Shaun Kenny - Boresight, Yellow Rain

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Jul 4, 2008
I have it on the best authority that Shaun Kenny is not dead, or at least he didn't die as was reported (falling off a rooftop during a satellite dish install).

It is to my understanding that Shaun turned State's Evidence, and in return had charges against him dropped and was placed under the Federal witness protection program. The unusual amount of arrested and charged chippers around that time was very suspect. And remember who was waiting when they returned from the chipper's conference at Coop's in the Turks and Caicos?

I know Shaun personally. I have most of his Boresight and Yellow Rain episodes on VHS. I contributed to his legal defense fund, and I sold thousands of dollars worth of product through Greensheet. Shaud is a bright guy, but MACOM/GI and the Feds are a powerful force to battle. And looking at 30 or more years in prison is nothing to sneeze at.

Shaun, wherever you are, good luck and Godspeed!
Interesting, I bought a few things from Shaun and still have a lot of his shows on vhs. Alive or not he isn't contributing to the satellite industry anymore, at least in the "end consumer" friendly way he used to. If he is still around I hope he is enjoying himself.
An "Elvis" sighting perhaps? Bigfoot is real.

Bigfoot IS shaun! The Fed's gave him a heavy fur jacket to put on, and a house in the deep woods!

He stole an original 010 videocipher stand-alone receiver from me, that I shipped him to resell on his show. It wasn't fixed, but they started going for big bucks after they figured out how to chip them, so I thought I could make some money reselling an early model. Yeah, I know, I was gambling, and lost. Then he suddenly, "died". Perhaps he did, perhaps he didn't, but IF he didn't, it's hard to believe he could lay low all this time. He wasn't exactly your "hide in the shadows" sort of person.

I still have some Bob Cooper books, and a bunch of other sat "stuff" I bought from Greensheets.
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Is this true?

I brought this post up to inside sources. Who contacted Bob Cooper, his response was:

"An interesting story but Shaun was never to my knowledge hit with a federal crime charge - it was a CIVIL suit brought by MAcom and GI so the incentive to turn "state's evidence" seems unlikely as at his death he was already found guilty of the civil charge - as was I. And remember he was NOT installing a satelluite antenna when he fell off the roof - he was at his own home on the roof with construction guys"

Maybe this can clear up this confusion.
Correct Info

I have it on the best authority that Shaun Kenny is not dead, or at least he didn't die as was reported (falling off a rooftop during a satellite dish install).

I know that the information on Shaun posted here is old and Very wrong... Well at least the first post.

Thanks TVROPRO... for your post. I just add to some of this for more clarity.

I was composing a post on another site and was doing a Google search for Boresight and Shaun and came across this old post.

I worked with Shaun on occasion in the studios and so did an old friend of mine which was a good friend of Shaun. Shaun did pass away from a fatal fall off his roof that was getting repaired. It was morning to early afternoon he climbed up to the roof to inspect the work that they were doing and the roof was still wet from the overnight moisture. He slipped and fell roughly 40 feet to his death onto, if I remember it was near the North Branch railroad, I think the creek was closer to the building. My friend was there when it happened.
So where ever this old news came from that he made some deal and he went underground is so far off base that I had to post this.
The only time I think he made any deals with feds was when he was stopped with others getting off the plane after coming back from an island meeting with other satellite enthusiasts. They were stopped with eprom chips for the VC1 or VC2. If I remember correctly he was at Coop's place or was with Coop. I may be wrong on this last part of who's place he was at or if he was with Coop. I know he was coming back from an island meeting.
So as for my post, I hope it clears some old incorrect news up. If I could find this thread with the wrong information posted in it via Google anyone could.

Rest In Peace Shaun... Aug 10, 1943 ~ Oct 01, 1992

Take care and Happy New Year 2010...


Boresight News Videos

Boresight News 1986
Yes, I peed on that box too.

