Patriot Cheating coverup.

Nothing will come of this. Sports are the last great legal mafia in the US. There is too much money in it; and the gubbermint is all too happy to keep the opiate of the masses in status quo, so that beer swilling fools don't notice everything else that is going on (shh, stay asleep, all is well...).
Nothing will come of this. Sports are the last great legal mafia in the US. There is too much money in it; and the gubbermint is all too happy to keep the opiate of the masses in status quo, so that beer swilling fools don't notice everything else that is going on (shh, stay asleep, all is well...).

I was all ready to come back here and blast you for this "the league got back at them by letting the Giants win" theory, but then last night I was thinking...

A. What better possible scenario could there be for the NFL's marketing department than for another Manning to win the SB, and to have a team from NY win the SB, and to do it by knocking off the "unbeatable" Patriots?

B. What better way is there to try to quiet down all of the cheating talk than to MAKE SURE the Patriots lost that game? It still won't go away, but imagine how much louder it would be if they had gone 19-0? I know I, for one, would have been in here talking about how they should have been, at a minimum, 18-1, because I can't figure out for the life of me why they didn't have to forfeit the Jets game - I mean, really, in what other sport in the world can a team get caught cheating DURING A GAME and not have to forfeit that game?

C. It at least sort of explains Belichick's actions after the game - he kind of had an "let's get this over with" air about him, but not in a "I'm mad we just lost" kind of way... it was more like, "ok, if this is what we have to do, but I'm not happy about it..."

Now, all that being said, I still think the Giants just handed the Patriots their arses in a handbag last night - I can't find anything in my memory to suggest that anything during the game was unfair toward the Giants, other than the play of NE's offensive line - and I doubt they were all in on it... but it does make for interesting fodder for conspiracy theorists.

That's funny!
I was all ready to come back here and blast you for this "the league got back at them by letting the Giants win" theory, but then last night I was thinking...

A. What better possible scenario could there be for the NFL's marketing department than for another Manning to win the SB, and to have a team from NY win the SB, and to do it by knocking off the "unbeatable" Patriots?

B. What better way is there to try to quiet down all of the cheating talk than to MAKE SURE the Patriots lost that game? It still won't go away, but imagine how much louder it would be if they had gone 19-0? I know I, for one, would have been in here talking about how they should have been, at a minimum, 18-1, because I can't figure out for the life of me why they didn't have to forfeit the Jets game - I mean, really, in what other sport in the world can a team get caught cheating DURING A GAME and not have to forfeit that game?

C. It at least sort of explains Belichick's actions after the game - he kind of had an "let's get this over with" air about him, but not in a "I'm mad we just lost" kind of way... it was more like, "ok, if this is what we have to do, but I'm not happy about it..."

Now, all that being said, I still think the Giants just handed the Patriots their arses in a handbag last night - I can't find anything in my memory to suggest that anything during the game was unfair toward the Giants, other than the play of NE's offensive line - and I doubt they were all in on it... but it does make for interesting fodder for conspiracy theorists.

Very interesting post. I don't subscribe to "conspiracy theories" (too often) but I seem to see them in everything. What's funny is your point "C." above. Year before last when the Saints had first year coach Sean Peyton and came out of nowhere as a powerhouse, they beat the crap out of Dallas, even resorting to trick plays for excessive scores when Dallas was clearly out of the game. The way Bill Parcells looked during that entire game was just disturbing. He showed no emotion and looked drugged. I maintained that the NFL engineered that game and Parcells had to take some valium just to be able to swallow it. I know, I know... I must be crazy.:D
Very interesting post. I don't subscribe to "conspiracy theories" (too often) but I seem to see them in everything. What's funny is your point "C." above. Year before last when the Saints had first year coach Sean Peyton and came out of nowhere as a powerhouse, they beat the crap out of Dallas, even resorting to trick plays for excessive scores when Dallas was clearly out of the game. The way Bill Parcells looked during that entire game was just disturbing. He showed no emotion and looked drugged. I maintained that the NFL engineered that game and Parcells had to take some valium just to be able to swallow it. I know, I know... I must be crazy.:D

Funny that you say that, though... because I thought Tom Brady looked exactly the same way last night.
He looked like that because he got the crap knocked out of him all night. All season he had time to write out his Christmas list in the pocket. He took more hits in that game than he did all the others combined.

As far as the spying thing, there is no evidence because no laws were broken. It's a league rule. As important as the NFL is as the opiate of the masses(I thought that was pornography)I don't think league rules are federal law. The impression I got from hearing Specter on the radio is that he's still upset about the Patriots beating the Eagles in the Super Bowl. Though I have a hard time believing he's that much of a fan since he kept referring to the Rams as the Saint Louis Cardinals.
far be it from me to ever favor anything coming from the mouth of a republican. but here's my concern about spygate. if the nfl covered this up and i said, IF, then i think its as bad as where mlb has gone because of refusing to deal with the steroid issue.

do i think the pats are the only team that's ever done this? of course not. but whether they got got caught, somebody blew the whistle or whatever reason or combination of reasons, the spotlight is on them.

if the major sport leagues can't do a better job of policing themselves, then maybe outside forces need to intercede. i don't think that's unreasonable to ask.
Why do I get the feeling some of the posters in this thread are sitting at home with foil hats on watching for black helicopters?
My hat is made from Titanium. And watching for black helicopters "is so 90's", I am watching for the invisible one (stolen Romulan Cloaking Devices)...
He looked like that because he got the crap knocked out of him all night. All season he had time to write out his Christmas list in the pocket. He took more hits in that game than he did all the others combined.

As far as the spying thing, there is no evidence because no laws were broken. It's a league rule. As important as the NFL is as the opiate of the masses(I thought that was pornography)I don't think league rules are federal law. The impression I got from hearing Specter on the radio is that he's still upset about the Patriots beating the Eagles in the Super Bowl. Though I have a hard time believing he's that much of a fan since he kept referring to the Rams as the Saint Louis Cardinals.

I actually thought he looked like that before the game... but it's not really an important point...

You are correct about no laws being broken, but Congress does control the league's anti-trust exemption, and they can revoke it if they don't think the games are actually as they are being presented - as fair contests between two teams with equal opportunity to win.
I actually thought he looked like that before the game... but it's not really an important point...

You are correct about no laws being broken, but Congress does control the league's anti-trust exemption, and they can revoke it if they don't think the games are actually as they are being presented - as fair contests between two teams with equal opportunity to win.
Spector named 2 laws that he thinks may have been broken.
Isnt Specter's coiffers lined with Comcasts money?

Isnt Comcast in a huge battle with the NFL?

Suprising how a couple days before the Super Bowl, Specter came out with this.

I love the fact the we are in the midst of a banking collapse, we are at war around the world, the economy is tanking and this guy is worried about the NFL because "his Eagles" lost.

If the Pats are wrong string em up! At some point people are cheaply piling on to satisfy their own agendas.
Isnt Specter's coiffers lined with Comcasts money?

Isnt Comcast in a huge battle with the NFL?

Suprising how a couple days before the Super Bowl, Specter came out with this.

I love the fact the we are in the midst of a banking collapse, we are at war around the world, the economy is tanking and this guy is worried about the NFL because "his Eagles" lost.

Editorial: Sen. Specter and the Patriot Tapes | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/09/2008

"Surely, Specter's outrage has nothing to do with his backing of the cable industry, and his big donors at Comcast, who are in a fight with the football league concerning the NFL Network." :eek:

Shaq to be traded to Suns

Lakers get Pau Gasol

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