Ref's handed the Pat's the win against the Ravens

Just a thought here but wouldnt it be the greatest thing in the world if the dolphins beat the pats this year and its there only win and the pats only loss. Man that would just make my year!!! It will never happen, but if it did it would be down right AWESOME!!
LMAO....typical of a Pats fan. IF it was YOUR team getting play action passes up the wazzu when losing by 4 TDs with less than 10 minutes left in the game....I assure you, you'd be having a cow yourself. But yeah, you are right, it IS the defense's responsibility to stop them. And if you are THAT good, why do you need to keep scoring if the game is in the bag in the 4th quarter??!! I just think that you are putting your QB at risk and putting a non-traditional 'bullseye' on his back....since the defense cannot take it out on Beli-jerk.

I agree with you on a couple of points. If they're that far ahead, pull Brady. Give the backup QB some time on the field. If it was any other team, I'd watch and hope
someone would hand them their first loss.
What's next? Everyone will start hating the Celtics, since they're winning? What can I say. It's a great year to be a Boston sports fan :up Maybe the Bruins will start heating up.
Led Zeppelin rocks!!!!
Best in between music they've had, maybe ever.
And it wasn't a Cadillac commercial even.

What's next? Everyone will start hating the Celtics, since they're winning? What can I say. It's a great year to be a Boston sports fan :up Maybe the Bruins will start heating up.

No....the Celtics have not been accused(and proven) to be cheaters and you really can't run up the score in basketball. They have class acts on that team. When I lived in Chicago, I met Kevin Garnett when he played for one of the best high school teams I had EVER seen, Farragut Academy. They were lead by a kid named Ronnie Fields and Kevin they were scary....and both class kids.
QQ more people, you guys are super jelous about the Patriots winning everygame, yeha keep saying it yourselves about them cheating...You do realize the Ravens lost the game because of their stupid plays and poor calls in the end, and yet you are saying we cheated, go back and watch the highlights again. I see no cheating, and for people that think they paid the ref's some money, wow you guys...Its sad you can't take a loss just like the Jaguars coach!
Simple explanation

jeal·ous·y /
–noun, plural -ous·ies for 4.
1. jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.
2. mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
3. vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
4. a jealous feeling, disposition, state, or mood.

ESPN's coverage was an absolute joke.

wrong , the reason is simple
Noted a$$hole and complete douche bag Bill Belichick is why there hated
I kinda want someone to go undefeated so it will shut Mercury Morris up for good.

I'd rather deal with those old codgers than to have Belichick's name attached to it and have to listen to Tedy Bruschi and Mike Vrabel bark about it for the next 20 years.
wrong , the reason is simple
Noted a$$hole and complete douche bag Bill Belichick is why there hated

Well I really don't care for St. Tony "father of the year" Dungy or Pay-me-a-ton Manning, but I am not going to begrudge their success with name calling(well maybe a little:D) and jealousy.
Look I agree, I can't stand the Patriots. With that said the only ones to blame for the loss are the Ravens and their Defensive Coordinator. Had the Ravens not called the timeout it would have been game over, but what did the Ravens do after that timeout, they came UNRAVELED.

What was that Timeout for?, Icing the Pats Offense. Gee, it worked as well as the new trend of last second Timeouts to Ice the Kicker, ask the Redskins (the most recent team to bury themselves with it).

I do hope the Pats get beat, but I'm really getting tired of all the talk about the '72 dolphins.

In 1972 it was much easier to go undefeated why; 1) 35 years ago there was no salary cap so teams could load up on talent and KEEP THEM. 2) Fewer Regular season games are fewer opportunities to LOSE, 3) Fewer Games as well as Pre-Season games so players were less likely to get injured.

Don Shula and his fellow players stick is getting very old.

If Baltimore wants to see whom cost them that game, then they had better look into a Mirror. Even after "The Timeout" New England was flagged for a False Start, making an easy 4th and less than 1 yard into a Fourth and about 6. Baltimore should have stopped them, this one is on them not the Ref's.

The Winning Touchdown was ruled a Completion on the field, after seeing the replay, there is no way the ref's were going to reverse that call, and I HATE New England.

Ooh and how about that Perfectly thrown completion made to the Pats secondary at their own Goal line, really whom was Kyle throwing too. There was no Raven even in the Frame of the TV picture, or that Fumble after an Interception and run back to the Pats 30 Yard Line, I was YELLING go down... go down... go down... OOOH NOOOO.

All they needed at that point was a Field Goal and it was game over, maybe there is a reason Baltimore is under .500, they are NOT GOOD. What do BAD teams do, they find and or invent ways to lose, then after the loss they look for something or someone to blame other than themselves.

The only hope now for ending the Pats streak is Pittsburgh. Come on Big BEN.

Look I agree, I can't stand the Patriots. With that said the only ones to blame for the loss are the Ravens and their Defensive Coordinator. Had the Ravens not called the timeout it would have been game over, but what did the Ravens do after that timeout, they came UNRAVELED.

What was that Timeout for?, Icing the Pats Offense. Gee, it worked as well as the new trend of last second Timeouts to Ice the Kicker, ask the Redskins (the most recent team to bury themselves with it).

I agree, plus the ref's didn't cause the interception by Boller, the ref's didn't cause Ed Reed to cough up the interception he got and IMO the Raven's coach is more of an A**hole then Belijerk, actually those are the only two coaches in the league I hate.
Well I really don't care for St. Tony "father of the year" Dungy or Pay-me-a-ton Manning, but I am not going to begrudge their success with name calling(well maybe a little:D) and jealousy.

It's funny that everyone in the country seems to understand that Tony Dungy is a genuinely good person, except Pats fans, who insist on calling him "St. Tony." You're not the only person I've heard that from. Must be some kind of inferiority complex or something, since you know your coach is... well, I'll let you call him your own name.

As for Peyton, he's been the best player in the league for most of the last 5 years or so - why wouldn't he get paid? Unlike the Pats, the Colts don't need the extra cap room to go out and buy their team.
If Baltimore wants to see whom cost them that game, then they had better look into a Mirror. Even after "The Timeout" New England was flagged for a False Start, making an easy 4th and less than 1 yard into a Fourth and about 6. Baltimore should have stopped them, this one is on them not the Ref's.

I completely agree with most of your post - I've already said in this thread that Baltimore is more to blame than any of the calls the refs made or didn't make. And on top of that, their players acted like children when the game was still in doubt - clearly a reflection of the coaching staff.

That being said, I'm not sure what else you could have asked the defense to do. They stopped the Patriots not once (the timeout play) on 4th down, but twice - they had them stopped on the play that was called a false start, too. Stopping the best offense in recent memory three times in a row on 4th down would be hard for anyone to do, not to mention that the Pats are probably better equipped to handle 4th and 6 than they are 4th and 1....

The BCS got it right

Why do teams KEEP KICKING to Devin Hester??!!

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