Seattle - Ku/C band Dish Source? Beyond craigslist?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2009
Western Washington State
Hi there,

I am *very* glad to have found SatelliteGuys! I've been searching for an informative site on FLA, and this is by far the most informative place I've found yet.

My question is
: Where, other than craigslist/ebay/garage sales/driving-around-and-around-my-neighborhood-etc..., can I find used Ku/C band dishes? Craigslist is a good source usually, but its bone dry here in the Seattle area, nothing but commercial installers and Dish Network spam.

I am looking for a good second-hand source. If you have a trick, please let me know! A key is keeping it as low cost as possible, and would rather not spend more than $25 on a dish. I know that's a tall order, but you guys are resourceful :angel:

One idea I had was to hunt for closed down gas stations. It seems every gas station in the areas has at least 2 Ku Band satellite dishes on their roofs. Any other ideas or sources? Any other Seattlites here?
That is pretty much how you are going to have to approach it. It is usually more successful if you can find an individual with a dish that is pointed to the ground or obviously not in use and just knock on the door. Commercial sites are sometimes wary of letting an individual on their roof due to possible liability issues.
There is also freecycle which you may get lucky but it could be a long wait. I waited for a year (was gone for 3 months) and the only two that came up were useless (damage, although I did salvage some parts). I finally broke down and bought a cband that was on sale (I have 3 ku dishes).
happy outcome:

Over in our C-band Forum Department, we have a thread called:
Adventures in Dish Hunting 2009
If you'll scroll through it, you'll see all sorts of C-band and Ku-band dishes.
There are stories accompanying all the pictures, and you'll get some real insight into the methods we used to locate, acquire, and transport them.

I just found a 4' Ku dish on a local restaurant.
Well, I've been eyeballing it for a year or so.
This week we had some high winds, and now the dish is pointed North!
That was a clue that I should try to get the inside track on it! :rolleyes:
First, welcome to the forum and to the community!

I been thinking of this for awhile, I came up with these ideas recently.

My thoughts are to always have (or access to ) WD40, tools, a pickup truck/van or flat bed handy and maybe a sawzall or a cutoff wheel ($20 at Harbor Freight) and a small generator and a couple of 5, 10 and $20 dollar bills handy. If you see a dish not being used, contact the owner and ask if you can have it. If they are reluctant, offer them a 5 or a 10 dollar bill.

If you see a work crew dismantling a building with dishes on top, a couple of $20 dollar bills on hand might be the order of the day. Remember the people taking the building down are on a time frame and a little "green" can go a long way.

Most importantly, what is the dish worth to you? Take E-Bay for can find "World Direct" oval dishes for $65 to $80 shipped. If you see a Prime Star dish with arm and LNB, if you can get one for free or even $20 or $ are still ahead of the game.

Even if the dish has no LNB or arm, a Primestar dish might be worth $5 to $10, others here have bought dishes minus the arms and fabricated the arms themselves.

C-Band, others have posted...some people just want it "out of there" and be willing to give it away for free. If the dish is located in the middle of the yard and you don't have any help, a hand truck, small generator and a sawzall or decent cut off wheel can cut the pipe off, and you might be able to dismantle the dish right there and haul it off in small pieces with the help of a small hand truck.

If the C-band dish is in pristine condition, the LNB is good, motor/acutator works and the owner is willing to throw in the analog receiver might be worth it to spend $25 to $50 or more. Though the analog receiver might be out dated, you can use it as a "dish mover".

I spotted a Primestar dish minus the arm near Central KY and when I get down that way again, I'll try to find the owner and ask if I can have it and or offer them a 5 or a 10.
I took a couple hours on a hunt a few days ago, and came across some mighty fine dishes, right in my neighborhood! Never saw them before now just looking for them. I'm creating a hit list at present, and then will go back with some wads of $20s to see if any are available. I'll post some pictures once I get a chance.
A lot of folks still have unloved BUDs because they didn't want to pay to have them removed.
So, taking it out for free, and not leaving too big a mess, would be welcomed by many!

I had two owners help me with their dishes, pull out their own existing coax cables, and throw in a nice analog receiver
One was free.
The other was a Birdview, and I paid somewhere around $135 in money and gifts, but that fellow worked like a dog with the sledge hammer breaking concrete.

Don't be afraid to walk away, and seek another dish.
There are plenty to be found.
I got a Birdview which I didn't think even made it to the west coast.
The smile on my face when I was talking to the owner probably gave away my astonishment at my good luck. :cool:
The other BUD was offered to me at a lunch by an acquaintance thinking her brother-in-law would like some dummy to haul it off for free.
Only reason I took it at all, was 'cause it had an AJAK H-H motor under it.
I almost had a heart attack when I walked to the back yard and laid eyes on it.! - :eek:

Both stories are chronicled in my signature.
I know, The best dish around here is a 14-16 footer! The owner said I could have it if I took it down and paid $200. He stated it cost him $5000 back in the day! I asked him why he wanted one so big and not just an ordinary 8-10 footer and he said because he watched shows in other countries. Problem is it is on a 25-30 foot pole!!! I would need prob 5 men and alot of time to get it without any damage done to it and also a big trailer as well as a wife that wouldnt mind that thing!
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eBay find: 12ft mesh dish - Kentucky

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