New Dish customers read these existing customer posts

Common Lincoln's guild of suits, whatya waiting for?


Nailem, then we get 50 cent checks while they drink martinis on the Country Club terrace marveling at the new 7 series parked below.

Yeah, sadly this is what will happen.

100% support for the original poster. I understand your pain bro, it is ours to share.
I have to agree with walt and riffjim's respective statements...however in the town I live in, even as bad as E* is right now, they are still saints in comparison to the local cable monopoly. :(
JoeSp said:
<snip>......As me, my VIP622 is on order and when I get it I will be glad to be abused by Dish while I use my new MPEG4 HDDVR and watch my new HD channels. I guess I like being abused! :)

Sorry to respond to your post twice Joe but I left out something (and please don't take this an attack - it's not).

Today is Feb 2nd. You're apparently happy because you've got your 622 ordered. I really hope you're one of the lucky ones but in fairness to this thread, would you please post back here if / when you find out you're not going to be seeing the new HD on that 622 quite as soon as you expected.
tunagimp said:
Then, come March 2007 or whenever they shut the MPEG-2 stream off, I've got a couple of $600 250GB hard drives.

Just delivered by UPS Maxtor MaxLine III 300GB SATA drive from - $130.00:D
Based also on their complete inability to produce a reliable box upon it's debut, I'm sure the threads about the buggy 622 will only be 3 weeks away!

I wanted an HD DVR last month. The best they would do for me was $599 for a 942. They didn't inform me of any upcoming changes/requirements for new HD programming. I'm just lucky to be informed through this site. I cancelled my service after over 6 years of AEP. They don't care.
mikew said:
Based also on their complete inability to produce a reliable box upon it's debut, I'm sure the threads about the buggy 622 will only be 3 weeks away!

I wanted an HD DVR last month. The best they would do for me was $599 for a 942. They didn't inform me of any upcoming changes/requirements for new HD programming. I'm just lucky to be informed through this site. I cancelled my service after over 6 years of AEP. They don't care.

Good point. Also, your's isn't the only report of Dish selling 942s for top dollar to unsuspecting customers as recently as last month and not telling them a thing about the 622 & MPEG4. In fact there have been posts about retailers / dealers getting memos from Dish recently advising them to get rid of all their 942s.
Nice post waltinvt. You basically summed up the entire mess. I truely beleive E* doesn't give a rats a$$ about their high paying customers. They know they them by the nads, since we've probably invested good money up to this point. I've read about plenty of pissed off people on this forum, me included, but how many are actually going to take the next step? Dump E* for D* or cable? Not many. Too much of a pain to sell off your E* equipment and get setup for cable or D*. I've done plenty of bitching lately, but I'll most likely be in line come April 1st for a $99 622.
JoeSp said:
Did you tell those future Cable customers about the annual price increases? How about the fact that HD is really HDLITE? How about the fact that with cable in most parts of the country you cannot just purchase the HD?

Of course there will be areas that don't have a good cable company or rural areas where cable is non-existent. But for the most part suburbs and towns of any size are going to have a good cable option. I personally haven't had a price increase in the 2 years I've had cable. The price of high speed Internet actually went down a few dollars recently. Nor do I receive any HD Lite programming. In fact the PQ from OTA isn't noticeably any different than from my cable. On top of that I can have as many HD DVRs I want to lease with no commitment or up front cost. If they become outdated I won't be responsible for any form of upgrade or install fee. I could add an SD TV in every room of my house if I wanted with no additional fees. I've never been treated poorly or spoken to in a rude manner. I could go on... I do not however have as many HD channels and that really sucks. But it isn't worth taking it up the rear from a satellite company who could care less about me IMHO.
mdonnelly said:
Okay Walt, we know your complaints against Dish. Do we need a new thread every day ranting about the same stuff?

Well, we could talk about how great the new HD channels look on our cool HD DVR's... oh wait, we can't, because we can't see them!

We could talk about how great it is to be able to time shift and watch new HD shows from our HD DVR's... oh wait, we can't do that either, because no one has a DVR that can "see" the new channels.

We could talk about the new DVR I ordered and is scheduled to arrive this weekend... oh wait, we can't because they all have a "software" problem and can't be shipped yet.

We could talk about the great rebate deal us 921 & 942 owners got for continuing to fork over premium $$ to Dish... oh wait, we can't talk about that until at least April.

So since we can't talk about those things (at least not from personal experience) we choose to talk about what we view as bad treatment from Dish. That is one of the purposes of a forum like this, right? I believe Walt is dead-on with his complaint, and don't know why you would be unhappy with him, me or others for expressing our frustration.

It is actually in the best interest of all Dish customers for these type of complaints to be aired and to force Dish to address them. This time it is something that screws with me, next time mdonnelly it could be you. If we can make Dish be response to its customers complaints, then all of Dish's customers win, because many of us will have some problem at some point if we are their customer for long enough.

