RedSox R.I.P.

So sorry you all have such thin skins. I know none of you have contributed to the continual Anti-Yankees postings.

I root for two teams. The Yankees, and whoever is playing the RedSox.

Sorry if that offends you, but keep the personal stuff out of it.
So sorry you all have such thin skins. I know none of you have contributed to the continual Anti-Yankees postings.

I root for two teams. The Yankees, and whoever is playing the RedSox.

Sorry if that offends you, but keep the personal stuff out of it.

You don't get the point. If it was Sabres, HD MM, Jimbo, KCK, Mets82, or anyone else that has been consistently posting in the postseason thread- that isn't a Red Sox fan- I wouldn't have a problem with it.

But you were no where to be found in that thread, and then proceed to start a NEW thread with the heading "Red Sox R.I.P", and I'm thin skinned for taking exception to that???? :confused: Where were your posts Thursday and Saturday after the Sox won games 5 and 6? Were you going to post had the Sox won last night?

but this thread that you started is a perfect example of a drive-by flaming!
So sorry you all have such thin skins. I know none of you have contributed to the continual Anti-Yankees postings.

I root for two teams. The Yankees, and whoever is playing the RedSox.

Sorry if that offends you, but keep the personal stuff out of it.
I haven't seen any anti-Yankee posts here in a long time. Usually the members here do a pretty good job of keeping the threads about timely and relevant topics and the Yankees really didn't do much to warrant discussion this season.
You don't get the point. If it was Sabres, HD MM, Jimbo, KCK, Mets82, or anyone else that has been consistently posting in the postseason thread- that isn't a Red Sox fan- I wouldn't have a problem with it.

But you were no where to be found in that thread, and then proceed to start a NEW thread with the heading "Red Sox R.I.P", and I'm thin skinned for taking exception to that???? :confused: Where were your posts Thursday and Saturday after the Sox won games 5 and 6? Were you going to post had the Sox won last night?

but this thread that you started is a perfect example of a drive-by flaming!

Yes, you have a thin skin IMHO. The title of the thread is obvious to my sentiments. I root against the Sox, that is my right. It is also my right to post either a PRO or ANTI feeling about any team in the Sports Forum. It is clearly a sports thread.

The OP was a reflection on my total joy that the RedSox lost, and it contained not a single word putting down any member of this forum. If there is a thread you don't agree with, it is just as easy to read it and move on.
IMO, threads should be created for the purpose of leading into a discussion. The title and original post of this thread do not contribute anything worthy of an educated sports discussion.
Care to comment on my post in that thread (#5), Mr. Proud Staff Member...........Spin away!!! :rolleyes:

Exactly. You responded with your opinion, but made no mention that the thread shouldn't be there -

So, a thread against the Sox is wrong. But a thread against the Yankess is ok to have a discussion in.

I guess you missed my point.
Exactly. You responded with your opinion, but made no mention that the thread shouldn't be there -

So, a thread against the Sox is wrong. But a thread against the Yankess is ok to have a discussion in.

I guess you missed my point.

I didn't. :eek: I stuck up for the Yankees organization, what the hell are you talking about?
Funny - while some of you posted in this thread that was opened to spew against the Yankees, none mentioned that it shouldn't be there, or called people names.


How will you spin this?

While I didn't post about that particular thread, I've spouted off against the warrants of past threads started by Vurbano against my Browns. To me, this thread is similar.

Again, I guess most people just see the title and the intention and think of it as an attack rather than a rational discussion.

Now - lets get this on topic or not post. It is not about people (which you are making it) it is about my JOY that the RedSox lost.


Not that I'm a Red Sox fan, even though I have to root for Bay, but at least the Red Sox made it to the playoffs.

Your Yankees couldn't even do that, maybe it's just jealousy that your team has been knocked off it's high horse that makes you want to dance in the streets.

Hell I was happy camper when the Cubs got swept, I hate them, so I can see your point of view also.

IMHO I think they are pissed because of the title of the thread, maybe if it was "Red Sox lose" or "Rays beat the Sox" would of been better.

I really don't care, because I don't follow baseball when Training camp starts, and by then my Pirates are out of it.
The Red Sox fought to the end like true champions. They just didn't get that one more big hit they needed, so now we're subjected to watching a World Series being played in the stinkin' dome instead of Fenway Park. Kudos to the Rays and what they've accomplished, but as a fan I say that stinks.

Sox fans should be proud of their team's efforts. I do think they missed Manny, not his antics but his protection of Big Papi. Theo Epstein is one of the shrewdest execs in baseball, you can be sure he'll figure that out.

The Sox will be back, this is a team with a bunch of young stars in the lineup, or on the way to the lineup to replace aging veterans, a sagely manager who knows how to push all the right buttons and handles his team beautifully, a deep and talented pitching staff, rabid fans who make playing in their stadium very difficult, and ghosts who show up every once in a while to help things along when times get tough. Not to mention the deep pockets that can solve what other things don't.

There was a team southwest of the Red Sox, who not all that long ago used to be able to say the exact same things. But not so much anymore.

Here's hoping the southwest team rights the ship and brings the rivalry back where it October. Until then, I guess we're going to have to watch carpet baseball!

As an aside, there is a chance, especially if they win the Series but even if they don't, a lot of Rays players will be looking for big contracts. And based on Tampa's attendance/revenue/salary history, I'm not sure if they'll pay them...which may lead to the Rays eventually being the 'Marlins north'. Not saying this will happen next year, necessarily, but Tampa doesn't seem like a team/ownership structure built for five year runs like the Yankees and Red Sox have had.

Just my two cents....

Your Yankees couldn't even do that, maybe it's just jealousy that your team has been knocked off it's high horse that makes you want to dance in the streets.

Hell I was happy camper when the Cubs got swept, I hate them, so I can see your point of view also.

Could be I guess. I'm not used to not being in the dance. I also think its time that the Sox fans and the Mets fans got back what they dished out when it was reversed for SO MANY years.
I don't give a crap about the red sox vs yankees.......

I just know that most of america, including myself, will tune out a world series with an expansion team in it.

Yeah, when my kids are adults, they'll like the devil rays, or rays, or whatever they are calling themselves. But me, being 38 years old, I want to see a team I grew up on in the series.......the reds,pirates,cards,braves,etc.......

MOST fans of baseball wanted a dodgers vs red sox series......

I guess I'll get some good sleep during this series......

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