Dish Network has called a Special Retailer Chat for today, and only SatelliteGuys brings you coverage as it happens.
As always we only report item which are of intrest of yu the consumer. We do not report on dealer sensitive information such as costs or profits.
Thanks for making SatelliteGuys.US your choice for breaking industry news and rumors! SatelliteGuys is you home for things such as Retailer Chat Recaps, Uplink Reports, The DirecTV CE program and now is also the home for the official DishPointer.COM support forum! SatelliteGuys give you all of this in a place where the chats are relaxed, and fun.
This thread will be opened when the first news update from the chat is posted. The Dish Network retailer chat will start at Noon Eastern Time!
Thanks for being SatelliteGuys!
As always we only report item which are of intrest of yu the consumer. We do not report on dealer sensitive information such as costs or profits.
Thanks for making SatelliteGuys.US your choice for breaking industry news and rumors! SatelliteGuys is you home for things such as Retailer Chat Recaps, Uplink Reports, The DirecTV CE program and now is also the home for the official DishPointer.COM support forum! SatelliteGuys give you all of this in a place where the chats are relaxed, and fun.
This thread will be opened when the first news update from the chat is posted. The Dish Network retailer chat will start at Noon Eastern Time!
Thanks for being SatelliteGuys!