New Neighbors are pr0n addicts...

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Well, as you've found out, it IS a police matter. The police seem to have handled it low key. Odd over all, you'd think they'd want to keep it private. And to get along with their neighbors, not incite them with profanity. Maybe they thought their personal rights trumped everyone else's.

Or maybe they were using porn as bait. But I doubt pedophiles would be that stupid.

Please post a few updates as to how things go in the neighborhood. I doubt they could move before living there 2 years (taxes), but they may decide that is the best way out. My nickel says they stay and remain cool or hostile to the whole neighborhood. Think anybody will ask them to coach Little League? :rolleyes:
Well, as I typed my response, a township police car pulled up and took photos of the porn on the TV visiable from the street. I'm heading out to ask him what's up.

No I was not the one who called the police. I didn't think it was a police matter.

And in fact, they could be criminally liable. I teach a criminal law case where some guy was standing in his window, buck-naked, eating a bowl of cereal.
It'll definitely be interesting what happens the next few days with them. I think the part that got them was they acknowledged that they knew that kids were watching it. Ignorance (while no excuse) might have been a better option and you know honestly, I am glad the officer handled it the way he did. I am all for personal rights and private domicile stuff, but like the old saying." My rights end where another's begin"
I had an instance in Virginia a few years ago. Some ladies that worked for me complained that on their way to work, a guy repeatedly stood naked in his doorway, just drinking a cup of coffee. Police called. Could do nothing- inside his home, no threatening or obscene acts. Maybe it's different in other states, or in this one today. But no dice, back then.
Well, I'm not sure in other states, but in Michigan. Porn material in public places (gas stations, bookstores etc) has to be 2/3 covered and on a shelf above a certain height so minors cannot easily view it.

Obviously this is all personal opinion on a lot of it. I am sure this couple isn't going to want to get further in it with the neighbors. I know most of the neighbors well and most are going to just forget it. I'm sure the one lady who got swore at won't, but that is another matter. A lot is going to hinge on how this couple acts going forward.
Must be a really laid back place, to get off with a warning for something like that. Somebody would have probably gone to jail down here lol. Those yuppies have a lot to learn. Or maybe they think they're out in the sticks and don't care about neighbors, laws, etc
I'm just amazed that anyone who owns a BMW is also this stupid. It's true that different states have different laws but all states do have strict laws about porn that can be viewed in a public place by minors. Now the guy that stood naked with his coffee could be one of the few exceptions if he lives in a state that doesn't have specific laws with regards to adults seeing him. Now if kids saw him I bet it would be different. I have a feeling the coffee dude could be living in a 55+ place and I think if in the right state no law can stop him from doing that.

I'm also glad to see the way the police handled all of this because these people failed to understand that if charged and convicted they would be considered sexual offenders and would be listed under the state's registry. Trust me you don't want to be on that list if you ever plan to move because parents tend to freak thinking you abused a kid when it fact it wasn't anything bad at all. Parents sadly don't bother to find out and read exactly what your charged with. Also if you work with any company that deals with children you most likely will not have a job much longer nor will you be able to get a job with children involved. Yes I know its not fair but it is what it is so I'd say they are very lucky.

Oh and this is coming from a person who does enjoy porn and also believes in doing what I want in my home. But I also believe that my apartment window shouldn't stay open when watching porn while the kids are playing outside as I unlike these people do respect the wishes of other parents even if I don't agree with them. I believe that no real harm is done to kids who see porn but that isn't my place to make that choice for other kids. That should stay right where it should with the parents of each child. So because I respect their wishes for what their kids can view I keep my window closed when watching porn. If you want the truth I think its very sick to watch porn with the windows open knowing full well that other young children are watching it right behind you. Now if they didn't know anyone was watching I wouldn't think they were sick but once they knew and did it again during a time when they knew the buses were letting off kids is very sick IMO. Again I don't believe these kids would be harmed but that doesn't change the fact that I think these people are sick for doing what they did.

