New Boxes with New Software, so where is ours?

Heres hoping they do work weekends. Its not like they have to carry blocks on their back and construct a pyramid in the desert. Load up the software and push the D*&^^@( button!
I remember someone saying that they don't like to do it on weekends in case it screws up and then umm, I don't know I guess they don't want to pay time and a half for workers to scramble around on the weekend.
vurbano said:
Heres hoping they do work weekends. Its not like they have to carry blocks on their back and construct a pyramid in the desert. Load up the software and push the D*&^^@( button!
LOL V!!!-Keep the jokes coming-Still smiling about the "pyramid" one!!!
It sounds like the software on lostcause's box is the same (or very similar) being beta tested by some members of this forum. It's still missing some key functionality, like move-to-currently-selected-channel-in-guide on the favorites list (it has this in all channels list).

With the current software, we rely on the favorites button to bring up the guide directly from the remote, and the lack of this feature on the favorites list is a major oversight. I don't think I've used the VOOM menu more than once or twice in the past month; I rely almost exclusively on the favorites, which is programmed as the guide button on my universal remote.
I use all the buttons. Sports is neat for finding events. HD doesn't always include all the HD programs. (It never includes TMC HD). But that's Zap2uit's fault, not VOOM's.
In reading lostcause's thread it does seem, as cyuhnke suggested, that he has accidentally received a beta box. Although, that in itself is kind of least the software is out there.
Or it could be a deliberate attempt to test the scanning software on a slightly wider scale than Beta. I don't feel cheated that I don't have it yet. They know everybody wants it. They have no reason to hold it back. Just making sure it is as good as they can get it when they finally press that "@##@*&(!" button. (or am I misquoting?)

The fact that somebody besides me already got it only shows me that the release is close. ;)
I see no reason investing money in an upgrade and then hoarding it behind company lines and going "Muahahahah we just spent X amount of man hours for NOTHING AHAHHAHAHA"... I'm sure they want to roll it out with no problems, and not have all their subscribers call them and say "OMG THE NEW PATCH MAKES EVERYONE LOOK LIKE SCOOBY DOO!!"
Dvlos said:
I see no reason investing money in an upgrade and then hoarding it behind company lines and going "Muahahahah we just spent X amount of man hours for NOTHING AHAHHAHAHA"... I'm sure they want to roll it out with no problems, and not have all their subscribers call them and say "OMG THE NEW PATCH MAKES EVERYONE LOOK LIKE SCOOBY DOO!!"
We are all guinea pigs at this point. A user with a moto that has only 1/2 the functions it should is a beta tester in my book anyway. You dont think that black screens, DVI snow, pixelation, rebooting, microstuters, a PG that doesnt go back to the beginning are beta tester material? We got it now. Give us the beta software then.

Isnt the real reason we have all of these problems because Voom was forced to launch the service early before it was ready or risk losing its leases? I believe I read that back before Rainbow One was launched.
The channel-100 thing is so stupid it makes me wonder if anybody at Voom actually uses their own product. I mean, I'm a programmer myself and use my own software, and something like that would drive me crazy and I'd fix it my damn self first thing. It's just a UI quirk, for pete's sake, not a major function like OTA scanning. The fact that it's still here after 8 months doesn't speak well for the people Voom has working for them.
barth2k said:
The channel-100 thing is so stupid it makes me wonder if anybody at Voom actually uses their own product. I mean, I'm a programmer myself and use my own software, and something like that would drive me crazy and I'd fix it my damn self first thing. It's just a UI quirk, for pete's sake, not a major function like OTA scanning. The fact that it's still here after 8 months doesn't speak well for the people Voom has working for them.
I've had Comcast for two years, their software is random, about 1/10th of the time it will put you at the channel you are currently at, but the other 90% of the time it starts you back at channel two. Ubelievably irritating at first but I got used to it so it's no big deal to me with Voom....
Hey where is Wilt on this? He said two weeks over two weeks ago. What happeded Wilt? Could you give us a glimped of not when, but what is the hold up. I'd rather hear 2 more months and not wait for something to happen every day!!!!!
It looks like the new firmware is split into different modules so they can upgrade 1 portion without affecting the other. This would make for quicker fixes and enhancements. Notice the Guide is split off from the actual OS.

Current software version: V00.01.04
HAL Version: 00.06.00
Middleware version: 00.01.36
Guide version: 00.19.8E

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