Policing of The Pit

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 2, 2005
Rock Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scott, I know you are on vacation, but when you get back can you withdraw mod privilages to the Pit from mods that don't hang in the pit?

I have no problem with mods that know about the place and hang there enforcing the rules. I am more than fine with that. And the pit is my home.

But when some newbie mod shows up and excercises their mod privs in an attempt to , , never mind, then it gets covered up, that sucks for this site.

Your site is great.

Been here since the inception of VOOM!!

Love that you have a place for us to hang.

It just sucks that that crap happened tonight.
Before this one gets closed too, my 2 cents. Send a private message to Scott, because I don't think he hangs out in the pit. Also, start a thread in the Advisory Council forum about a change in the type of moderation in the Pit. I propose turning the Pit into a free-fire zone. Unless someone is threatening bodily harm, or talking about stuff that could get Scott in trouble, it should be left up to us to handle our own sh*t. I'll second it, and back you up on it.
I agree completely. If anyone is a pit regular, they know the relationship you and the person have. They understand that it was not what it appears on the outside. A regular would see that and understand the situation and not just freak out over nothing. Just like me and madtown. A regular knows we are secret lovers but man if you see us post against each other youd think we were just having a huge flame war :) (no pun intended with the flame comment and the gay innuendo)

There needs to be something when it comes to the moderation of that area. A mod from the outside can not in no way know whats really going on. A mod who frequents though would know what is really going on and not get bent out of shape over it.
The solution is not to start a million other threads about why you are ticked off the thread was closed. As I said in PM, you should have sent a PM to ke4est or to Scott voicing your concerns.
The solution is not to start a million other threads about why you are ticked off the thread was closed. As I said in PM, you should have sent a PM to ke4est or to Scott voicing your concerns.
I tried to respond to your 30 second comment in the locked thread in the pit, but it was locked and I couldn't. LOL

And I don't think The Pit should be a free-for-all.

It should have more lax rules as is now.

I just agree with Steven :eek: That if you are going to mod there then you should read there first.

I disagree with Jonstad on a lot of things. But I like the little polynesian munchin as well. And if I call him a chickenshit, it is an affectionate term.

Only people that read the forum would know that.

Is there anyway we can nominate our own mods? :hungry:
Isn't it past your bedtime old man? dont you old people pass out about 8 after wheel of fortune and jepordy ?
Yeah, but we get up at midnite to kick young ass.. howl at the moon and go out catting. Do Stuff you young guys never knew about. Who do you think makes the world right again by the time you guys get up...
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Yeah, but we get up at midnite to kick young ass.. howl at the moon and go out catting. Do Stuff you young guys never knew about. Who do you think makes the world right again by the time you guys get up...

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Scott, almost every topic in the Pit is started from a news headline that can be found on the Drudge Report. The exception being the wonderful rants of the one and only Bob Haller, which everyone respects and has fun with. Whoever came into the Pit and locked threads this weekend did it with a motive and did it on a discussion that was headline news several weeks or months ago.....now that being said, why not designate one of the regular Pit members as a mod? After all, they understand the Pit! Secondly, when the debate gets intense, people's raw emotions come out, what's wrong with that? The Pit can police itself and has with the Ignore button in the past....
Everyone loves Bob. ;)

I dont know maybe we should consider closing the pit for good. We have tried keeping it open, but if folks cant follow the rules and then question the staff who are enforcing the rules then maybe there is no longer any need for it.
Everyone loves Bob. ;)

I dont know maybe we should consider closing the pit for good. We have tried keeping it open, but if folks cant follow the rules and then question the staff who are inforcing the rules then maybe there is no longer any need for it.

WRONG ANSWER! Close the pit, no real reason to stick around then. :(
Which rules were violated?

If its only the thread in question then, I guess this mod has not read the other 100 threads in the pit that are far "worse" to the outside eye.

The problem in the Pit Scott is that the people who are not used to it overreact to things that happen there. People come in get offended then report stuff. People not even involved in the conversation or at least people who are not normal visitors. If this people accept the "waiver" to go into the Pit they should cancel it if they get offended.

