RE: [VOOM] Morning, Wilt. I'm posting this from a thread on satguysunder...



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[VOOM] Morning, Wilt. I'm posting this from a thread on satguys under...

VOOM Installation:

Registered User

Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 33
Default WiltH, Where are you? I need help! (very long)
I tried sending the following email today to The
outgoing email was returned as not deliverable. I hope that Wilt will
see this sad story and respond or someone may provide me with a more
current and workable email address for Wilt Hildebrand. I am beginning
to think he is my only hope to get a VOOM installation in Nevada.


I am an online subscriber to two internet forums: and
hideffforum. I have had a two receiver VOOM installation since
November at my house in San Diego. My wife and I both love the
programming service and the picture quality. I have promoted VOOM to
all my friends with HD TV systems.

As a result of our great VOOM experience in San Diego (I called on a
Thursday morning and received a 24 inch dish installation the next day
on Friday morning last November, great PQ, etc.), we decided to
install two 24 inch dishes at our house in Carson City Nevada. I
didn't appreciate how much difference having a good local VOOM dealer
in San Diego made in that process. Calling VOOM directly is quite
another story...

So far, we are less than impressed with how difficult it has been to
get another VOOM installation for our Nevada house by dealing directly
with the VOOM CSRs. I called the VOOM 800 number in mid December and
scheduled a two 24 inch dish/two receiver installation to occur on Dec
27. The CSR said that it was not possible to get a 24 inch dish
installed unless the 18 inch dish had proved unsatisfactory. When I
said that was not always the case and had them look up my previous
installation of a 24 inch dish in San Diego. The CSR checked with a
supervisor and then made a note that I was to receive two 24 inch
dishes in Nevada. So far, so good.

When the installer called at noon on Dec 27 to say that he was running
about 7 hours late for my 9AM appointment, I said that would still be
okay, but I asked him what equipment he was bringing for the
installation. When he said that he only had one 18 inch dish and one
receiver with him, I cancelled the appointment as it would have just
wasted his time, my time, and your company's money.

When I called VOOM again the first time on Dec 27, they indicated they
had no record of my dual 24 inch dish request. When I called back and
spoke to a different CSR, he did find a record of my original request
and gave me the work order number (#524-1004). I asked him to notify
the installers of the dual 24 inch dish request and to have them
contact me for another installation date once they had the proper
equipment in hand. I also asked for the name of the installation
company and for some phone numbers. I did receive a phone number, but
it was constantly busy when I tried to call the number.

The installation company (Install Pro) apparently tried to schedule an
installation on 6 or 8 January, but they never notified me by phone or
by email, so these attempts never happened. When I called Install Pro
on January 15 to see about getting my installation re-scheduled I was
told they had no record of my 24 inch dish request and that they would
be providing a single 18 inch dish. In several phone calls to Install
Pro, I spoke to Jason (702-501-5602) and to Isis (702-501-5602). Isis
reiterated that I was only to receive a single 18 inch dish and
suggested that I call Steve at 888-248-2377. I said that was not
acceptable and would be calling VOOM to get things corrected, in
addition to calling Steve. When I called the 888 number at 3PM, about
1 hour before the recorded closing time, there was no answer on this
toll free number.

After not being able to contact management people at Install Pro on
January 15, I spoke to Josh on the same date. Josh is a VOOM CSR on
the 800-GET-VOOM number. After initially telling me that it was not
possible to receive a 24 inch dish on an initial installation, he
checked my customer files and my work order and determined that I did
have a 24 inch dish installed in San Diego (first visit) and that
there was a record of my request for two 24 inch dishes for my Nevada
house on work order #524-1004. He said he would make certain that this
information was made available to the Install Pro people.

On January 17, I reached Steve of Install Pro on the 888-248-2377
number. He said that VOOM hadn't shipped any antennas for my
installation and that he only had one receiver on hand for the
installation. He said he would call VOOM and then call me back. Later
that day, ISIS called me to say she would need to cancel the scheduled
18 January installation. I told her that no one had contacted me or my
wife about an 18 January installation in the first place. At any rate,
she said that they would need to cancel the installation because they
had not received the VOOM equipment. When I asked her what they were
planning to install and gave her the work order number (#524-1004),
she said that this was for a single 18 inch dish, two receivers and a
single "bat wing" antenna. Arrgh! I just gave up and was about to give
up on VOOM completely at this point.

On January 25, my wife convinced me to call VOOM again and see if we
could actually get an installation scheduled, as we had now been
trying to do so for about 6 weeks. On this date, I called the
800-GET-VOOM and talked to Josh again. He confirmed we were still on
the same work order number and that the installation was to include 2
receivers, two 24 inch dishes and 2 outdoor antennas. As I had done in
my November San Diego installation, I had agreed to pay an extra $99
for the second satellite dish installation, because otherwise I would
have long exposed wire runs with a single dish installation. Since I
had experienced good performance at the San Diego house with the
VOOM-installed Wineguard Square Shooter antenna, I requested that the
work order be amended to show a request for two of these antennas to
be installed in Nevada. Josh did this and gave me an installation date
of 18 February.

