Stupidest thing a E* Tech has ever told you?

Last month I had Dish's telemarketers call trying to sell me more services. I told them I don't want anymore. He asked why. I told them after promises from Charlie regarding NBR for my 721 and after I spent $$ on two of them - in my opinion he is a THIEF for not delivering. Spent 10 minutes or so arguing back and forth about it.

Next day another call - different rep. Tried same thing. I gave them an even bigger piece of my mind regarding me spending big bux on two 721's all the while expecting NBR to be delivered. "I wouldn't give another dime of my money to that thief Charlie." Rep PROMISED they had NBR for the 721's. All I had to do is call Tech Support and have them "turn it on" for my 721. Rep graciously transferred me to tech support.

Tech support said "you need Advanced Tech Support" and transferred me.

Advanced Tech Support told me that was hogwash which I already knew. There is no NBR for 721's. "However, when it is available they will announce it". :)

I called back their telemarketing people and chewed out the person who answered. Then got transferred to supervisor. Chewed them out even more for all my time wasted with them. Told them I was losing money talking to them and having me "call tech support and have NBR turned on". Told them I charge $125 per hour - minimum 1 hour per each of their calls and asked where do I send the bill to? "Someone has to pay for my time."

Supervisor was very apologetic. Ended up with a free month for my time - and a lot of satisfaction of chewing out a lot of people who had no clue what they were saying. :)
birddoggy said:
I hired an installer one time that started out really good... until one day he came back and said he couldn't do a service call because he couldn't reach the Dish. I assumed the dish was on a very high roof or something, so I went out to take care of it. I got out there and it was a regular 2 story house, and the dish was on the lower part of the roof. From a 20' ladder is was easy to get to. I went back and asked him about it... Then he told us he was affraid of heights and wouldn't go over a few feet up a ladder.
We did a ton of installs in commercial applications, and very large homes... so he didn't stick around very long.

i just thought i would add on to this, cause it amused me...

the installer I was talking about in my last post, is now working for one of my competitors(supposedly competition)... when we fired him, he tried to get on with another company, he worked there 2 days, got fired, but he's been working for this new company for about 3 weeks now.... its good to see they have high standards :rolleyes:
Jahntassa said:
Copper is copper, right?

Nope, copper is not copper. it has varying degrees of impurities that with out a doubt affect overall picture quality.

I do alot of high end home theater installations and frankly i prefer a good old component video connection over DVI/HDMI any day. Without doing serious recalibration of the white levels, contrast, brightness, hue etc etc with a disc such as AVIA et al, you are not truely getting the potential of the digital connection and the picture is overly grainy....especially with DVI....but this is another thread i suppose...
sorry to hijack the thread.
I signed up for HBO awhile back, so now every couple of months get the movie package bundle call... Well after the 3rd time, the call went like this:

CSR: "Sir, you can add <insert movie channel> to your current HBO package, and pay a combined $30 a mos for both; you only pay $1 per day."
Me: "Well what happens if the month has only 28 days, do I pay less?"
CSR: "Excuse me Sir?"
Me: "Well you said it was $1 a day, so what happens if the month is shorter at 28 days, do I pay less? If it's 31 days, do I pay more?"

She told me to have a nice day... :rolleyes:

This wasn't E*, but thought it was pretty funny... Was having some issues with my Interenet connection, so did the live chat thing...

CSR: Hello, this is xxxxx, how may I help you today?
Mike: I'd like to check the status of an issue you are resolving for me, it's case xxxxxxx.
CSR: I'd be happy to check on that for your sir, what is your first name?
Mike: <-- Mike

Mind you I had to enter my full name and address prior to connecting to the service... I can understand people may not use their real names for whatever reason, but got a kick out if it anyways.

gdarwin said:
One Tech came in to install the D1000.... What he didn't say got to me. I have the 942 and the 622 hooked up to the 50". He got down on the floor and checked out the model numbers of both of them... I think that was the first time he had ever seen a HD DVR, much less two of them. I gave him a good demo before he left...

Your in kentucky, do you know how uncommon it is for people to have water closets inside the home there? :p
kvhollis said:
Last month I had Dish's telemarketers call trying to sell me more services. I told them I don't want anymore. He asked why. I told them after promises from Charlie regarding NBR for my 721 and after I spent $$ on two of them - in my opinion he is a THIEF for not delivering. Spent 10 minutes or so arguing back and forth about it.

Next day another call - different rep. Tried same thing. I gave them an even bigger piece of my mind regarding me spending big bux on two 721's all the while expecting NBR to be delivered. "I wouldn't give another dime of my money to that thief Charlie." Rep PROMISED they had NBR for the 721's. All I had to do is call Tech Support and have them "turn it on" for my 721. Rep graciously transferred me to tech support.

Tech support said "you need Advanced Tech Support" and transferred me.

Advanced Tech Support told me that was hogwash which I already knew. There is no NBR for 721's. "However, when it is available they will announce it". :)

I called back their telemarketing people and chewed out the person who answered. Then got transferred to supervisor. Chewed them out even more for all my time wasted with them. Told them I was losing money talking to them and having me "call tech support and have NBR turned on". Told them I charge $125 per hour - minimum 1 hour per each of their calls and asked where do I send the bill to? "Someone has to pay for my time."

Supervisor was very apologetic. Ended up with a free month for my time - and a lot of satisfaction of chewing out a lot of people who had no clue what they were saying. :)

Ok heres my stoopid question, if you are so adamant about charlie being a thief and upset about the lost money and the useless feature of NBR not being on your 721's then why are you still with Dish? Honestly I dont get why people will stay with a service provider if things are that bad, when I had problems with wow cable I went to comcast for my internet needs and if they start providing piss poor service then I will go to att for service.
Stupidest thing said by a CSR...

