New installer

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Ok... thanks to all for the replies... believe me it helps... I've been mounting the ground block close to the ground not where I enter the home... This isn't correct?
What are the diplexers for? I think that is what they are called... (can't check wife has the van) they look like splitters to me?
A splitter is used to split signals to multiple TVs with non-powered lines. A diplexor is used to combine multiple signals into 1 line. 1 side is UHF and the other is Satellite. When you hook-up diplexors, make sure they are connected correctly or you will get a snowy picture. You can use diplexors to backfeed receivers and to combine UHF antenaes to an HD receiver.

As far as the ground block, it doesn't matter as long as the ground wire is shorter than the actual receiver line. Preferably by the main power entry or main water pipe entry.

Make sure you follow all safety procedures-don't take anything forgranted.
If you are using a dual buddy meter,or any meter that detects voltage,you can tell with that if youve got the right cable in a prewired home,if you attach the cable in the rooms to your irds and plug them in.If theres a splitter in line it will in most cases flash to indicate a short.If not then you will get 13 and 18 volt readings.on your buddy meter.
I have an accutrac... it has one port on left and two lnb ports on the right.... I know I connect a home run to power the accutrac when the battery goes is this the same thing? In other words... if it fires up the meter then it is a home run... will this hurt the accutrac meter if no conection to the dish?
you can use packet toner also. if there is splitter it will light up. but if it is power pass splitter then it wont. and if it takes longer then 10 minutes to find them ran new lines
Couldn't I also use a cheap voltage meter to do the same thing? same set up ird powered up and connected to wall outlet... then touch the probes to the case and center conductor... I should get 13 or 18v if no splitter and 0 (I guess) if a splitter is attached?
Sure,that'l work! Also you could use a volt meter to diagnose certain problems too,like shorts or breaks in cable.If it can read milliamps you can tell if an lnb is bad or good also.Great for fast service call problem solving! It's also good for telling if an electrical outlet is bad in someones home,cuz weve all been on that one job where you cant tell whats wrong,and its a bad outlet making the ird go screwy!
what are the typical splitters you see in the houses are they power pass or no? Also if they are not power pass would I still see 13 or 18 V? or something less?
it's hard to say what kinds of splitter, and i don't use any fancy equipment to check for splitter, i have pocket toner
I appreciate all the help and I know I'm probably driving you crazy...
Why a pocket toner... how does it work... maybe I'm making too big a deal on the splitter issue since I just ran into that. It also cost me a great deal of time.

Order a Pocket Toner. It tests for voltage and tells you if there is a splitter in the line. Here is a link to what we are talking about: I posted the link to starlink only for convenience, I buy my toners either through Perfect Ten or Skywalker Communications.

Have used them for years, they are very handy and cheap. One thing though, when not in use, keep a barrell connector attached to the toner, to keep battery from going dead.

good luck, and welcome to the business

pocket toner is simple devise, it hook up i to barrel or wall plate and it sends voltage through line to other end. and if there is splitter or short i a cable it will light up.
and no you not driving me crazy i just want to help people get my knowledge out
Thanks... I will order one... not sure how it will tell me if a splitter is in the line but it's inexpensive and I could have used it the other day on a job that had a dozen or so connections in the attic... would have saved me some time. If you can think of any other tools of the trade that will help me let me know. Thanks for the tip about the barrell too.
there is so many things you will learn on your own what works and what doesn't. but my suggestion will be please use common sense with out that it will be hard. make decisions that will help you and don't get pushed by costumers. GOOD LUCK!!!! AND WELCOME AGAIN
Once you have mastered how the the satellite works, and have all the right tools for the job, your troubleshooting and installs will be much more efficient with time and experience. You are a curious one ,on how things work so i suggest on getting certified with some sbca courses if your not already.
The pocket toner has a little red light on the top of it, when there is a splitter in the line it will turn on and if not the light will not work....

Its a good device if you cant see the lines behind the walls. Becuase sometimes people will put splitters behind the wall plates in each room which is kinda silly.

There are only a few tools that i use when i install, here are the main few

1. Birddog
2. Drill
3. Drillbits mostly a 3/8" one
4. Level

I do have all the other things in my van, but i dont use them. The key is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing. Take it slow and dont think too far outside the box. That what i have seen from some new techs that our office hires. They think too hard and thats whats slowing them down.. Its a really really easy job......
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Another key thing about your cordless drill, is make sure your battery is always charged....either charge it at home or have a Power Inverter in your vehcile hooked up to the battery charger. It will save you a lot of time and stuff.....
urnote96 said:
Another key thing about your cordless drill, is make sure your battery is always charged....either charge it at home or have a Power Inverter in your vehcile hooked up to the battery charger. It will save you a lot of time and stuff.....
Or hope that your customer has a drill you can borrow! I had to do that when my DVR was installed. I was happy to do it, as I didn't want the installer walking away with my DVR!:D
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one more chicago local ouestion

Has anyone tried the PPC aquatight and does anyone remember Raychem EZF?

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