As far as the notion that if we were really pissed we would cancel, I have addressed that before, but I don't mind doing it again. Overall (IMO), Dish has a good product compared to DirecTV, cable, FiOS, etc. However, their actions have made me look into each of those options. But since I have also invested $1000 in Dish equipment, I am not prepared to just walk away from that investment. That is a lot of $$$ to me. So instead, I seek to get better service and value from Dish, as I continue to be their customer (at least for now). Now that's not all that unreasonable, is it? :)

Go get 'em Walt!!
waltinvt said:
Good point. Also, your's isn't the only report of Dish selling 942s for top dollar to unsuspecting customers as recently as last month and not telling them a thing about the 622 & MPEG4. In fact there have been posts about retailers / dealers getting memos from Dish recently advising them to get rid of all their 942s.

You mean that when you go to BB the salesperson will tell you not to buy that 50" plasma today, because next month a new better model will be released.
Or in August Symantec will tell people not buy Nortn Antivirus because in September they release a new version.
Or Microsoft and Dell tells people not buy Windows XP PCs because soon will be released Windows Vista PCs.

That is life.
BTW Dish will give these unfortunate people upgrade options. I can only suggest that the DVR upgrade fee for 942 custemers after, say, October 2005, should be reduced to $49.99 in order to make it in line with current new customers deal ($250 (942 fee) + $50 = $300 (622 fee).
Minsk1 said:
You mean that when you go to BB the salesperson will tell you not to buy that 50" plasma today, because next month a new better model will be released.
Or in August Symantec will tell people not buy Nortn Antivirus because in September they release a new version.
Or Microsoft and Dell tells people not buy Windows XP PCs because soon will be released Windows Vista PCs.

That is life.
BTW Dish will give these unfortunate people upgrade options. I can only suggest that the DVR upgrade fee for 942 custemers after, say, October 2005, should be reduced to $49.99 in order to make it in line with current new customers deal ($250 (942 fee) + $50 = $300 (622 fee).
To bad we couldn't find out how many 942s were sold or leased after the December chat. They shouldn't have sold or leased any to existing or new customers, knowing full well what was going to happen on Feb 1st. That's bad business practice and downright sleazy.
I share your lament, but at this day and age, what DN is doing is the rule rather than the exception. It's unadulterated corporate greed, pure and simple. If you you strongly believe in your convictions, then, you should cancel DN and look for other options (really not a whole lot). That is what I'm gonna do. After reading a lot of opinions in this benevolent forum, I'll postpone my plan of switching and stay with cable until all the dust settles.
JoeSp said:
In this country it is buyer beware. This goes true to form. However, what are your offering in return. Did you also inform future DirectTV customers that all HD on this system is HDLITE? Did you also inform them that DirectTV is having tremendous problems with MPEG4 and currently don't have a clue as to how to fix it.

How about they knew the problems with MPEG4 and brought out HD-LIL and sold it to customers and still are without letting them know the problems.

Did you tell those future D* customers about how if they purchase the regular service that with a cloudy - wet day they will probably lose their tv service? This is why where I live most of the folks have moved over to E*. They are tired of losing the signal on even heavy cloudy days.

Did you tell those future Cable customers about the annual price increases? How about the fact that HD is really HDLITE? How about the fact that with cable in most parts of the country you cannot just purchase the HD?

How about calling your post what it really is. You hate DishNetwork. This is a bitch session for those who hate Dish. That is okay, I am sure whatever service you have has more HD than Dish. I am sure that whatever service you have is doing things behind the back of their customers without them knowing about it. (See DirectTv and their HDLIL problems above)

Yes, and Walt is making the buyer aware. Good job, Walt!

If we were DirecTV subscribers, we would be in the D* forum complaining about them if it was warranted. Since I don't have their service, I am not qualified to comment on them.

If I had a complaint about cable, then I would be in a cable forum voicing my concerns. When I was a cable subscriber, I readily and often called them and complained. That is part of the reason I am no longer a subscriber, so I am not able to comment on their present service and quality.

I don't hate Dish... however, I don't like their current business practices and how I am being treated. I AM qualified to talk about that.

Isn't that part of the reason people are on the forums? Since I have been lurking here, people have been trying to learn things, people have been looking forward to new HD, and people have been complaining about HD-Lite, Charley's flip-flops, bad CSR's, misinformation coming from Dish, upgrade costs, price increases, and the like.

It should not be surprising to anyone to see someone make a logical, reasoned agrument or complaint about what they perceive to be bad service or mistreatment, especially on a message board.

Have a great day, all! :)
Minsk1 said:
You mean that when you go to BB the salesperson will tell you not to buy that 50" plasma today, because next month a new better model will be released.
Or in August Symantec will tell people not buy Nortn Antivirus because in September they release a new version.
Or Microsoft and Dell tells people not buy Windows XP PCs because soon will be released Windows Vista PCs.

That is life.
BTW Dish will give these unfortunate people upgrade options. I can only suggest that the DVR upgrade fee for 942 custemers after, say, October 2005, should be reduced to $49.99 in order to make it in line with current new customers deal ($250 (942 fee) + $50 = $300 (622 fee).

