Preferred Hopper/Joey install setup

What is your preferred H/J install?

  • I plan on a single Hopper install

    Votes: 7 5.8%
  • I plan on a 1H & 1J install

    Votes: 15 12.5%
  • I’d prefer a 2H 0J install, but if not allowed, I would go with 1H 1J

    Votes: 13 10.8%
  • I’d prefer a 2H 0J install, but if not allowed, I would go with 2H 1J

    Votes: 14 11.7%
  • I plan on a different combination of Hoppers and Joeys

    Votes: 71 59.2%

  • Total voters


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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
This is a thread for those that plan on maybe one day moving to H/J, and is to get some idea of how much interest there is in the smaller installations compared to the larger installations. If you don't plan on considering H/J for any particular reason, this is not the poll for you.

We will assume that there will be no rule requiring the number of Joeys to equal or exceed the number of Hoppers.

I plan on a single Hopper install
I plan on a 1H & 1J install
I’d prefer a 2H 0J install, but if not allowed, I would go with 1H 1J
I’d prefer a 2H 0J install, but if not allowed, I would go with 2H 1J
I plan on a different combination of Hoppers and Joeys
I am thinking about switching service. Hope you dont mind my input :) at first I was looking at one Hooper two joeys. I am now thinking two Hoppers one Joey. I think have a second hopper over a Joey will have its advantages. Having a a second hopper in the man cave I think wil be better then a Joey
radiator65 said:
Once 2 Hoppers are integrated, I want 2 Hoppers and 1 Joey.

Why is it that so many of you want 2 hoppers and 1 joey? 1 hopper and 2 joeys does the same thing..
Start with Hopper 2 Joeys...hope to get 2 Hoppers and 2 Joeys later when funds are better or settle for Hopper 3 Joeys in the summer...depends on if hoppers seeing each other works well
Why is it that so many of you want 2 hoppers and 1 joey? 1 hopper and 2 joeys does the same thing..

No it doesn't. That config has half the tuners. 3 tuners will not work in my home, not even with PTAT.

In fact, I'd say 3 tuners is barely sufficient to call a "whole-home" solution for most families. Granted Time Warner's whole home solution here locally will feed 4 TVs at a time, but with only 2 actual tuners. It is much more costly and very inferior equipment and drive space. To me the D* 5 tuner box is about the right to compensate, many of us who prefer to remain with Dish will need the six independent tuners offered in the 2H/1J setup.
No it doesn't. That config has half the tuners. 3 tuners will not work in my home, not even with PTAT.

In fact, I'd say 3 tuners is barely sufficient to call a "whole-home" solution for most families. Granted Time Warner's whole home solution here locally will feed 4 TVs at a time, but with only 2 actual tuners. It is much more costly and very inferior equipment and drive space. To me the D* 5 tuner box is about the right to compensate, many of us who prefer to remain with Dish will need the six independent tuners offered in the 2H/1J setup.

Also if by chance one Hopper went out you would have a back up to watch tv
Coach Knight said:
No it doesn't. That config has half the tuners. 3 tuners will not work in my home, not even with PTAT.

In fact, I'd say 3 tuners is barely sufficient to call a "whole-home" solution for most families. Granted Time Warner's whole home solution here locally will feed 4 TVs at a time, but with only 2 actual tuners. It is much more costly and very inferior equipment and drive space. To me the D* 5 tuner box is about the right to compensate, many of us who prefer to remain with Dish will need the six independent tuners offered in the 2H/1J setup.

So your household needs 6 tuners going at one time? 6 people watching 6 different shows?
So your household needs 6 tuners going at one time? 6 people watching 6 different shows?

No, 3 people watching 3 different shows at any given time (sometimes live sports that you don't want to record, therefore you have to have the tuner) taping up to 3 or 4 shows at any given moment every now and then. Do I constantly need 6 tuners? No. But I have two 722s and OTA on one for 5 total tuners. Sometimes now that is not three is definitely not enough. As they say...I'd rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Besides, my price would go up only $1 per month to add HD to another TV (by upgrading from my 722s), add more tuners, PTAT and all the other great Hopper features. In my case, it's a pretty good upgrade option from both the cost and features perspective. I can easily blow the $100 the extra Hopper would cost me on a weekend and have nothing to show for it. I have no problem with the upgrade costs considering the benefits.

I totally understand that each household is different. Many wouldn't even need more than just one Hopper alone. Others may max out the configuration. I was just answering why people may elect 2H/1J instead of the reverse in your original question. I'm not saying it's a better choice or the right one for everyone else. Hope that helps clarify. :)
buckdown8 said:
So your household needs 6 tuners going at one time? 6 people watching 6 different shows?

For me 2 hoppers + 4 joeys, yes we need the 6 tuners. PTAT will help uses one tuner records 4 networks in prime time. The other 5 tuners will used to watch other programs, record, and for two sling adapters. We are a family of five (3 teenagers)....need I say more !!

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