NHL Network

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I always use the Tech support option. When I get a person I just say "I don't know how I got here and why they keep transferring me around...but i'm just looking for an answer to my question". They are usually more than happy to help out.

I hate how I call in and explain a problem to the Indian bi-tch and 20 minutes in I am told I am being transferred to "advanced" technical support and then, before I can say a word, I'm dumped back in the regular queue, only to explain the whole thing all over again. This has happened to me more than once. As if my time isn't more valuable than that. Jerks!
You havent seen the video yet and youve been against me since day one. That will change soon although I'm thinking about waiting until Monday before posting the link because its a significant day to me. It will be on YouTube today though. I don't know what Im doing for you to claim my credibility is sinking so rapidly.

I am getting bad mojo from Mojo. Where is this video coming from?

Put up or shut up.

The video that contains the proof of communication with my source is not uploaded appropriately to YouTube. I'm getting a failed message due to the video format. It's MSWMM format according to the site. Is there a way to convert this video to a different format? I can always attach pictures of my proof but the video is just so special to me and I really slpent a lot of time working on it and thank you will all love it once you see it.

I made it using Windows Movie Maker.
His Imagination..MOJO is crackers if u havent figured it out by now!!

No the video exists I just cant get the damn thing to upload like I want it to. Is there anywhere other than YouTube where I can upload that video for your viewing?
No the video exists I just cant get the damn thing to upload like I want it to. Is there anywhere other than YouTube where I can upload that video for your viewing?
How about just posting some "stills" or better yet contact scott and maybe he can put your "video" on the front page
MOJO is crackers if u havent figured it out by now!!

This is true regardless of whether his inside information is valid or not. He could have actual insider info but it would not change the fact that there seem to be issues. It's not fair to MoM to combine the two, just accept his info as you would any rumor you see here. Even Scott's rumors are not 100%.
Mojo, contracts are done via fax machines and via fex ex.

Honestly they don't call for armored Wonder Bread Trucks to carry these top secret documents.

Its just contract negoations, its not world peace. :)
Scott - have you heard anything more on NHL network coming to D* or E*? I know you were trying to get something from the NHL offices?

Yesturday I heard a radio comercial on the Chicago vs Detroit game on XM (Chicago Blackhawks feed) telling people to call their cable/sat company to ask for NHL network. Also said they will carry a 4 hour nightly on-the-fly live highlight show. Sounded alot like what you get with Superfan on the NFL or MLB with D* - which is good stuff.
Scott - have you heard anything more on NHL network coming to D* or E*? I know you were trying to get something from the NHL offices?

Yesturday I heard a radio comercial on the Chicago vs Detroit game on XM (Chicago Blackhawks feed) telling people to call their cable/sat company to ask for NHL network. Also said they will carry a 4 hour nightly on-the-fly live highlight show. Sounded alot like what you get with Superfan on the NFL or MLB with D* - which is good stuff.

News Please!

AND... Are we actually going to stay on topic? :)

Seriously, does the site have any admins to take care of moderating this board? I doubt Scott has the time for this, understandingly so... but this thread went to hell.
masterdeals - Wiki has this about NHL on the Fly

NHL on the Fly is the flagship show on the NHL Network in Canada. It carries instant updates and extended highlights of every game in the NHL that night. The show also includes live "look-ins" to games for a few minutes at a time.
This is true regardless of whether his inside information is valid or not. He could have actual insider info but it would not change the fact that there seem to be issues. It's not fair to MoM to combine the two, just accept his info as you would any rumor you see here. Even Scott's rumors are not 100%.
his info is not a rumour..its an LSD flashback or something
Mojo try suing magic video covnerter i a evry good one

Alsotry upldoingit to rapidhsare.de
Is there anywhere other than YouTube where I can upload that video for your viewing?

Putfile.com :: Free Media Hosting and More!

Now we all will be able to see and you will receive the adulations of every SatGuy in the world.

This is quite a scary time for me and it's the dawning of a new era because I know that once this video is viewed, I will be a key player in the satellite industry and will be, at the very least, admired by everybody on this message board and will be taken as seriously as I have ever been taken.

I really want to know who's alt account this is.
This is a very exciting time for me so I'd like for this message to be read with open arms and an open mind because I now have the proof all of you have hated, ridiculed, and verbally punished me over. That's right: I have an official screen from my source that is from the NHL network. I also have her photograph, the memo she initially sent to me regarding the NHL network, and a copy of a faxed contract. I also have a picture of the real truck that was used at the drop-off point for the contract and to get through the small mob that was gathered in protest. I have made a short video (about four minutes long) that will put all of my critics to rest once it has been viewed. It will be uploaded to YouTube tomorrow and when I see that it is available for viewing, I will paste the link to this website.