In February, George from Wright Installations called my Nevada house
(BTW, they were supposed to use my San Diego cell phone number for all
telephone communications) and left a message with his phone number. He
also indicated that the installation was still planned for 18 February.

When I called Wright Installations (775-219-6251) on February 16, I
asked George what equipment was scheduled for my installation. He said
that there would be one 18 inch dish, one OTA antenna and two
receivers. I told him this was not acceptable as the bad weather
signal strength/reception quality would not be adequate and that he
should cancel the installation. I told him that I would again call
VOOM to see what was on the work order.

On February 16, I called 888-987-3474 and spoke to Avis at VOOM about
my often delayed installation and asked her to look up the work order
number. She initially told me that I was to get an 18 inch dish and
two receivers. When I told her that was not correct and cited a number
of previous calls to VOOM about this same and now possibly cursed
installation, she said that the work order did show that 2 Square
Shooter antennas and two 24 inch dishes had been requested on the work
order. She spoke to Tanya, who told her that "VOOM Corporate" would
have to approve this installation. I told Avis that I would write to
you about this series of mistakes and broken appointments and to see
if you could provide the needed "Corporate Approval". Avis prepared an
On-Line Request form with the needed information about the two 24 inch
dishes. She was requesting "Corporate Approval" for the two dish
Nevada installation to occur on February 21.

Wilt, I hope you can approve or at least intercede to help with my
VOOM installation on Work Order 524-1004.

Sorry to be so detailed and rambling in this explanation, but if these
problems are going to get fixed, I thought you might be able to use
the extra information. I am not sure who is really at fault here, as
there seem to be many mistakes on the part of the installers and by
VOOM personnel. As far as I know, two different installation teams
have yet to be provided with the correct installation equipment
information from VOOM. It almost seems like the installers want to
install equipment that they know will not work in the area and then
bill VOOM again when they come back out to correct their previous


Steve, getting desparate in Nevada

Still enjoying HDTV under rainless Seattle skies, Gill

Okay, I rarely ever get a chance to go over there, as it were, but I'll take
a look.
Thanks for forwarding.

-----Original Message-----
From: seattlesatelliter []
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 1:21 PM
Subject: [VOOM] Morning, Wilt. I'm posting this from a thread on satguys

VOOM Installation:

Registered User

Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 33
Default WiltH, Where are you? I need help! (very long)
I tried sending the following email today to The
outgoing email was returned as not deliverable. I hope that Wilt will
see this sad story and respond or someone may provide me with a more
current and workable email address for Wilt Hildebrand. I am beginning
to think he is my only hope to get a VOOM installation in Nevada.


I am an online subscriber to two internet forums: and
hideffforum. I have had a two receiver VOOM installation since
November at my house in San Diego. My wife and I both love the
programming service and the picture quality. I have promoted VOOM to
all my friends with HD TV systems.

As a result of our great VOOM experience in San Diego (I called on a
Thursday morning and received a 24 inch dish installation the next day
on Friday morning last November, great PQ, etc.), we decided to
install two 24 inch dishes at our house in Carson City Nevada. I
didn't appreciate how much difference having a good local VOOM dealer
in San Diego made in that process. Calling VOOM directly is quite
another story...

So far, we are less than impressed with how difficult it has been to
get another VOOM installation for our Nevada house by dealing directly
with the VOOM CSRs. I called the VOOM 800 number in mid December and
scheduled a two 24 inch dish/two receiver installation to occur on Dec
27. The CSR said that it was not possible to get a 24 inch dish
installed unless the 18 inch dish had proved unsatisfactory. When I
said that was not always the case and had them look up my previous
installation of a 24 inch dish in San Diego. The CSR checked with a
supervisor and then made a note that I was to receive two 24 inch
dishes in Nevada. So far, so good.

When the installer called at noon on Dec 27 to say that he was running
about 7 hours late for my 9AM appointment, I said that would still be
okay, but I asked him what equipment he was bringing for the
installation. When he said that he only had one 18 inch dish and one
receiver with him, I cancelled the appointment as it would have just
wasted his time, my time, and your company's money.

When I called VOOM again the first time on Dec 27, they indicated they
had no record of my dual 24 inch dish request. When I called back and
spoke to a different CSR, he did find a record of my original request
and gave me the work order number (#524-1004). I asked him to notify
the installers of the dual 24 inch dish request and to have them
contact me for another installation date once they had the proper
equipment in hand. I also asked for the name of the installation
company and for some phone numbers. I did receive a phone number, but
it was constantly busy when I tried to call the number.

