New Navigator Guide coming (BHN Tampa Bay):

Iso, I just read that link. OMG. Did you read the comments? I know that negatives are more likely to be posted than kudos, but did you read the CONTENT of the gripes (looking beyond the emotion)? The things they describe that the Navigator software does are a huge step backward--injecting operational annoyances, deletions, and so on that are simply amazingly stupid.

What is it with companies that do such as this? Why in the world would you put out a product that reduces functionality your customers currently have. Don't you know it will piss them off? Answer: they don't care. If they did, they would not do it. I think: this software is probably cheaper than Passport. They know they will lose some people, but calculate that the net effect dollar-wise will be in their favor.

It sounds like this software was released as a work in progress, like any computer software. You buy version 1.0 and there are problems, upgrade to 2.0 there are less, upgrade to 3.0 and there are less.... etc... we are going to be "stuck" with this when it comes so let's hope they are aggressively trying to improve these problems people are speaking of.

I find it hard to believe they would step us back to a worse software and then leave it alone and make us deal with it.

On the other hand, I am still trying to get a hold of my contact at BHN biz RR regarding the speed increases. She is either on a really long vacation or outright ignoring me. To that, I am going to cease pushing Roadrunner, as I am a reseller, and start pointing people towards FIOS where available. I guess it is time to find out of FIOS has a reseller program, since BHN has decided they want to go down the tubes with customer service.
skottey, ...but this is not a product we buy. I can understand releasing a not-ready-for-prime-time product IF YOU ARE SELLING IT (doesn't make it a right thing to do, but there is a rationale in it). But that is not the case here. Releasing it doesn't increase a revenue stream; therefore, it must be eliminating an outflow. Otherwise, it makes no sense whatsoever.

If it does not change your profitability upward, why would you foist a bad product on existing customers? Answer: either you are =really= stupid, or you ARE getting a financial gain from doing so. Screw the customer; it saves us some money.
skottey, ...but this is not a product we buy. I can understand releasing a not-ready-for-prime-time product IF YOU ARE SELLING IT (doesn't make it a right thing to do, but there is a rationale in it). But that is not the case here. Releasing it doesn't increase a revenue stream; therefore, it must be eliminating an outflow. Otherwise, it makes no sense whatsoever.

If it does not change your profitability upward, why would you foist a bad product on existing customers? Answer: either you are =really= stupid, or you ARE getting a financial gain from doing so. Screw the customer; it saves us some money.

Yes, but several of these blogs and message board posts are saying that BHN and TWC were trying to eliminate the fees associated with paying for the passport software. They sought to accomplish two things when creating the software. 1- save money by not having to pay the maker of Passport by creating a proprietary software, 2- make a more user friendly guide with more features.

They rushed this product to the market, that is obvious. By doing this they have accomplished reason 1. Now they need to work on reason 2. It is all buggy and it will probably take several updates before it is all ironed out. I am not making excuses for them, just stating my opinion of what is going on.

On another note, as a computer person dealing with the public, I HATE how modern day software (including Vista and most other software like photo suites and just about everything else at a consumer level) tries to make everything user friendly. In the process, they have all these crappy wizards that are supposed to make it easier for the average idiot but they are addings steps to the process of accomplishing something. For example, connecting to a wireless network was so fast in Windows XP. In Vista they have added in annoying interfaces that add steps to the process, while trying to make it easier for the average person. It is more of a pain in the ass. Another example is photo editing software. Nope, you cannot just click on a photo in explorer anymore and get right to the edit screen with products like Photoshop Elements or Corel Paint Shop Pro. Nope, they have their own photo organizer and the tabs interface where you have acquire options, edit options, etc... an edit wizard for Christ sakes. Is it too difficult to click edit-> rotate image? No, they have an edit wizard now. People may be stupid but they are not that stupid. It is not that difficult to learn how to do things without a damn wizard for everything.