There are more important fish to fry first, though. I have decided to start a corporation in honor of Mojo. When things start going better, I will likely take Mojo's name out of the organization of the company allowing him to rest in peace for good. He was quite a good dog and, although he will always be missed, I know I'll see him again one day and that he'd want me to move on to more exciting projects. The organization is called "Mojo Incorporated, LLC", and I will focus on developing short videos for entertainment purposes (that is after this initial video and the next one to follow). The next video will be a short video that details the events surrounding Mojo's last couple of days on this Earth including the unfortunate events that led to his death.

In the upper left hand corner next to my name, you will see my company logo and you will also see this at the beginning of the video that will make all of you adore me. I would like, at this moment, to go ahead and give a moment of appreciation to everybody that has e-mailed me in support (most notably RAransay) and feels a level of deep sorrow regarding my loss and the way I have been treated. When Mojo passed away a little over three years ago, he didn't leave behind a handbook or manual on how I was supposed to get on with my life. Therefore, I was lost in pity, bittersweet anguish, and depression. I began to consider the satellite industry a hobby and will someday own my own DBS organization where I hope to focus (primarily) on a more affordable and international solution for programming.

I am currently in talks with another source who tells me that DISH intends on rolling out the HD version of NESN sometime before the Red Sox season begins. Cosmo, that should make you very happy. They are also looking to add more international stations and hope to someday offer a few Canadian stations (which should make a few more of you happy). However, I cannot provide good news to each of you and, despite Cosmo's resistance for friendship, I can't help but like the guy! He was, in my opinion, very funny when he did that little show called Seinfeld. And don't worry -- you are featured in the video that will be on YouTube shortly. I'm just not sure what you are doing at this message board when you could be out filming another show making millions.

When I was in high school, nobody seemed to take me seriously. This is quite a scary time for me and it's the dawning of a new era because I know that once this video is viewed, I will be a key player in the satellite industry and will be, at the very least, admired by everybody on this message board and will be taken as seriously as I have ever been taken. Please don't applaud me until you view the video but I would like any feedback whether positive or negative to be left on this thread and on YouTube both. Simply put, I don't expect any negatives because so much hard work and dedication went into proving my accuracy to you, my adoring fans.

I can't help but wonder what Mojo might think of these strides I have taken toward greatness. I think he'd be thrilled for my success but would probably still be a loyal friend that was uncaring about money and the glamour that will come with such success. He would simply want me to be myself - an effort I took seriously while creating my video and will maintain until my last breath. I have, in the meantime, turned down all offers of employment from DISH as I simply don't have the time, energy, or dedication that is required for an executive level position at this moment. Also, I prefer to be on the outside looking in and reporting information back to all of the little people.

In case you can't already tell, this is quite a challenge. If you have a hard time believing that, simply take a look back at how I was treated over the past several days. I have always proven accurate with my information in the past and was met at the front lines with violent outbursts and sarcasm. I'm a very forgiving person and trust that all of you will have wonderful things to say about the proof that is included in the video.

I'd also like to either post a link or have you guys come on board as subscribers to my channel once all is developed over on YouTube. This video is certainly favorites material and will be loved and cherished for the remainder of YouTube's years on the ever-changing World Wide Web. I'm very anxious to pass along the video and the proof that you have all been waiting for..........

In Memory of Mojo..........

Wow! And don't take that as a complement!
I wouldn't even know how to answer that but to say look in the yellow pages under psycho-therapists! PLEASE!
Mojo, contracts are done via fax machines and via fex ex.

Honestly they don't call for armored Wonder Bread Trucks to carry these top secret documents.

Its just contract negoations, its not world peace. :)

Damnit Scott, what are you talking about? This is not just some regular contract we're talking about, it's NHL NETWORK!

The contract is printed on a jersey. Please, tell me how you could possibly fax a jersey? I've tried, it doesn't work. Just makes a big mess.

P.S. You wouldn't happen to have a sewing kit I could borrow, do you?
and now back to our regularly scheduled program....

NHL Net nabs U.S. Carriage

NHL Network, currently on Canadian TV, skates south this month after completing distribution deals with U.S. cable operators Comcast, Cox Communications, Cablevision and Time Warner, and with satellite operators DirecTV and Dish Network. In total, the network will pass about 72 million U.S. homes.

At Deadline: NBCU Announces Daytime Deal Or No Deal
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