Selling DishPro 301: eBay violation?


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Oct 31, 2007
Hey guys,

I tried selling my DishPro 301 receiver along with the smartcard on ebay, but a few days later my auction got removed and I got this email:

eBay said:
eBay Listing Removed: Trademark Violation - Unauthorized Item (=IS &12361 JM155943803)
Dear joeljkp,

You recently listed the following auction-style listing:

290175661625 - Dish Network DishPro 301 receiver w/ remote (DNASP011)

The listing was removed because it violated eBay policy. All fees related to this listing have been credited to your account. We also notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has
been canceled.

The rights owner, Dish Network, notified eBay that this listing violates intellectual property rights. When eBay receives a report of
this type of violation, we remove the listing to comply with the law.

What the heck? Anyone know what I could have done wrong?
Yes, just remove any references to a Smart Card and repost.

I had the same issue with a 301, reposted without mentioning the Card and even though the picture had the Card in it, it went through no problem at all.
Now how much more spectacularly idiotic is Dish going to get? Card hacking isn't the sensible way to pirate anymore, and Dish even knows why!
Now how much more spectacularly idiotic is Dish going to get? Card hacking isn't the sensible way to pirate anymore, and Dish even knows why!

I know it is crazy.

It is the same for Express Vu receivers, E-Bay remove listings if they mention the Card.

When I put the 301 on E-Bay, without mentioning the Card, the bidding went as normal, although when the auction ended the winner wanted me to just ship the Card...... He did not want the receiver....

It;s a funny old world.....
I have found that Ebay SUCKS when trying to sell used satellite equipment. I only list stuff here on Satguys now. Ebay does whatever the sat companies say even if it is totally wrong. Here's 2 examples I had.

1) I had a listing cancelled a while back because I included a picture of a Dish Network receiver I was selling. Ebay said that Dish had complained that their logo, which is on the card door, was copyrighted and legally I could not post a picture of the receiver. It's like trying to sell a used car but having to blur out the Ford or Chevy logos...

2) Bell Expressvu had my auction for a receiver pulled because I said it included a smartcard. I didn't give any more details than that about the card. Ebay said that Bell told them it was against the law to say whether or not it came with a smart card. And Ebay said if I answered any questions from potential bidders privately and told them it came with the card, I would have my auction pulled and my account suspended immediately.
Dish Network wants us to buy the receivers off of them, not from ebay, as they lose money from potential sales.
Dish Network wants us to buy the receivers off of them, not from ebay, as they lose money from potential sales.

And movie studios would rather you buy new copies of a DVD, but there's nothing whatsoever wrong with buying a used DVD. And as gangster-esqe as the MPAA is, I haven't seen them trying to muscle in and shut down used DVD stores.
IEbay said that Bell told them it was against the law to say whether or not it came with a smart card. And Ebay said if I answered any questions from potential bidders privately and told them it came with the card, I would have my auction pulled and my account suspended immediately.

Wow. I though the receiver and card were required to stay together. When I bought my 501, I called Dish several times with bothe numbers to verify that I'd be able to activate the unit on my account. Several listed at the time were supposed to have been returned, and others had outstanding balances and thus would not be activated either
(Unless I was willing to pay the amounts owed by the previous owners)

So, has that policy changed? Or are they just making it near impossible to get the information in advance?
This was a few months ago so I assume it is still the same with Bell stuff. The card and the receiver are supposed to stay together and if you are missing the card, Bell charges $69 for a new one. Is it insane not being able to tell someone what is included in an auction.

IMHO and from what an Dish employee in the Executive Office I know has said...Bell is using (err...misusing) their authority to tell Ebay it is illegal when it's not so they can hurt the sales of used equipment since they probably think that most hackers get their equipment that way.
Methinks Dish Network wants to eliminate as many customer owned receivers as possible. That's why the new HD receivers are so much more expensive to own than to lease.

Dish Network knows that they must eventually have to deal with customer owned receivers in the future, 5-10 years from now, when all of the installed base needs to be converted to MPeg4 HD.
If you think thats bad I had an auction for a Dish500 with Legacy LNB's and put "perfect for FTA" in the title listing.

I had 100 of them, and already sold 30 of them until they cancelled my auction.

They are idiots, because they not only refunded my listing fees, but the final value fees on all 30 Dishes!

I made out good in that deal :)

Relisted the Dishes, with the same exact auction on the weekend no problem.
Ebay overcharges on their higher priced listings anyways then they whack you on final value fees and paypal fees. For those that list multiple items, it gets pretty expensive especially if your sales gets low.
list your auction as "301 reciever with IntelligenceCard". see them try to yank that. or have fun, call it an idiot card. be creative, everyone who looks at the auction will know what you mean.
Just sold a 625 with no problems. The auction did mention the word smartcard but only in reference to the plastic overwrap being open near the smartcard door. On the other hand, I did state that this receiver was not modified and not intended for any other purpose other than what Dish Network intends their receivers to be used for. Maybe the disclaimer worked fine because it listed from Sunday to Sunday without problems. Someone did ask about getting receiver information but I stated the information would only be supplied to the winner before payment was required.
Just sold a 625 with no problems. The auction did mention the word smartcard but only in reference to the plastic overwrap being open near the smartcard door. On the other hand, I did state that this receiver was not modified and not intended for any other purpose other than what Dish Network intends their receivers to be used for. Maybe the disclaimer worked fine because it listed from Sunday to Sunday without problems. Someone did ask about getting receiver information but I stated the information would only be supplied to the winner before payment was required.

Why would you only give out receiver information to the winner? Sounds dodgy to me. I have always told my customers who ask about buying a used receiver online to get the R00 and smartcard numbers so they can make sure it isn't leased or have a balance. I'm not accusing you of anything, but not wanting to give out that information makes it sound like you're trying to pull a fast one.
I stated the receiver was new and not ever assigned to an account and that Dish confirmed it was good to go. When someone asked me for the numbers, I told them I would give that information to the winning bidder and he can then check the status before sending payment. I'm not going to make it any easier for some guy who got pissed off about being sniped doing anything to disrupt the transaction. If I had lied about the equipment status, the guy would not have had to go through with the sale and I would probably get bad feedback as a result.

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