I saw a Bravooo and a gratis and a Newgen, Are those clones or new models. One of the websites mentioned a newer model coming out replacing one that now discontinued.What is the newest model out now?
Rick Caylor says that the Ultra has been discontinued.
rickcaylor said:I do also know that the Ultra is no longer going to be produced, so once the current inventory is gone, I will be down to just the Premium PLUS, unless they come out with something else that they have not told me about. I still have quite a few of them for now though.
Ok..That answers my question. Much thanks.Blindowl, yes, the markup is probably huge. I've seen people say that the Openbox is ridiculously cheap wholesale.
MrFTAman, I haven't heard why it was discontinued.
Billyboy, I have a feeling that all those new models showing up on ebay probably aren't even the same lineage as the AZboxes we know, otherwise we'd have heard about them from other sources. It wouldn't surprise me if they were more similar to the Openbox, though that's just a guess.
And yes, I think the AZbox is the only current box that does 4:2:2. Brian from SatelliteAV has said that he's working on one, but it's slow going because he doesn't want to release something buggy like everybody else.
mr3p, it was on his own forum.
Advantages of the plus:
Front panel display (good to know if the receiver is recording/ can't tell on the Ultra)
2 USB slots, one in front one in back versus only 1 in back of the Ultra.
Menu/ power buttons on front of the premium plus receiver
Dual tuner capability
Scart connection on back of Premium Plus
Remote is much better not as cheap appearing as the Ultra remote.
I'd pick up the Premium Plus over the Ultra any day but that is just my opinion.