The installation company (Install Pro) apparently tried to schedule an
installation on 6 or 8 January, but they never notified me by phone or
by email, so these attempts never happened. When I called Install Pro
on January 15 to see about getting my installation re-scheduled I was
told they had no record of my 24 inch dish request and that they would
be providing a single 18 inch dish. In several phone calls to Install
Pro, I spoke to Jason (702-501-5602) and to Isis (702-501-5602). Isis
reiterated that I was only to receive a single 18 inch dish and
suggested that I call Steve at 888-248-2377. I said that was not
acceptable and would be calling VOOM to get things corrected, in
addition to calling Steve. When I called the 888 number at 3PM, about
1 hour before the recorded closing time, there was no answer on this
toll free number.

After not being able to contact management people at Install Pro on
January 15, I spoke to Josh on the same date. Josh is a VOOM CSR on
the 800-GET-VOOM number. After initially telling me that it was not
possible to receive a 24 inch dish on an initial installation, he
checked my customer files and my work order and determined that I did
have a 24 inch dish installed in San Diego (first visit) and that
there was a record of my request for two 24 inch dishes for my Nevada
house on work order #524-1004. He said he would make certain that this
information was made available to the Install Pro people.

On January 17, I reached Steve of Install Pro on the 888-248-2377
number. He said that VOOM hadn't shipped any antennas for my
installation and that he only had one receiver on hand for the
installation. He said he would call VOOM and then call me back. Later
that day, ISIS called me to say she would need to cancel the scheduled
18 January installation. I told her that no one had contacted me or my
wife about an 18 January installation in the first place. At any rate,
she said that they would need to cancel the installation because they
had not received the VOOM equipment. When I asked her what they were
planning to install and gave her the work order number (#524-1004),
she said that this was for a single 18 inch dish, two receivers and a
single "bat wing" antenna. Arrgh! I just gave up and was about to give
up on VOOM completely at this point.

On January 25, my wife convinced me to call VOOM again and see if we
could actually get an installation scheduled, as we had now been
trying to do so for about 6 weeks. On this date, I called the
800-GET-VOOM and talked to Josh again. He confirmed we were still on
the same work order number and that the installation was to include 2
receivers, two 24 inch dishes and 2 outdoor antennas. As I had done in
my November San Diego installation, I had agreed to pay an extra $99
for the second satellite dish installation, because otherwise I would
have long exposed wire runs with a single dish installation. Since I
had experienced good performance at the San Diego house with the
VOOM-installed Wineguard Square Shooter antenna, I requested that the
work order be amended to show a request for two of these antennas to
be installed in Nevada. Josh did this and gave me an installation date
of 18 February.

In February, George from Wright Installations called my Nevada house
(BTW, they were supposed to use my San Diego cell phone number for all
telephone communications) and left a message with his phone number. He
also indicated that the installation was still planned for 18 February.

When I called Wright Installations (775-219-6251) on February 16, I
asked George what equipment was scheduled for my installation. He said
that there would be one 18 inch dish, one OTA antenna and two
receivers. I told him this was not acceptable as the bad weather
signal strength/reception quality would not be adequate and that he
should cancel the installation. I told him that I would again call
VOOM to see what was on the work order.

On February 16, I called 888-987-3474 and spoke to Avis at VOOM about
my often delayed installation and asked her to look up the work order
number. She initially told me that I was to get an 18 inch dish and
two receivers. When I told her that was not correct and cited a number
of previous calls to VOOM about this same and now possibly cursed
installation, she said that the work order did show that 2 Square
Shooter antennas and two 24 inch dishes had been requested on the work
order. She spoke to Tanya, who told her that "VOOM Corporate" would
have to approve this installation. I told Avis that I would write to
you about this series of mistakes and broken appointments and to see
if you could provide the needed "Corporate Approval". Avis prepared an
On-Line Request form with the needed information about the two 24 inch
dishes. She was requesting "Corporate Approval" for the two dish
Nevada installation to occur on February 21.

Wilt, I hope you can approve or at least intercede to help with my
VOOM installation on Work Order 524-1004.

Sorry to be so detailed and rambling in this explanation, but if these
problems are going to get fixed, I thought you might be able to use
the extra information. I am not sure who is really at fault here, as
there seem to be many mistakes on the part of the installers and by
VOOM personnel. As far as I know, two different installation teams
have yet to be provided with the correct installation equipment
information from VOOM. It almost seems like the installers want to
install equipment that they know will not work in the area and then
bill VOOM again when they come back out to correct their previous


Steve, getting desparate in Nevada

Still enjoying HDTV under rainless Seattle skies, Gill

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