omard. said:On Demand is one of the best features they have I use it all the time. Like Dawson9 said if you have the premium channels its very worth while.
omard. said:I have HDTV/DVR/On Demand/Internet. Very happy with the HD/DVR. The internet is great I have the 6mb alot faster then my old SBC DSL. On Demand is one of the best features they have I use it all the time. Like Dawson9 said if you have the premium channels its very worth while.
Wayne88 said:Wow 6mbps ......that's fast!
Yes but the problem is $10 more than $42.95 is a lot more than the $29.95 that I pay for my Verizon DSL which gives me 2.82mbps/770kbps. While I have measured Comcast at about 4mbps in my house it is more like 3.3mbps during usership time 8PM-11:30PM. Verizon DSL speed is not influenced by the time of day that you measure it. For some reason, the same was not true for Cavalier DSL. Cavalier DSL (for $25) gave me up to 5mbps/850kbps but during peak times, the speed went down to like 300-500kbps down and stayed at 850kbps up.jgantert said:I have the 4mbps/386kbps service, but the 6mbps/768kbps service is available here (Howard Co, MD) for $10 a month more. A lot faster than my old 768/128 DSL line...
jgantert said:Oh, almost forgot about BUZZtime! It's an interactive trivia game. Pretty cool stuff!!!
Channel 921. said:I looked for this but couldn't find it. Where is it at?
skakusha said:No VOD here in South Florida. Any HD VOD, or HD Pay Per View yet?