Sopranos on HBO WEST is worse than SD!!!


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Original poster
Mar 2, 2004
San Diego
I am watching Sopranos right now on HBO West. It is pixelating like crazy. These problems were not on the HBO East feed earlier.

Calling VOOM right now. Wonder if CSRs have access to the signal on a big board or something.


I say we flood them with calls every time this happens on any of the channels. This should get their attention!

P.S. Weather in SD is crystal clear.
Some programs on the W premium channels have had some real problems lately, but then again many programs on those same channels have been perfectly fine during the same period.

Were all assuming it's V*, but I'm beginning to question whether thats actually true and if in fact that the real problem is originating from the source itself. Meaning not V*'s fault.
I Watched Sopranos & deadwood on HBO HD West Sunday Night & The PQ & Sound Were Dead On. I Think Some Of The Posts Here Are Fake. Soledade's Post Is Dead Wrong. Last Night I Watched HBO West HD On A 87 Inch Screen & It Was Dead On.
I started watching Sopranos on HD-East, and got interrupted midway through. So I tuned in to the HD-West showing and it was very soft and grainy. There was clearly a problem, and it continued through Deadwood. I never watch HD West normally, but I can tell you there was a problem last night.

As far as being fake, I do not know. That is certainly what I saw, however, I am sometimes unsure as to whether I exist or not. If I do not exist, then the post is "fake", but then you would have to be fake to read my post, so . . .
wbuffetta said:
I Watched Sopranos & deadwood on HBO HD West Sunday Night & The PQ & Sound Were Dead On. I Think Some Of The Posts Here Are Fake. Soledade's Post Is Dead Wrong. Last Night I Watched HBO West HD On A 87 Inch Screen & It Was Dead On.

Nope defintely not a fake. Sopranos on HD West was pretty bad at my house on a 56" screen. HBO HD East was fine at the same time.

Huge ammounts of pixelation were present whenever there was fast movement of whenever the camera focus was on patterned material like wallpaper or fabrics.


P.S. Why would anyone waste their time making this stuff up. The fake comment was out of line in my opinion. Perhaps your trolling.
I saw it too, especially bad on The Sopranos on the pattern on the jacket of the school official. At certain points it looked good but for the most part it was pretty mediocre PQ. DVI connection on a Sony GWIII 42". I realize there is a bit of hysteria concerning PQ right now, perhaps that was the reason for the "fake post" comment. Not really sure of the point of a fake post either. :rolleyes:
wbuffetta said:
I Watched Sopranos & deadwood on HBO HD West Sunday Night & The PQ & Sound Were Dead On. I Think Some Of The Posts Here Are Fake. Soledade's Post Is Dead Wrong. Last Night I Watched HBO West HD On A 87 Inch Screen & It Was Dead On.
Fake? That's a good one
"too much time on my hands"-Styx
From what ive seen the west coast feeds are worse. I say dump them, screw you guys on the west coast. your suckin up bandwidth. lmao just kidding.
GeneWildershair said:
I've said before that I think that *all* the west premiums are worse than the east channels. I'm glad some others are taking notice.

Oh yea they are and at 6:51 here on the west coast windy and just a few clouds signal is 75 and pixels soooooo bad i can not watch tv!! So the east look like the west to me now!!
BlackHitachi said:
Oh yea they are and at 6:51 here on the west coast windy and just a few clouds signal is 75 and pixels soooooo bad i can not watch tv!! So the east look like the west to me now!!
75? mine never drops below 96
when it's *VERY* windy out, mine will drop as low as 91, but it is rare. It usually stays at a steady 96. And it can get pretty windy in my area. The only time my picture goes down is when it starts raining, otherwise I get a great signal. You should check to see how secure your dish is to your house. The signal shouldn't be bouncing that low in the wind. I have also noticed that before I went up on the roof and properly aligned my own dish my signals bounced around quite a bit even without wind, (thanks to the installer), but now like I said it's a steady 96. I have noticed that the VOOM dish is very sensitive, if it's off just a tiny bit, you may get a high signal, but it will bounce around a good bit. If you get it right, it should pretty much stay at one number, maybe bounce up, or down one, but never a few. Can you tell me if your signal, (on a good day ) stays on one number pretty consistently, or does it bounce constantly? If it does you may want to have your dish peaked again.
mine is just like yours Jay. goes out in a hard rain. same signal strength. But D* goes out too and comes back, actually you lose different groups of channels with D* ive noticed. I guess due to multiple birds in the air?
Just to add another 'fake' post, the West channels ARE almost like watching SD.
vurbano said:
mine is just like yours Jay. goes out in a hard rain. same signal strength. But D* goes out too and comes back, actually you lose different groups of channels with D* ive noticed. I guess due to multiple birds in the air?

I have to say in the 7 years I have had D*, I have never had it go out in the rain yet. With VOOM it only takes a little rain to get the signal loss for me, bu t I also understand that they have a different FEC rating than D*, so it makes sense. I'm getting a 30" dish for VOOM, so I'll report if that makes any improvements for me with rain fade.
GeneWildershair said:
I have to say in the 7 years I have had D*, I have never had it go out in the rain yet. With VOOM it only takes a little rain to get the signal loss for me, bu t I also understand that they have a different FEC rating than D*, so it makes sense. I'm getting a 30" dish for VOOM, so I'll report if that makes any improvements for me with rain fade.
Here on the coast of Virginia we get very quick, violent storms filled with lightening and water from the ocean. Ive noticed during lightening storms its worst with D*. Any hurricanes there Jay?

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