In fact many times I have been advised by good sales reps to wait on something becase a better one was due out soon. It's not that uncommon and seperates the good companies that care more about your long term business than the quick $$ sale.
vurbano said:
IMO they should be upgrading existing customers for free.

It's not too late for Dish to try and rectify some of this. They could still do the right thing and make the new channels available to MPEG2 receivers until existing subs have had a resonable time to replace their receivers and upgrade. Especially in light of the non-availability of 622s which I have a feeling is going to be even worse than it looks right now.
Minsk1 said:
You mean that when you go to BB the salesperson will tell you not to buy that 50" plasma today, because next month a new better model will be released.
Or in August Symantec will tell people not buy Nortn Antivirus because in September they release a new version.
Or Microsoft and Dell tells people not buy Windows XP PCs because soon will be released Windows Vista PCs.

The CEO of BestBuy didn't assure me that "new" 50" plasma technology wasn't going to be ready anytime in the near future.

The current version of Norton and the new version would both be able to detect all current viruses. If Symantic sold me virus protection and then a month or two later said that version couldn't detect new viruses, I would be unhappy, and I guess so would a lot of people.

If Dell sold me a computer, and two months later it couldn't receive any new websites that were put on the internet, I would be unhappy.

We subscribe to satellite TV! We expect to be able to see all the TV channels that the service has, especially when you buy their top-of-the-line equipment.

I don't expect a free upgrade to their new dual HD tuner DVR. I don't expect a free upgrade to the new DVR with a larger hard drive or some other feature.

But when the CEO promises new channels by the end of the calendar year, I expect to see them. When they tell me that the "new" technology is not working right, and they are going to stick with the current tech, I expect that to be true. I certainly don't expect to be penalized financially for believing the CEO. But hey, maybe that's just me! :)
KeithInDallas said:
The CEO of BestBuy didn't assure me that "new" 50" plasma technology wasn't going to be ready anytime in the near future.

The current version of Norton and the new version would both be able to detect all current viruses. If Symantic sold me virus protection and then a month or two later said that version couldn't detect new viruses, I would be unhappy, and I guess so would a lot of people.

If Dell sold me a computer, and two months later it couldn't receive any new websites that were put on the internet, I would be unhappy.

We subscribe to satellite TV! We expect to be able to see all the TV channels that the service has, especially when you buy their top-of-the-line equipment.

I don't expect a free upgrade to their new dual HD tuner DVR. I don't expect a free upgrade to the new DVR with a larger hard drive or some other feature.

But when the CEO promises new channels by the end of the calendar year, I expect to see them. When they tell me that the "new" technology is not working right, and they are going to stick with the current tech, I expect that to be true. I certainly don't expect to be penalized financially for believing the CEO. But hey, maybe that's just me! :)

Well said Keith and no, it's not just you.
Walt I do not disagree with you. I posted over two weeks ago that the VIP622 would probably not be available till March. That is when I am expecting to have a working VIP622. I expect to be watching ESPN2HD, UniversalHD, 5 more channels of VOOM (with their new programming) and being able to save programs in HD for later viewing. I am not jaded as to what was being offered by Dish.

I also was not fooled by Charlie's MPEG4 is not ready yet annoucement. I have seen this type of BS from several differant companies when they are trying to empty out their inventory before releasing new product. I also knew that new product was coming soon and BTW I had to put a hold on a 942 purchase because #1 it was too expensive to purchase and at the time there were no lease plans for current customers and #2 I already knew that the Uplink purchased from VOOM that was going to be used with the VOOM Sat at 61.5 was a MPEG4 uplink facility. That information was available November of 2003.

As I said before "Buyer Beware"!! I waited and I will be perfectly happy leasing the 622 for what Dish wants and I will be happy. As for those who purchased a 941 and a 942 and own the unit -- I believe the Dish is going to allow you to upgrade to the 622 for $99 in April and if you own your DVR and you return it to Dish you will own the 622. Of course it is not April yet so we have to wait and see what goes down -- in the meantime -- by then I will have a working 622 and enjoying new HD programming and a HD DVR for the first time. How can that be so bad?
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JoeSp said:
As I said before "Buyer Beware"!! I waited and I will be perfectly happy leasing the 622 for what Dish wants and I will be happy. As for those who purchased a 941 and a 942 and own the unit -- I believe the Dish is going to allow you to upgrade to the 622 for $99 in April and if you own your DVR and you return it to Dish you will own the 622. Of course it is not April yet so we have to wait and see what goes down -- in the meantime -- by then I will have a working 622 and enjoying new HD programming and a HD DVR for the first time. How can that be so bad?

I agree and hope you are correct about this "owner" upgrade plan. They could shut up a lot of folks by announcing something about this like, today.

But then, my 6 week old 942 has a one year warranty.

On day 91 after activation, when a leased 622 eats a hard drive due to operator error, what happens then? Does your lease fee cover this?

Is there a mandatory "Maintenance Plan" fee in our future?
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942 owner

Some details on the 622 from the Tech Portal

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