The locals I had when I "Moved" went to a spotbeam, so I "Moved" again to somethng I could receive.

A month goes by, and I notice they forgot to turn off the old locals, so I was paying for both.

I explained to the CSR that I could not physically get those, and they should have turned them off when I moved.

Instead of just turning them off, she insisted it was a problem with my receiver, and I should unplug it, and check my connections. I tired to explain again. I get that if my receiver is under warrenty, they will send me a new one.

Finally she transferred me to tech suport.
They spoke english, and understood, and even gave me credit for the channels for the month.
avediswolf said:
Stupidest thing said by a CSR...

The locals I had when I "Moved" went to a spotbeam, so I "Moved" again to somethng I could receive.

A month goes by, and I notice they forgot to turn off the old locals, so I was paying for both.

I explained to the CSR that I could not physically get those, and they should have turned them off when I moved.

Instead of just turning them off, she insisted it was a problem with my receiver, and I should unplug it, and check my connections. I tired to explain again. I get that if my receiver is under warrenty, they will send me a new one.

Finally she transferred me to tech suport.
They spoke english, and understood, and even gave me credit for the channels for the month.

There is a known software issue that pops up every so often where an account will receive locals from another location and from the location the customer has moved to yet the old locals do not show on the account.
Me > What older receivers cannot accept the new yellow smart card during the swapout
CSR > Let me check, uh the 311, 322, 625
Me > I was talking about the older ones such as the 1000, 3000, etc.
Van said:
Ok heres my stoopid question, if you are so adamant about charlie being a thief and upset about the lost money and the useless feature of NBR not being on your 721's then why are you still with Dish? Honestly I dont get why people will stay with a service provider if things are that bad, when I had problems with wow cable I went to comcast for my internet needs and if they start providing piss poor service then I will go to att for service.

Well, lets see. I spent over a $1000 bux. Don't want that to entirely wasted. When they die I will seriously look at the alternatives unless you want to take them off of my hands right now??

I love the programming.... hate Charlie's crap.

Speaking of... that would an interesting name change for the "Charlie Chat". Change it to "Charlie's Crap". :)
monroef said:
How about when I had an install scheduled for yesterday and when they didn't show I called in and the CSR told me "somebody" closed by order. What a wasted day off from work.
I actually had two cancelled by our dispatch hub after I had precalled the customers...luckily I wasn't the poor SOB that had to cal them and let them know their appointments were inadvertently cancelled..I t happens..The people in the dispatch hubs are not the sharpest knives in the fact they ar eamiong the lowest paid DNS employees..Hence the quality of work could be adversely affected
NightRyder said:
I know this isn't technical, but it rates a 10 on the stupid meter. :)

When I ordered my 508 several years ago Dish was having computer problems, the CSR kept apologizing, somehow during the order process their system or the CSR inserted OK (Oklahoma) instead of OR (Oregon) for my state. I caught the error when the CSR was confirming my shipping address and the CSR corrected it.

I received and activated my 508 with no problems. When I received my bill I noticed charges for state, county and city sales tax had been added (Oregon doesn't have a sales tax) total of about $15. I called Dish and explained the error, the CSR (Hispanic) tells me there is nothing they can do about the charges and I would have to talk to my local officials. I explain several more times that Oregon doesn't have a sales tax and that the charges shouldn't be on my bill. The CSR continues to insist that there is nothing he can do about the charges and again refers me to my local officials. Seeing that I'm getting nowhere, I ask to speak to the CSRs supervisor. After about 10 minutes on hold I finally get a supervisor (also hispanic). I explain the problem again, the supervisor says there is nothing he can do about my taxes and I need to take that up with my local government officials. By this time I am out of patience, I say again that Oregon does not have a sales tax. The supervisor seems baffled, he asks "when you purchase electronics at a local store you don't have to pay tax? I say no, Oregon doesn't have a sales tax! Several moments of silence follow, and then he repeats the same line about contacting my local officials. I lose it at that point and angrily slam down the phone.

I cool off overnight and try again the next morning. I get a knowlegable CSR in the Colorado call center. I explain the problem. He says "your right" Oregon doesn't have a sales tax, let me credit your account. I thank him and ask for his supervisor, I tell the supervisor that the CSR I just spoke to saved the company a customer and explain what I went through the previous day. The supervisor apologized, and gave me a $25 extra credit on my bill.


When dealing with customer inbound call centers, you are speaking to people who are reding scripts..Most of think of CSR's as probelme solvers..However in the case of many call centers low wage phone talkers are hired..Customers with complex probelms are sloughed off with answers such as the ones you got..
What bugs me is when they are faced with an issue that is not on their script..They get flustered and sometimes belligerent..As technician I have had to remind a CSR that essentially they work for the customer and by extension work for me...If in the future you have any further issues mentione the "executive departmant" and that usually gets people hopping...You may have gotten them when you spoke to the Denver call center.
salsadancer7 said:
Now, maybe someone will correct if I am wrong, but when I had my 211 installed, he decided on using basic rca cables to connect the box to my HDTV. I told him that when I had Adelphia and Directv, they used componet cables for the hd receivers and he said that " there really isn't much difference between the 2 cables, the different color coded cables are just to identify the sound a video cables" .....WTF?!!!:eek:
Holy sh!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

L3.57 Spotted!!!!

Charlotte, NC HD LiL's... When???