Sorry but any normal person like myself would be umm a tad bit feeling weird after being told that a group of 8 year olds are behind my window watching me watch porn. Again sorry but the natural reaction is not to keep it open and do it again that is for sure but again that is just me and my own opinion.
Your neighbors are idiots and should rightfully be cited for Lewd Behavior and Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor. No one is questioning what they do in the privacy of their home, but they have a common sense responsibility (due care/due diligence) to ensure the activity is contained on their property and away from children and people who do not wish to view this material. Draw the blinds for crying out loud.
Spot on, riffjim! We can allow that they have their privacy and a right to (most) anything along these lines behind closed doors and curtains, but their actions were flagrant disrespect for the needs and rights of others. I think that demonstrated a clear F-you attitude on their parts, and that flies in the face of being a "good neighbor". Unless you live on your own island I think you have a responsibility to be a good neighbor, which includes not infringing on others' rights, which in turn includes not exposing them to unwanted offensive media. And others do have a right to define what that is...

I certainly agree. They should have closed their blinds before they ever watched the first time. Don't shove something like that into other people's faces, just be thankful you can watch it in the privacy of your home without the police barging in.

I can understand the state viewing a man standing naked as falling into a different category than hard core porn. But it's still not acceptable public behavior, outside of a nudist camp.
Ask them to move their house farther from the road to prevent public view.

Glad to hear the police dealt with it reasonably, Michigan doesn't need any national embarassment situations. Kevorkian is ours and that is big news again, we don't need this stuff.

I know if my kids were watching from the street, or even my yard, into a neighbors window and saw that I would punish the kids, and contact police to resolve it.

What throws me is the way the neighbor handled it, you would think the embarassment alone would have drawn an apology and change the behavior.
Well. I'm glad to see there are a few more people like me and not like Damaged who believe that things like this while perfectly acceptable in private homes and such should have a reasonable attempt to keep the public outside from seeing it.

Btw, saw the couple this morning. I waived to them as I was loading my kids into the car heading to babysitter. The wife just looked down, the husband waived slightly as both got into their cars heading out to work. I think after they had a bit of time to think about it, I think they realized what everyone was concerned about. They appear to be embarrassed/ashamed as they normally both waive happily when I see them.

Now that being said, I know full well, many of my neighbors other than these guys watch porn, cause I pick up the VOD stuff on my QAM capable cable box.
So are you trying to incite me into a flame war or something?

You don't get to me so I guess if you feel better about trying to get me mad, have at it. No big deal.

Man, I don't know what the heck is going on outside, but another cop car just pulled up ( I assume to just watch the crowd of 20 or so parents outside) and the female owner is in handcuffs in the first cop car.

Maybe Damaged is your new neighbor with the porno habit?
Maybe the neighbors will loan you some of their porn if you ask nicely?:eureka

Hey, now that's an idea! I bet they do have some good stuff over there.

I got to thinking this morning about the parent that got told to get the F-off the property by the homeowner.

I never got to hear his side of it. Maybe she was a total bitch to him and confronted him hostily right out of the gate, immediately putting him on the defensive and angering him.
Hey, now that's an idea! I bet they do have some good stuff over there.

I got to thinking this morning about the parent that got told to get the F-off the property by the homeowner.

I never got to hear his side of it. Maybe she was a total bitch to him and confronted him hostily right out of the gate, immediately putting him on the defensive and angering him.

That wouldn't surprise me in the least that is for sure. Oh yay wow I remembered the "r" in su(r)prise for once in my entire life without the need for a spell checker lol. Maybe I can get a star sticker or something cause hey I gots low self esteem ya know.:D

Either way none of us really know the entire story but I can say this for sure that the cops had to have liked what they heard from this couple to not arrest them. Heck if it was two male cops it couldn't surprise me at all if they told the guy give me a few things from your porn collection and we will let all of this go with a warning. Just don't make me regret doing this for you okay. That also wouldn't surprise me in the least either. Oh and I'm sure on the ball with those "r's" aren't I lol.:D
State laws

Current Oregon law states that it is not illegal to be nude on your own property but I'm not sure about other "adult" content.

There is a push to change the law now after a news story ran about a man who would do yard work nude along a school bus route. Many kids would witness this yet the police could do nothing.
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