 gets this option at some point as well to help Netflix crush Blockbuster.
Yeah great idea, help crush the competition so theres only one service left and your bill gets jacked as they are the only game in town
Nah, there will always be competition in some form or another... Blockbuster has been on it's high horse too long, happy to see them struggling, even as a former employee.

I prefer them for in-store rentals, but for their rental-by-mail business (and now digital distribution) I am happy to see them get beat to stuff like this.

Stupid to assume bills will get jacked up with less competition. There are too many ways to get media now, people will quit even if there isn't an apples to apples comparison available. That's why Sirius and XM will merge... there are so many other forms of entertainment they are competing against. There are so many ways to get movies, I'd live to see Blockbuster gone.
As a gold member for the last 3 years (and I am a primary RPG player, So not much online play) I will love this addition.

You may ask why I pay 50 a year if I do not game much. Pretty simple actually communication. I can manage my kids accounts online and send them messages while at work.

Usually the only perks I get is early demo's and a few free themes/gamer pics. So having netflix stream is huge for me :D
You still need Netflix membership, so not really "free" Last I heard, not many streaming movies available, when compared to their DVD selection. I'll pass, unless HD streaming is in the works. But I gotta hand it to MS. They're coming out with some cool Live features.
You still need Netflix membership, so not really "free" Last I heard, not many streaming movies available, when compared to their DVD selection. I'll pass, unless HD streaming is in the works. But I gotta hand it to MS. They're coming out with some cool Live features.

Well I have had Netflix for many years so it's free to me. And on this page it says more than 10,000 movies. | Xbox News - Xbox 360 and Netflix Team Up
Hmm, this could sway my decision when I (finally) go next gen. I'm not a huge hard-core gamer, although I do enjoy the GTA games and Rainbow Six and stuff like that. The PS3 having blu-ray is a huge plus for me, but if Netflix starts streaming HD movies to the Xbox, that could be interesting.

It's mud slinging and/or just trying to get traffic based on a sensationalized headline. If anything it was worth writing for SEO reasons.

It says it in the article itself: NetFlix does not offer high-def content on its Roku set-top or its streaming service at its web site.

NetFlix does not offer any streaming HD. That's why there's no HD. Ask the roku peeps and existing netflix subs how happy they are with the streaming, it is an impressive service at no additional cost.

Looks like Sony has no answer for it, other than launching their response to the Video Marketplace a year or so late.
Yep, being a Roku owner I am never at a loss to find things to "watch instantly" on netflix. Heck I have over 30 things in my Instant Queue alone that I have not gotten to. There are lots of gems that I have stumbled across and lots of TV series I am catching up on. Quality is dvd-esque and some titles do infact have surround sound, not just stereo.
Don't get me wrong. Very good stuff MS is going with Netflix. For me, I have all the Dish movie packages. They also have to compete with a buck a night Redbox a couple of blocks away from me. I usually rent movies I really want to see and can't wait for the HBO, Starz, etc premiere. Now if Netflix ever decides to rent games and that same subscription price includes game rentals ( via mail of course ) and streaming movies, I'll jump on that.

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