Service tech said he'd be back to install support arms...

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2008
And he hasn't come back or called's been a week.

Here's what happened. On New Year's Day the service tech came out to realign my dish that had been blown off position by high wind. I didn't have to pay for the service call since a tech had been out on Nov. 1 to realign the dish after the roofer knocked it off position and I had been assigned a case manager.

Anyway, the tech on NYD said the dish needed to be anchored with some support arms, then checked his van and he said didn't have any (which I found odd, since I was his second stop on the day). So he said he'd come back on Wed or Thurs. to install the support arms and said that if I didn't hear from him to call him since his cell number was on my caller ID. I haven't heard from him since and I called him last night and got no answer, and still haven't heard back from him yet today.

Now...I didn't even ask for the support arms to be installed, he brought that up on his own, but I want them to be installed because my dish is on the roof and we get a lot of wind in the winter time. I used to have some support arms installed and it worked well, but for some reason they were removed over time. Anyway, I am thinking of calling DTV to complain about this, or call the contracting company that the service tech worked for and complaining to them.

What are your thoughts?
I'd give the tech 1 more chance to make it right. Leave him a message that if you don't hear from him in 24 hours you are going to call the contracting company to see if you can get it cleared up.
You called DirecTV and they sent a person out I'm assuming.

If so, I'd call them (DirecTV not the tech directly) back and ask them if anything within the call record mentions these 'support arms' you have posted about. Let them do the follow up based on their processes. You said you have a case manager?

Maybe these arms are needed only rarely and this could be why he did not have them. Just a thought on that. Calling the person's cell, I would not expect him to answer. Perhaps he was on a roof or off at that time.
Best spin= when the warehouse is out of monopoles they are out for a while. In the scheme of things the tech is swamped most days and may not catch up on calls on a day off.

Medium spin= He just got a list charge backs and quit. There is nothing like a low and incorrect check right around the holidays to raise morale!

Low spin= He bull shitted you and is never coming back. The cell number is probably an old girl friend.

The monopole thing is not critical as long as you do not get enough wind to pull the dish out. They were added as an afterthought when the windage problem became impossible to hide.

Call and ask for the poles.....try to be cool and just repeat that the tech didn't have them on the truck that day and you don't know how to get in touch.

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Best spin= when the warehouse is out of monopoles they are out for a while. In the scheme of things the tech is swamped most days and may not catch up on calls on a day off.

Medium spin= He just got a list charge backs and quit. There is nothing like a low and incorrect check right around the holidays to raise morale!

Low spin= He bull shitted you and is never coming back. The cell number is probably an old girl friend.

The monopole thing is not critical as long as you do not get enough wind to pull the dish out. They were added as an afterthought when the windage problem became impossible to hide.

Call and ask for the poles.....try to be cool and just repeat that the tech didn't have them on the truck that day and you don't know how to get in touch.


Thank gawd! A voice of reason. The initial technician was wrong for not installing the monopoles. The service tech that came out on New Years Day more than likely didn't expect to need carry any (the monopoles are part of Slimline kit and as such can be problematic to procure any extras).
The user is a "jerk"?

Maybe it was your boos / company. And why couldn't you just have said no thanks?

Jerk is a bit harsh right?


In the installation world "no thanks" or "I reject this job for safety reasons" or "I reject this job due to lack if income potential" is the same thing as saying I quit. When you ask who said "mandatory" weekend work...nobody knows.

It is a well known and long ignored abuse of labor laws.

You called DirecTV and they sent a person out I'm assuming.

If so, I'd call them (DirecTV not the tech directly) back and ask them if anything within the call record mentions these 'support arms' you have posted about. Let them do the follow up based on their processes. You said you have a case manager?

Maybe these arms are needed only rarely and this could be why he did not have them. Just a thought on that. Calling the person's cell, I would not expect him to answer. Perhaps he was on a roof or off at that time.

The monopoles are part of the Slimline.

As for calling the guy directly, that give thier card with thier number on them on every install. They would much rather you call them than go to D*.
that being said I don't really think its the end user's fault right?

You are correct,
There is still a confusion over whether Directv is a service like the phone system and electrical service. These have a mandate to keep things running because public health and safety depend on their function.

Directv is not like these. It may be an appliance that is purchased for amusement or just a signal that can be picked up for information and entertainment. In this instance customers expect it to work all the time but there is no requirement to go nuts to keep everyone "up" 24/7.

Some local managers punch up their scores on the backs of techs who cannot really object to the crap.

None of this is the fault of any customer. You can't be a jerk for expecting delivery of what you have paid for. Customers can be jerks for a long list of other reasons.

Oh boy! nobody caught the humor of the moment
Jerk was refering to making a tech work on new years day
$50 "customer caused" his roofers removed the monopoles
I was also trying to be subtle in implying "I" was the tech the OP was refering to
Directv is a service of national improtance ..... if DTV went down a my house i am on the phone so fast it not funny i dont mind it but other in the house will come after me and they have sharp pointy sticks.
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