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Anybody ever know whatever happened to Chuck Dawson, use to listen too him on cband radio back in the day.
Reminds me of an show called Signals back in the early 90's on Shortwave. Any one recall that show and more importantly who the hosts where, and what they are doing today?
WOW Shaun Kenny made for interesting viewing back in the mid 80's... Greensheet and Yellow Rain were must see TV as back in those days you knew that somehow along the way the shaft was gonna be given to C-Banders... I often wonder what also happen to Chuck Dawson and keith Lamonica as well... Between those three different shows Satellite TV and Radio was fun and unique to watch and listen to... CC
Chuck Dawson and Keith Lamonica can be easily found with a google search. I was in touch with both of them via email about 3 or 4 years ago.

Chuck Dawson is now a real-estate agent -> New Mexico Real Estate Albuqerque

Keith Lamonica is a Broadcast Consultant - > Keith Lamonica

Both of those guys did a LOT for the C-Band industry.

Bob Cooper is still around too. I get an email from Coop every so often. -> Home Page | Far North Cablevision Ltd Bob owns/runs a cable company in New Zealand. His site is out of date, but I have been in contact with him within the past 2 weeks.
I have been able to sit down with Bob Cooper quite a few times, and I got to say he is probably one of the most interesting persons I have ever met. I could list to his stories about the roots of satellite for hours and hours.

Hes got a lot of stories to tell, and the best part is they are all true.
I have been able to sit down with Bob Cooper quite a few times, and I got to say he is probably one of the most interesting persons I have ever met. I could list to his stories about the roots of satellite for hours and hours.

Hes got a lot of stories to tell, and the best part is they are all true.

Have you read Coop's books "Televisions Pirates" and "C-Band Remembered" ? I've read those books from cover to cover multiple times.

Over the years I have collected a good stockpile of C-Band recordings - audio and video. I have good intentions of getting them catalogued and organized to the point where I could access any of the info if needed. I just seem to be lacking 'free' time these days. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours of K-Sat / C-Sat / Keith Lamonica (not as much) that I have converted to MP3 format. I just recently stumbled upon about another 8 hours that I need to convert. MP3s are much more portable than cassette tapes. I have hundreds of hours of Boresight News on DVD too. Some day when I get time, I'll get them all sorted out and catalogued. Coop at one point was mentioning to me that there was going to be some sort of historical museum for satellite opening. I don't recall the location of it. Maybe I'll check in with Coop again to see if it ever happened. I have got a good chunk of satellite history sitting here on DVD and in MP3 format that I'd love to share.
Have you read Coop's books "Televisions Pirates" and "C-Band Remembered" ? I've read those books from cover to cover multiple times.

Over the years I have collected a good stockpile of C-Band recordings - audio and video. I have good intentions of getting them catalogued and organized to the point where I could access any of the info if needed. I just seem to be lacking 'free' time these days. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours of K-Sat / C-Sat / Keith Lamonica (not as much) that I have converted to MP3 format. I just recently stumbled upon about another 8 hours that I need to convert. MP3s are much more portable than cassette tapes. I have hundreds of hours of Boresight News on DVD too. Some day when I get time, I'll get them all sorted out and catalogued. Coop at one point was mentioning to me that there was going to be some sort of historical museum for satellite opening. I don't recall the location of it. Maybe I'll check in with Coop again to see if it ever happened. I have got a good chunk of satellite history sitting here on DVD and in MP3 format that I'd love to share.
If you ever have the opportunity to have at least the mp3 stuff on an FTP server I for one would love to have access to it...
wow .. this is a blast from the past

I worked for Shaun when he was running Signal Systems out of his house on Staten Island (mid 80's). I was right out of school and he put me to work fixing the little HBO DC voltage boxes he had stacked up. I stayed with him through the move to NJ , the contracts with OTB and the Hotel chains. We setup the little studio for the Boresight show in the shop in the NJ warehouse.
We had a lot of fun and he was a pretty amazing guy. I was always impressed with his knowledge and enthusiasm in general. I was very sorry to hear that he had died. I spent many days climbing up and down ladders and walking roofs with him so was very surprised that he fell off a roof. Anyway , I am glad to find this and reference to him. He was a very influential guy in my technology development and my career path as well as life lessons. If anyone else from those days wants to get in touch with me feel free :)
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Switching Simplified helps ,but still having 22k DiSEqC problem

GI 2000PS info needed!

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