No longer supporting vacation homes?

Is it just me, but I think the same thing every time I read a post like this. You can afford a vacation home; a second house when many people struggle to pay for their first and the cost of TV service at your second home is an issue...............HUH?
I'm sure Comcast/Charter/etc. would be more than happy to support two Homes on one account (not.)
In your zeal to discredit Claude, you reinforced what he's saying. More customers = count twice = more money (your comment).

Count twice = two accounts = more money

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

It depends on how you read what Claude says.

"It has nothing to do with stealing service", Claude says.

Stealing service=taking money away from Dish. So, I read Claude to say that 1 account, 2 houses has nothing to do with money. Claude seems to be implying (Claude, am I right here) that Dish only cares about this so they can tell the public how big their subscriber base is.

If it is about money, Claude is wrong to say "It has nothing to do with stealing service" That is just totally incorrect, it has everything to do with stealing service, as stealing service=taking money away from Dish.

Your comment that says "Count twice = two accounts = more money" is exactly correct. We agree. Claude apparently doesn't.
The way it was explained to me is that Dish wants 2 accounts setup, and you put one of the accounts on vacation pause when your not using it. When you go to your vacation home, you call Dish and take that account out of pause and put your main home on pause.

In theroy, you are not making Dish any money except for any fees they may charge to put your account on pause, but they are now able to count you as 2 customers.

Here are some examples of the desprite mesaures Dish has put in place to artifically inflate their subscriber base...

#1 Forcing all dealers to pay $60 per year for a dealer showroom account, so they can be counted as paying subscribers

#2 Forcing all their employees to have an account and even going as far as saying they don't care if the employee chooses not to use the service and just puts the receiver in their closet.

#3 Allowing customers who are in a 24 month agreement who want to cancel early to downgrade to a $10 per month welcome pack to be able to ride out the remainder of their contract without paying a cancellation fee.

#4 Allowing customers who only want international programming to sign up with a promotion that includes free equipment.

#5 Allowing disconnected customers to come back in as little as 90 days as new customers with all the benifits and promotions.

Taking a receiver back and fourth is another ligitiment way to have service for a few days at your vacation home. The problem is that almost everyone I talk to and make this suggestion to don't want to do it this way and would rather leave a receiver at their vacation home all the time. For some reason people don't like disconnecting things and hooking them up again.

If you leave the receiver at your vacation home, then it needs to be setup as a second account.

When Dish was in its early years, they would often look past this because they knew this was an advantage over the cable company and was a way to lock you in as a customer forever. Now they know they got you as a customer, and are bleeding subscribers left and right, they want to enforce the rule they always had in place.
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They want the sub count to be as high as possible. Each sub has a value in the industry. It looks good to show a net gain of subs when the quarterly reports come out.
I've always wondered . . . does Direct not have a similar rule against account stacking? Are they OK with a subscriber having multiple active receivers in more than one location on a single account? Is the local cable company OK with with a customer running a cable over to the neighbor's house to share an account?

So why is Dish always labeled as the bad guy for enforcing this rule?
I've always wondered . . . does Direct not have a similar rule against account stacking? Are they OK with a subscriber having multiple active receivers in more than one location on a single account? Is the local cable company OK with with a customer running a cable over to the neighbor's house to share an account?

So why is Dish always labeled as the bad guy for enforcing this rule?

Because they got the Audit Natzies that call and harrass customers to the point where they want nothing more to do with Dish.

Directv and the cable companies do not enforce it like they should.

I got a Directv account with (16) receivers. Im surprised they allowed me to activate them all on a single account. Its been 3 months and not a peep from Directv wanting to verify if all the receivers are in the same house.

If this was Dish, the guy would be arrested and put on trial and assumed guilty the second we tried to activate the 5th and or 6th receiver.
And how does dish know that the person with the vacation home is not leasing or subletting it out to others. I get the OPs point, but Dish has to have rules that don't allow stacking and are enforceable.
Should I start posting in the DirecTV forum so I can advertise my referrals to DTV subs like Claude is doing here?
Having your receivers distributed to more than one location is no different than lending a receiver to a friend indefinitely so he doesn't have to subscribe.

The agreement you signed when you subscribed to Dish says ONE location.

It is all about about having rules that discourage those who would and do cheat.

If there was no such rule in the user agreement we could have blocks of households all on the same account and each additional household only pays $7 more instead of $65, or more per month, hell yes it is about the money.

Dish is a for profit company.

They are not just in the business to give you TV channels at cost or at a loss.

Why do you think the channels on Dish are encrypted? Why don't they just broadcast FTA and depend on donations.

Neither Dish nor DirecTV nor the cable companies would be in business very long if they willy-nilly allowed any and everybody to do as they wish with their product.

If you want the luxury of having a separate set of Dish receivers at two locations, you must be willing to buy and pay for two accounts.

If you are willing to endure the hardship of taking your receiver(s) with you back and forth, Dish will allow you that inconvenience at no extra charge.

