now Dish wants two phone numbers, WHY?

Jim S.

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Jan 2, 2006
I tried to log in to my Dish account tonight and it told me that I couldn't because some of my profile information was invalid. It had my second phone number listed as 999-999-9999. I had never entered a second phone number, but now, it says that it's a REQUIRED field. I don't have a second phone, so I entered my girlfriend's cell phone number. But is she going to get calls from Dish on her cell phone? I haven't got a call from Dish on my landline in a long time, but I used to get them constantly. I wouldn't want them calling my cell phone even if I had one, for that matter. So why the hell do they need two phone numbers?
I tried to log in to my Dish account tonight and it told me that I couldn't because some of my profile information was invalid. It had my second phone number listed as 999-999-9999. I had never entered a second phone number, but now, it says that it's a REQUIRED field. I don't have a second phone, so I entered my girlfriend's cell phone number. But is she going to get calls from Dish on her cell phone? I haven't got a call from Dish on my landline in a long time, but I used to get them constantly. I wouldn't want them calling my cell phone even if I had one, for that matter. So why the hell do they need two phone numbers?

Mine's been doing that too. I just click the X in the top corner of that pop-up to get rid of it. It lets me right in then. They have my home phone & that's all they're getting.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using SatelliteGuys
It's called a glitch.

it's not a glitch. Same thing has been added to our screens in the call center. Dish CSRs will ask for a second number, IF you have one.(*) If not, no biggie, they'll copy the first number into the #2 position. Those of you who did that on your own, that was the right thing to do. My guess is that this has been driven by techs not being able to contact a customer, or if we try to call, getting a "number not in service" message. More numbers, easier to get in touch. Many folks have multiple phones in a household these days. And again, if you don't? No biggie, we just duplicate it into the second field.

(*) The CSRs are supposed to ask, but I know a lot of them have not been asking.
Mine's been doing that too. I just click the X in the top corner of that pop-up to get rid of it. It lets me right in then. They have my home phone & that's all they're getting. Sent from my SCH-I535 using SatelliteGuys
I do the same thing and click the X on the pop up I get asking me to create a PIN for my account every time I log into mydish.

Sent from my iPhone
I just entered the same number again... problem solved.
Now they have my number twice.
That's what I did when I updated my number.

The reason is because the second is stored as a cell number in order to send text messages (for service calls) to, leaving the first as the home number to call.
When we enter in a sale we have to put 2 phone numbers. It can be the same phone number but we have to enter in both fields in order to go to the next stage of order entry.
Maybe they do it because they want an alternate number to get a hold of someone at if a tech is sent out and the primary number isn't answered.


I recommend a second number just in case. Can't tell you how many times both numbers are the same. Call it, nobody answers, can't find the place. Move on to the next job, get a call from the previous person......sorry, I'm at a job where somebody answered the phone to give me directions.
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I believe this cost me one of my free PPV's. I was away on vacation and knew the certificate was expiring on sept. 30th. I tried to order via my smartphone and couldn't log in. Kept trying off and on for a couple of hours without success. I couldn't see the popup but the log in kept timing out. Once I got home on the PC (and after the PPV certificate had expired) I got the add a second phone number popup.

I guess that's what I get for waiting until the last minute.
It seems EVERYONE now wants that second number. It is REALLY annoying!

ALLOWING for a 2nd number... Fine; good idea
REQUIRING a 2nd number... Why?

I rarely provide anything other than my home phone unless I am specifically waiting for contact and want to make sure I don't miss the call. You are right, companies are increasingly demanding multiple numbers... Home, work, day, night, cell, alternate, etc. I'm sorry, I don't want your salespeople calling me on everywhere I go!
I really don't see a huge concern here. Either give a second number or just put the same number again. As stated before, it can help a company get a hold of the customer if there is more than one number. We actually have people give us two numbers all the time in order to get a hold of them when we try to schedule a service call. One is usually the house number then the other is their cell number or even their spouses cell number. Maybe people don't mind giving out more than one number when they actually find it important that they are contacted.

It's gets very annoying when we have a service call scheduled by Dish and there is only one number to contact. We call it and no one answers. We are not sending a tech 30 miles away without knowing if the customer is there or not.
If I wanted to be reached 24/7, I'd have a personal cell phone, along with a landline.... otherwise 1 number is sufficient. But when companies insist on having 2 numbers, I use Pizza Hut's number.
Obviously not everyone has a second number so I don't see the big deal. Just tell them you don't have it or if it's online and it's required you just put in the same number. I really don't see a big deal here.

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