Id like to make a couple suggestions to help stop you guys from having to deal with crap from people not even associated with the Pit Crowd

1. Anyone joining the Pit has to have a membership (yes thats already in place) But anyone who complains about what is being discussed should have there access removed. This way no reason to complain!

2. Nominate 2 Mods of the Pit. There are generally only 2 sides of argument in the pit, if we have 2 mods one from each camp, who confer together on decisions of policing the pit, it will A. Free up your staff who are dealing with the other parts of the site, B. Keep them from having to come in the pit if they choose not to. C. Ensure everything is moderated in a fair way, as these two should be familiar with the people in the pit and what is "real flame attack" vs a "I am playing with my buddy"

The report button I assume creates a thread in a hidden staff area, that everyone reads. You should be able to disable that feature for a certain area, ala the pit. We could make a sticky in the thread (add it to the pit info post) and advise the people who have a problem to PM one of the two mods in the Pit.
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WRONG ANSWER! Close the pit, no real reason to stick around then. :(

I t may be the only answer if people are going to violate te rules like thsi. I don't think that anyone wants it but it may be necessary.
You would have to go back along time to find a thread closing in the pit. (aside from this current one)

Just 2 weeks ago there was one in the Dish Network Forum.. Should we get rid of that one to? Seems like anytime something is brought up about the "pit" the only thing discussed is "we should close it" The same thing is not said about the other areas which have their fair share of thread closings. Id bet my life more people have gotten banned for actions OUTSIDE the pit then inside the pit. Id bet more threads have been closed outside the pit then inside the pit.

Yes the rules in the pit are laxed, but we do a dam good job of self policing. The thread in question should never of been closed it was no worse then a hundred other threads in the pit. Anyone who is familiar with the two posters involved understand everyone was in jest. Heck some of the things I have said to madtown or bear should of gotten me banned for life along time ago! but its the pit and those two know I don't mean it! which s why they didn't run to momy and report me! and vice versa!

Which is why having people not familiar with things going on come in is a bad move. There are established relationships, and jokes that are "inside" It may sound like an attack or flame to someone on the outside, but it was just a come back for something that happend 2-3 months ago we laugh someone not familiar maybe offended, but guess what? You signed up to join the pit if you get offended its REAL easy to un sign up!
Everyone loves Bob. ;)

I dont know maybe we should consider closing the pit for good. We have tried keeping it open, but if folks cant follow the rules and then question the staff who are enforcing the rules then maybe there is no longer any need for it.

I don't think I like this road. First, Scott says he's going to instruct the mods to crack down on OT stuff and threadjacks, now he says maybe the Pit's time has passed, Hummm this place is starting to sound JUST like DBSTALK. Think it could be that Management is trying to get closer to Directv and THEY don't like how things are done here? Some of us CAME here because of things like the Pit, and not kissing any provider's butt, and the more laid back way of doing things. Making Satelliteguys just like DBSTalk, you know, soft,pillowly, and devoid of all meaningful dissent, might just make me rethink re-upping my pub membership. :)
Since I actually visit the pit and have a grasp of most of the regulars style. I'll volunteer to be one of the assigned Pit mods. At least that way Vurbano won't have to edit his post when he asks me if I am on crack:D
See Kevin gets it :p Bear calling jon a communist is not a flame, its a show of affection! me telling madtown he enjoys BHA (if you dont know what BHA is you should not even be a mod in the pit!) its a sign of affection. Ron calling jon or vice versa A "ChickenPOOP" (replace poop with an adult word for the same item) is a show of affection.
See Kevin gets it :p Bear calling jon a communist is not a flame, its a show of affection! me telling madtown he enjoys BHA (if you dont know what BHA is you should not even be a mod in the pit!) its a sign of affection. Ron calling jon or vice versa A "ChickenPOOP" (replace poop with an adult word for the same item) is a show of affection.

Agreed. I'll voulenteer to be a pit mod. It all comes down to knowing what is a joke, and what isn't. Anyone who signs up for the pit should know what they're getting into. Sometimes the debates get a bit heated, but we're all friends. Nobody means anyone there any real malace.
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