Taking a hammer to Comcast - Grandma goes on rampage with hammer

Taking a hammer to Comcast - Grandma goes on rampage with hammer, glad we moved away from Northern Va, people there are really some of the lack luster,unintelligent,pathetic souls to ungracefully live on this planet, since shes 75 hopefully we won't be blessed with her presence much longer. Maybe someone will put a Malvo on her head!!!
Taking a hammer to Comcast - Grandma goes on rampage with hammer, glad we moved away from Northern Va, people there are really some of the lack luster,unintelligent,pathetic souls to ungracefully live on this planet, since shes 75 hopefully we won't be blessed with her presence much longer. Maybe someone will put a Malvo on her head!!!

Oh man, you're rough... sniper jokes already?
I had to turn in my cable modem at a nearby payment center once, because of a move. Some old lady right in front of me was just being a bitch to the lady behind the counter--well before we got up there (they only had one window open). I interrupted the old bitty and explained to her that I did not want to stand in line with her--I didn't want to disconnect. I went on to explain that I did not appreciate her Bullsh!t because Time Warner/Commcast sends a handy payment envelope and they do accept checks (she was writing a check!) therefore, she should STFU because she didn't have to be there, whereas I didn't have a choice.

I've never told an old lady to STFU before or since. It was a singular gratifying moment. She was really laying it on thick and just being ruthless. The time warner manager should have had her removed. I would have. I think the other customers appreciated her clamming up, and I know the counter person did. I'm glad I don't have to go in person to pay bills anymore, like I did as a teenager in the Marines.
Good for you Chadzx11, I get so tired of elderly people thinking that they are special "because they are old" or the "I lived through --- crap". I'll be 55 in a couple days and I'll beat you to the polls to vote for a bill that requires elderly to be re-tested every 2 years to see if they are still sane enough to drive--or for that matter be allowed out of thier house. I wish I had been at the Comcast office she pulled that crap, grandma would have required medical attention I can guarantee that
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