Source on steel post

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Check with a scrap yard and welding shops. If you live near a place that works in steel, you can always swing by and ask.
Most Steel Market's have a used retail or new retail TUBING / SIZE / STRENGTH input line. Small dishes use thin tubing; if you fill them and pack concrete into them;; they still need to be the perfect O.D./I.D. (outside/inside) diameter with the thickness of the metal and type of metal used; new / used / pipetube. I would love to see a stainless tube at all the supplier's; as it is more expensive than anodized/zinc on the weather protection. Just put normal steel in at the beach, then...for any period of time...
Locally, light specials
Stop by one of your local commercial pipe supply houses. We have Jabo Supply here. They mainly sell 21' sections but may have some that has been cutoff for a few dollars. You want 3" schedule 40. The OD is 3.5".
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