Sanctuary - Official thread

I'm embarressed to say I had to break up watching last week's episode as I kept getting motion sick watching it :eek: Wasn't bad, but a bit corny at times.

Anyone else watching this season? I thought the premier episode was ok, just not sure if I'm as into it this season since it's been on hiatus for a bit. From the lack of posts, wonder if I'm not alone? ;)

I may just end up recording this season and then watching it during Christmas break when there are nothing but reruns ...
I have been watching it. It is just hard to remember all that is going on... good old SyFy taking a show off the air with a cliffhanger for 9 months. After the second episode last week, I think I remember most of the plot lines at least.
I kept the two-part cliffhanger on my dvr for 9 months and watched the 2 episodes a couple of days before the season premier, so I could refresh my memory... Forgot how good the cliffhanger actually was...especially when compared to the season premier...
I liked it too... ending wasn't bad either as it wasn't exactly a happy ending for a change. Though from the previews from the rest of the season, sounds like it may end up happy, so who knows ;)

I wish I had kept the season finale last year like other's have... I really did forget a lot after several mos. I can't remember why Tesla and the Druid are now both "good", but I think it had something to do with the source blood.

If they keep this erratic schedule, the show will be nothing more than filler. I hope they can run 15-20 episodes in a short time frame now. Not 9 then off again for another 9 months.
Caught the last two episodes of the current season yesterday. I was a bit surprised they didn't leave it as a cliffhanger after the explosion. Makes me think it is over.

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