So what do you think?

I agree that they try to be helpful, but they're hobbled by not knowing exactly what they're dealing with. Presumbably when you take calls at DISH is that you can know the customer's setup with relative confidence. Here, you have to wring it out of them and even then, they don't always give complete and accurate information.

I think there is a need for an intermediate level of support where you can get nitty gritty technical questions answered quickly and accurately. I'm not sure how you squeeze it into the system but it would help many who need details rather than handholding.

I think as an experiment in handholding, a forum probably isn't the right tool because you have to pepper the customer with questions to figure out what you're dealing with.

I think that they are doing a better job of providing support here than the CSRs on the phone or in chat.
I think that they're great people to have around and even when they sounded scripted at first they were very welcome in my opinion.
They have been great and very quick when needed. I hate calling in and used to like chat but for some reason it seems that they have made some big changes to chat that have not worked for me of late.
After messing around chatting with a CSR trying to get Starz for a year instead of my current Starz for 3 months, I pm'd Matt and he had it resolved within 10 minutes. They are a great resource (and type English)!
After their management got a clue and allowed them to post like human beings, they've been exemplary. I've personally been helped on the anniversary gifts by one of the reps, and I've been educated on a thing or two by another. Thanks a million to both!
I think is great. Everyone learns from everyone and the E* support team connects even more with their customers. Eventually this knowledge will also be transmitted to the folks on the phone and on the chat.

Hopefully other companies like D* will soon follow suit and join.
Now that they have settled in, they have become a great asset to this site. Personally, I am happy to see the Dish reps here. There are hardly any other companies that let their employees do this. Good job Satellite Guys and Dish Network!
Agree with everything people have already said, great asset for us users of the site, and a great asset for them to get more field input on issues. I'd imagine they learn a thing or two on this site as well. Win/Win.

Thanks to Scott and everyone that made it happen and thanks to the Dish support people helping us out.
While they do avoid certain topics and shy from the really tough questions that might be embarrassing to the company, overall I think it is great to have knowledgeable Dish Network employees help on this site. It is refreshing to get the "official" word or clarification on many matters such as the Byzantine package mess and what qualifies and doesn't and what the heck the internationals package is and how that "works." In the past, we would have many different responses from our great posters, but we would be forced to cull through them to find what would be the most likely correct answer. Nice to get the real answer, and very quickly.

A grade of A++. Nice to see some Dish reps here PMing those in need of help and willing to look up stuff for that subscriber and fix a problem. Posters have left positive experiences. It is one of the best enhancements of this forum. Good job Dish in going forward with this program at SatGuys. And good work to Scott for securing it.

Finally, I would love to see a few TECH engineers on this site regularly to address the tech stuff and answer definitively about the non-use of the DPP44 power inserter and other tech myths and controversies. A SatGuys version of having Mark and Dan the Tech Forum 24/7 on SatGuys. It has been a great enhancement.
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Changing the title of this thread might get more replies?

I'm glad Dish is paying attention to their customers. I wonder what will happen to "movers".

Now if I can find a way to get paid to surf Satelliteguys....
Now if I can find a way to get paid to surf Satelliteguys....

DISH Network is hiring! :D

In all seriousness though guys and gals, it is all of you that made this possible. From allowing us in here to giving us feedback that shaped how we can interact, all of you are responsible to the success. Even the people who really hated every bit of our post helped this become successful by "welcome" letters. We here at DISH Network (and my team in particular) thank you all and look forward to being able to really help any way we can in the future.
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RFD HD now live

Dish Execs take a pay cut...

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