There - I feel better now, don't you?
Until I came here I had no idea people took TV and a TV provider so damn seriously. I'm at a loss at how this makes people so angry. Lots of great info here but lots of people that take TV too seriously.

Why not get a tailgater and take it with you? Problem solved. I hope everyone feels better. Its only TV people.

Sent from my Galaxy S4
Until I came here I had no idea people took TV and a TV provider so damn seriously. I'm at a loss at how this makes people so angry. Lots of great info here but lots of people that take TV too seriously.

Why not get a tailgater and take it with you? Problem solved. I hope everyone feels better. Its only TV people.

Sent from my Galaxy S4

Very well said. People take TV and these companies too seriously. You really think those offshore customer service reps care if you are not a customer of dish.
Keep life simple, Get two hoppers in one home and then put up the hopper in your vacation home yourself or pay an installer to get it done. If you try to deal with dish directly they will give you a run around. Officially they do not support vacation homes. If you have a vacation home, then its two subscriptions and you can turn the vacation home on and off.

Remember get a maximum of two hoppers. If you get a third one, then you will get audited by the dish police and then they will close down your subscription if you cannot verify the receivers in the same location. If you do need three hoppers, then just put them in the same house for about 2 months and then take one of them to your vacation home.

If you have a local's problem if they don't fall under the same spot, then pick one of the CONUS locals and set a service address and those should come in as well.

Legally dish recommends you take your receiver with you to your vacation home and get the service address changed but that is a huge hassel in my opinion.

In my case, dish installer came in and said I'll not get HD as I don't have 129. I then got the eastern arc in LA and its been working perfectly fine since then. I install my dish's myself with the AI TurboS2.

Hope this helps and someday dish can see our point of views.
Should I start posting in the DirecTV forum so I can advertise my referrals to DTV subs like Claude is doing here?

Sure, as long as your posts are on topic I don't see why not :). Claude isn't trolling in this thread and I think he knows to follow the rules around here like the rest of us. Having said that, I have to agree with most of what he's saying. I had a situation my first time around with dish where on my 10th year with them they decided to call and accuse me of account stacking. Didn't ask questions, just accused me of doing this and gave me two choices. Open a 2nd account or return one of my 3 dvr's. This happened at my previous address where I had a pool house in the back. I decided to put a 2nd dish back there with a dvr which was easier for me than running a coax underground from the main house. It was like that for years.

I begged them to come over so they could see all the equipment was on the same property but they insisted I was account stacking. There was a retailer a few blocks away so it would've been easy to prove this. I've never been treated so poorly as a faithful customer of dish for 10 years, having their top programming package,always upgrading to the newest equipment and straight out buying them at a time where it was actually worth owning your receivers. I closed my account and the call was disconnected without even a goodbye. So when Claude calls them the Dish Nazis I can't disagree with that.

Never thought I was going to ever come back to dish but I don't hold grudges and was fed up with Directv's snail dvr's. The HR34 is what pushed me over the edge to give dish a 2nd chance and am sure glad I did. I'll admit that even though I only have 2 hoppers I still hope to never get a call like that from Dish again. There's got to be a better way of controlling account stacking without having to harass your customers.
Until I came here I had no idea people took TV and a TV provider so damn seriously. I'm at a loss at how this makes people so angry. Lots of great info here but lots of people that take TV too seriously.
Of course people take their TV and TV provider seriously. They have to justify all the money they spent recently on their new HD/3D sets.
Is it just me, but I think the same thing every time I read a post like this. You can afford a vacation home; a second house when many people struggle to pay for their first and the cost of TV service at your second home is an issue...............HUH?
That's a short-sighted and frivolous attitude. Did it ever occur to you that people with money spend it wisely ? If they threw it away carelessly, they might not be able to afford that second house or vacation house...
That's a short-sighted and frivolous attitude. Did it ever occur to you that people with money spend it wisely ? If they threw it away carelessly, they might not be able to afford that second house or vacation house...

So true, and many peoples vacation properties may be small inexpensive cabins in rural areas, not elaborate vacation homes.
You can call your retailer to come look, you can justify it as you are wisely spending money. In the end, it is stealing a scrambled signal not meant to be seen at a second location simultaneously. The rules DISH has for vacation homes is very fair. You are free to set up a second DISH, have everything ready to bring your receiver(s) with you and use the service at the vacation location. There isn't any excuse that changes that. DISH is probably giving a break by just telling you that you are stealing service instead of sending someone to your house to serve you. This isn't some moral high ground, it's so that I don't have to pay even more because some of you want to "spend wisely."
My comment about people with money and spending it wisely, while veering off-track/topic, had not one iota of hinting about "stealing" service. How did you interpret it that way ???
I vaguely remember a certain ceo telling customers on a "Charlie chat" that it would be ok to move a receiver between a vacation home and regular home

I remember that it was pretty funny because the others said no charlie you can't do that. You could always just buy a pathway X2.

Which brings up a new question if your a H/J customer will dish let you add (2) 211Z's for a pathway X2?

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