Oil hits $100 a barrel

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Looks like its time to put a ladder rack on the motorcycle.:D
:D, this is sad, the gas price keeps going up, never seems to come down.
We need to use ethanol like other countries, it's much cheaper.
I don't believe ethanol is a viable solution in the long run. You have to produce corn for ethanol. While corn is cheaper than gasoline, think of all the other prices that have begun to rise with the rise of ethanol. Also, our fuel production would be effected by droughts, etc. I think I saw this on TV, because I didn't think of it for sure. :) The prices of dairy and beef rising is due to the corn costs.
:D, this is sad, the gas price keeps going up, never seems to come down.
We need to use ethanol like other countries, it's much cheaper.
I don't believe that it is cheaper to produce ethanol than it is to let oil flow out of the ground. It may be "cheaper" to buy due to a variety of issues (one being subsidies for ethanol, and higher costs of oil due to regional strife)

When we hit $5 per gallon for gasoline, then maybe I'll believe ethanol could be produced more cheaply (if you remove the cost of creating large enough refineries to compete). Take away subsidies, and nobody would be producing ethanol due to the huge cost of actually producing it - at least that's what the farmers tell me.

I live in ethanol producing country, and I see how much fuel these huge pieces of equipment consume just to plant and remove the base product. I would guess than probably 20-30 percent of the ethanol produced would have to go right back into the tanks of the equipment. Unless we come up with some hybrid plants that grow enormously quicker/larger, and start using genetically modified animals to do the labor.. I think costs due to consumption of resources will remain too high.
If we do start using ethanol then some of the money will be put back into the American's pockets for the fuel instead of terrorists out of the country.

I thought we hit $100 for one day a few months ago then it went back down. Heck, its winter, I can only imagine what it is going to do in the summer. Maybe its time to get some oil stock after it goes down a little bit. I do not see oil going down in price.
If gas hits $4 a gallon as was said yesterday I'll be shutting down my internet, cable, and phone and get a no contract cell phone. Its time for the goverment to allow for oil drilling off the Florida coast and in other area's where people have boohoo'd it, time to put up wind farms off nantucket and tell the rich people to tucket. This is really going to hurt people making under 60k a year.
When oil was $20 a barrel, everyone said our way of life would end if it got to $40. At $40 we all said we’d change our ways at $60. At $60 we said… (etc., etc.).

Now that it’s at or near $100, I see few changes in the way we live our lives. People still seem to drive as much as ever and I don’t see people carpooling. People are actually looking at the MPG figures on new cars, but that’s about it.

I was one of those who thought $100 oil would seriously slow our economy, but I was wrong.

I see a bright future for ethanol when the processes are in place to make it locally from what is currently useless biomass (e.g., all that decaying undergrowth in our forests). Just imagine the impact of a kudzu-to-ethanol process…
If we do start using ethanol then some of the money will be put back into the American's pockets for the fuel instead of terrorists out of the country.
It'll go right out of the Amercians' pockets and back into foreign pockets as soon as they go to the store to buy just about anything. Not to mention, you GOTTA know that foreign entities will own more of our ethanol production facilities than Americans will.. Where do you think the money for these things comes from?

Until we get back to living like people did 50-100 years ago we're not going to fix/change things. If people would pay the price for American made products instead of expecting $500 big-screen tvs that they can toss out in a few years, we wouldn't be in such a mess. Immigration would not be such an issue if we paid a fair wage, and people would work for a fair wage and not expect enough money to buy that big-screen tv after spending their day (i.e. 4 hour work shift) at mc donalds... Oil wouldn't be so darned expensive if everything weren't made from it and we weren't consuming and tossing out so much of it. albiet some cost increase comes from other developing nations finally getting to the point of consumption, we'd be a lot less dependent on the dang stuff if we'd be more frugal as an entire society.
Stargazer maybe you should look at where the US buys most of its oil from-not the middle east/Russia/Chavez but CANADA. Alberta tar sands are quite profitable right now with over an additional $100 billion being invested over the next several years. It has made our dollar appreciate over 30% in the last six months to be more than the US. It sure makes the Sirius and DN bills easier to pay!

But seriously, the price of oil/gas will never come down now that China is buying cars with US money from cheap crap they make. I read somewhere that China has over $100 trillion in US currency treasury bonds. That is scary. If the world started to cash in the loans you have made it would crash your economy. And yet you keep spending - including your government. Sometime - maybe not now - the debt will come due. Our federal government has had balanced books or a surplus for the last 10 years. But we do pay a lot for gas - right now it is about $3.75 US for one of your gallons - but I still see H2's and Yukons all over the place.

Take Care just wanted to give you the frozen banana republic perspective from the north

My memory isn't what is used to be....

Alberta is pricey to live in... In Calgary you can't get a basic 3 bedroom bungalow for under $500K. They can not find anyone to work in the service jobs like fast food - they have to hire someone to go pick up high school kids just to fill the afternoon shifts.
Sounds like the propaganda fluff around the tar sands has jacked up the prices to the extreme. I looked at some rentals there and the prices for a one bedroom ranged $1,400 - $2,000 wich seems really high for such a small town out in the middle of nowhere.
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