From the sound of it they have created extra steps in doing things with the guide, all in the name of trying to make it more user friendly. I hate this mentality of the companies now days. Customers hate it too for the most part.
I agree the software is crap (now) but with all the coming attractions it will be much better then passport. It will allow BHN/TWC to control it more to make changes quicker and to add new features quicker.. As with any new "software" release look at Vista or XP when it came out. It will suck at first but Does anyone want to return to win95?
A friend of mine told me that DirecTV just rolled out some sort of uPNP streaming -- in HD -- from their HD DVR. He can now watch DVR-recorded shows on his PC.

I'm glad BHN is attempting to do something about their software. Hopefully I can give them the benefit of the doubt if they have some initial bugs. However, they must remember that they do have competition...
bh was just here to change out my dvr because mine went bust, i asked him about the navigator , he didnt have a clue what i was talking about, i asked when it was coming out here in polk county, that i heard it was coming out in may so he called his supervisor and he has not heard of any new guide system either.
A friend of mine told me that DirecTV just rolled out some sort of uPNP streaming -- in HD -- from their HD DVR. He can now watch DVR-recorded shows on his PC.

I've been doing this with slingbox for a few years, although the novelty wears off fast. I mainly use slingbox for security cameras nowadays.
Interesting. Do you RF-modulate the security cameras to different channels? Or do you use one slingbox per camera? Or can the slingbox somehow multiplex between NTSC baseband??
bh was just here to change out my dvr because mine went bust, i asked him about the navigator , he didnt have a clue what i was talking about, i asked when it was coming out here in polk county, that i heard it was coming out in may so he called his supervisor and he has not heard of any new guide system either.

Field techs are idiots. They have told me things over the years that I have taken as gospel and I have reported them back here, only to be torn a new one by people that actually know what they are talking about. I have since learned my lesson.

I honestly believed that BHN had plenty of bandwidth about five years ago when I was told they only were utilizing 10% of capacity with all digital services, analog, and RR. Bringing that up here a few years ago, I was sure set straight.

Let's face it folks, most of us know more than most of the BHN CSRs and service techs.

You know that douche chill feeling you get when you are embarrassed for another person? I got that feeling really bad one time when I asked about Cinemax HD and Starz HD coming to BHN. The woman in the customer service department told me that in two years (this was 2003) all cable and network channels would be broadcast in HD, so everything was going to be HD that BHN had on its lineup. My God, I could have crawled under a rock in her place and never came out, I felt so embarrassed for her. How could she be so misleading and believe such a thing herself. I feel sick now just thinking about her lack of knowledge. Aren't these people trained on even the basics?

There are some real idiots working there. Just try calling and asking about getting an HD channel that you know exists. They will give you some line about the channel already being there, not existing at all, or told some other line. I don't even ask CSRs anymore, because they do not know what they are talking about. You are better off finding out here.
Interesting. Do you RF-modulate the security cameras to different channels? Or do you use one slingbox per camera? Or can the slingbox somehow multiplex between NTSC baseband??

I can't give you the specifics for security reasons (hahahha) but I can see a total of 6 security cameras from two Slingboxes that I have in my home.
Here are my complaints about the new navigator software:

1) It annoys the hell out of me that you can no longer hit the arrow button when fast forwarding and rewinding and have it go to the next or previous 15 minute increment.

2) It annoys the hell out of me that when you are watching a TV channel..... 99% of the time if you try to go back and rewind to something from a few minutes ago ........ you find out that the hard drive was NOT recording the program you are watching and you CANNOT rewind back ..........what kind of garbage is that??? What is the purpose of having a DVR if you CANNOT rewind the programs you are watching live without recording every program you watch????

3) It annoys the hell out of me that BEFORE when you hit play during LIVE TV the bar would pop up that showed you what you were watching and how many minutes into the show it was.

4) It annoys the hell out of me that when you are now watching a recorded program and hit play it plays slower with no sound........BEFORE when you hit play during a recorded show......the info banner would pop up and also tell you how long into the show you were.

ALL 4 DVR's in my house have this problem since the new software download. Makes me seriously thing about getting DirectTV or DISH!!!!!!!!

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